I waited patiently for the verdict to be read out loud by the judge. I was nervous and couldn't take my eyes off the bench in front of me. All you can see from the back are the lawyers scribbling notes in their files, waiting for their clients to get to the top of the list.
"The defendant is...."
The moment of silence before the truth was revealed was unbearable. The judge continued, "Not Guilty!"
The courtroom sighed as the intensity ended. They knew it wasn't me. They believe me. Despite the shaky alibi I have, there is still no case against me. I am free to leave. I should be happy, yet somehow...I feel uneasy.
The person who killed him is still out there and now, the police have no idea who it may be. Everybody believed I did it, but the jury obviously found some evidence that proved that statement to be false. It seems like I need to start over. I need to move on.
"It's okay. You're finally done." The girl next to me said. Her words cut through my trance. I stared at her, realising the flaws of her statement. There was something familiar about the girl, I felt as though I had seen her before, although we have never met until this moment. I brushed the thought away and answered her statement. "No..no I'm not done. Not yet. I won't give up until I find out what really happened." The youngster, she appeared to be about thirteen, nodded her head understandingly, sending her dark hair flowing about her face.
The girl turned away before she stood up, preparing to leave the courtroom. I watched as her dark blue dress swayed about her as she walked.
Letting my attention fall back to the courtroom, I watched as the Jury filtered out of their seats slowly making a path through the sea of people leaving to the door. Following my lawyer, I walked out of the courtroom. I followed the lawyer to a quiet corner of the building where I was told to wait until the area was cleared.
After about 10 minutes, I heard footsteps approaching. Turning around, I saw my lawyer. "It's ok. You can go home now" she said understandingly. I nodded, swiftly exiting the room before beginning the journey home.
I had two hours to drive. Putting the miles behind me I thought about the case.