A woman stood at the height of seven foot two, piercing baby blue eyes scanning the surrounding area. A gigantic shadow loomed behind her, her mouth curved into a frown. "DEUS, power us down for the night."
All lights except a bedside lamp went dim. She stood in a large, square room with wooden plated walls to give it more of a homey feel. Small trophies from hunting decorated the walls and floor, a couple of bonsai trees scattered around in plant pots. A large fur carpet took up most of the cold marble panels that were beneath her feet.
Her tense shoulders dropped as she changed into her sleeping wear for the night. That's when eyes found themselves wandering to a mantlepiece on the left-hand side.
Her and another young woman stood still, basking in their eternal youth. Hazel eyes had found baby blue ones, and long black hair contrasted the blonde of the other, which was untidy and swept over one piercing eye.
A sigh escaped the woman's lips, eyes tearing themselves away from such a sight.
She made a step towards the velvet covers, navy blue. The polymer covers and pillow had a grey casing, which looked black in the dark atmosphere that surrounded her. She reminded herself of the consequences to not sleeping, though little did she care.
She chunked her actions down into small manageable steps now, one foot moving after the other. As she arrived to the bed she did indeed sit down, lamp being turned off as she pulled herself under the covers. It took her a mere minute to begin a light sleep.
And then, she woke up in a sweat. Hours had passed, she had been tossing and turning in the night. At least, whatever night was. She could've sworn she would stop sleeping soon if this were to continue.
An arm wrapped itself around the woman, who laid on her back. "Hey, hey. You're okay Mira, you're okay."
The one who spoke sounded feminine, soothing a rather distraught Mira. She sounded as if she was from Ireland, whilst Mira sounded Russian. "You don't know that."
'Way to shut down the conversation, Mira.' A voice niggled at the back of her mind.
"You are so stubborn sometimes, lass," Mira was tempted to roll her eyes. "Take some deep breaths, alright? With me. In for three out for four."
Mira inhaled, listening to the sound of the other woman's counting and talking as she did exactly as instructed. "One, two, three. One, two, three, four."
It was rather soothing to hear this woman's voice. "Thank you, Felicity. I really appreciated that."
"You wanna talk about what happened?" Felicity offered her touch again, but Mira swatted her hands away.
"Just echoes of the past." Mira shrugged nonchalantly. She turned onto her side, facing away from Felicity.
"Lass... you remember what you said to me when we first got together?" Felicity sighed.
"That I would protect you." Mira shook her head, a begrudging sense of denial radiating from her. The seven foot woman reminded herself of their power dynamic, or did that only apply when they were in bed together?
"What else did you say?" Felicity's long, messy hair of brown scattered around her head and neck.
"I'd also be truthful with you, and I'd be willing to share my life with someone new once more." Mira huffed, a defeat creeping in as realisation hit her like a truck.