
  • 作者
    Sean Abaddon
    Sean Abaddon
    I write daily on several different websites and this is the newest one. I am fourteen and finishing up middle school! I am into writing different things. I write most of my raft drafts on Google docs. I am totally in love with music. You can usually find me on most social medias. My name is Jem Hayden. I am open to any questions. I am also a Youtuber...
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Complete Silence

This is a boyxboy ,gay, story. Just beware. There is mild language, abuse, young adults with children, and a minor kiss. 

This is pretty much my raft draft of the story. I edit and add more to it all the time on Google docs. It helps me decided how to actually get ideas flowing.  That is the link->


I'd help if you want to ever just leave suggestions and talk to me. I am open to anything.

Silence Trilogy. [Book 1]

             Thanatos Jay, or informally known as Thor, never really leaves his scarred places. His home. Everything is done for him by random strangers. He is a mute. As Thor rots away in his family mansion, Jasam is taking care of two boys. Jasam is only seventeen taking care of his three year old son and brother. Its not easy, he will tell you, but I wouldn't change it for the world cause, hon, they are my world. Jasam loves both of the kids with his heart but he knows one day they will grow up and leave him. He doesn't know what he will do. Jasam tells his brother all these things he wants to do but will never get the chance to do because he just can't afford it. Jasam is your classic bad boy with baggage. And Thor is your classic rich person's ignored kid.