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  • Writer
    Jay Ellis
    Jay Ellis
    Hello, my name is Jay Ellis. I am a stay-at-home dad who works part-time in security. My ultimate goal is to eventually create an audio-movie experience with my main story "The Bridging World". Due to a busy life, posting can be inconsistent at best, but I'm working on improving my day-to-day schedule to allow for more time to write.
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The Bridging World | Vol. 01: Catalyst

In the deteriorating realm of "The Bridging World," where connections to other worlds waver unpredictably, a beleaguered human colony fights for its existence. Stranded without a means to return to Earth, the colony clings to survival through the harsh realities of hunting and scavenging. Yet, when a town from Earth materializes unexpectedly, offering lifelines of precious resources, a spark of hope is reignited.

A scavenging crew is sent into the newly arrived town to gather its resources. Optimistic at first, they soon become ensnared in a deadly game of survival. Another group of survivors, calling themselves the Order of Stygian, arrive with similar intentions. Ruthless and disinterested in the lives of others, the Order lays claim to the Earthly town, sparking a violent confrontation over the precious resources it holds.

Amidst the turmoil, questions loom over the nature of The Bridging World itself. What mysteries lie concealed within its shifting boundaries, and is escape merely an illusion in its relentless grasp? And what about the rumors of a shadow known only as the Unknown King?