At some other point in the summer I got the calling again. War time. I love it and hate it. But this time I didn't come home. Not for about a decade. My thoughts always of her and Jin. Wondering if they were ok. I couldn't poof. Heavy steel shackles held me to the floor of a cold, wet and dark feller of sorts. I tied to get out of it but they were carved with angel warding symbols. Who ever put me here best hope and pray I don't get out. I pull at them a bit more stopping as a sharp pain ran through my head like something was drilled in my skull. There was. It was a round metal thing every few inches or so drilled in my head was metal screws. How did I get here? Where the hell is here? I can't move... I tried angel radio but that made it hurt more.
A few minutes after I woke in this place I could hear footsteps above me. They stated coming down the hard wooden stairs. There before me was who we now call old God. "W-what are you doing?" I asked him. He backhanded me. "You speak when spoken to. You are my prisoner for a while to do as I please. And before you think of calling for help that device on your head will stop that." He grabs a red hot fire poker. "You disobeyed me. I told you to leave that girl alone. Yet here you are." That girl being Leah." I'll never leave her alone. I don't care what you do to me. You wanna hurt me then fucking hurt me. If it makes you feel better." He scoffs and pressed the poker into my chest burning my skin. "Ahhhhhhh!" "Got any other smart remarks?" He asked. I smirked and looked him dead in the eyes." Fuck you." He then started beating me with it and burning me with it as he went along. Trying to hold my screams in fail.
He does this for what seems like hours. By the time he's done I'm laying there bleeding, smelling the burning flesh of my own skin. He leaves me there for a few more decades coming down and torturing me in new ways. Trying to make me obey him and not see her anymore. Yet time after time I told him no. My thoughts still of her yet being in pain. I wanted so badly to hold her. He won't make me break. He can't make me break. No matter how long I stay here. Nobody help me. I'm not cold, I'm empty. Somebody heal me, hold me, make me, know me, hate me. No one can love me. Inside my lonely. Someone won't feel me, show me, make me, know me, I'm not safe. My thoughts went to that. A dark place but I couldn't let him win. Not this time or ever. I felt myself breaking but I sucked it up for her. I took everything he gave me. Two decades of it so far. He'd find new ways to try to break me. He must have gotten board because he left me there for a week of nothing. My breathing Heavy and shallow. I must have passed out at some point.
I woke to being stabbed by my own arc blade. Not lethal. Not yet at least. "Y-you won't break me. Go... a head and keep..t-trying. You'll get no...where. Not now. Not ever. My answer will always be fuck you." I said as my eyes felt heavy I forced myself to stay awake. "You will obey!" He said as he stabbed me again. "Fuck you." I said through gritted teeth. He stabs me again. "Obey!" "NO!" I yelled spitting blood out on the floor along with what poured out of me. My skin was pale from all the blood loss. Yet I fought through it. I had to. I didn't care if I died. I know she'd be safe. Sad but safe. No one can hurt her now. I tried to call to Ishmael but this thing in my head won't let me. Tears threatened to fall but I wouldn't let them.
Another decade passed as he kept trying. Failing and getting more pissed. Every time I'd smirk at him. He eventually got others in to help with the torture. They'd rip pieces of my skin off slowly. Flayed me like a fish. I was weak from everything before. I didn't even scream anymore. I just took it. What ever they wanted they did. When I'd start to pass out they'd dig their fingers in the wounds from the flaying. Making me scream. That's when a loud bang came from upstairs. Before I could process what's going on God and the others had been sent flying by Lucifer. I knew I'd be ok. I don't know what all went down as I blacked out. Next thing I knew I was woken to Ishmael tending to my wounds. Ishmael is my second in command and my most trusted soldier.