
  • 挑戰者
    挑戰者 Rfrog27挑戰者 SorrelAlexander挑戰者 ♡_Otoño_♡挑戰者  Ashy_Haze挑戰者 ♡geni♡挑戰者 RampantStrawberry挑戰者 Jazzy_TheAuthor挑戰者 Fluffy_挑戰者 Jena Owens挑戰者 2ignature Sm1ley-Face挑戰者 Just Mae 挑戰者 Surrealcritter挑戰者 Annie20挑戰者 Loriiii挑戰者 挑戰者  Jada ♡挑戰者 Spadiee挑戰者 MarkTwain2.0挑戰者 Mira挑戰者 Leigui
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Hurtful Words

Tell me, what is the most hurtful thing somebody told you that sticks with you to this day?

It can be anything anyone said to you.

- no guidelines 

- include how you still feel about it and if it still hurts

- winner  depends on likes, so try your best!

- have fun! (pls don't cry on your device while typing it up).

inspired by Thoraya's yt channel. Thanks!

Yeah.. - By Leigui
3 喜歡
128 閱讀
0 留言
This boy in my class - By Loriiii
3 喜歡
124 閱讀
1 留言
your fault - By Mira
4 喜歡
133 閱讀
0 留言
So... Yeah. - By MarkTwain2.0
5 喜歡
182 閱讀
8 留言
篇 22 - By Spadiee
5 喜歡
124 閱讀
6 留言
Insecurities - By Jada ♡
7 喜歡
151 閱讀
12 留言
Said by my so called “friend” - By ♡geni♡
3 喜歡
143 閱讀
0 留言
"You're a victim" - By
6 喜歡
206 閱讀
3 留言
You're a horrible person - By Annie20
2 喜歡
195 閱讀
2 留言
"You'll never graduate." - By Surrealcritter
2 喜歡
213 閱讀
18 留言
Does anyone care about me - By Rfrog27
4 喜歡
251 閱讀
10 留言
A lot, but I’ll write the most hurtful ones. In order. - By Just Mae
4 喜歡
316 閱讀
5 留言
Weight - By 2ignature Sm1ley-Face
5 喜歡
216 閱讀
24 留言
Diabetes :| - By Jena Owens
7 喜歡
189 閱讀
3 留言
you deserved it - By Fluffy_
7 喜歡
175 閱讀
25 留言
篇 10 - By Jazzy_TheAuthor
3 喜歡
175 閱讀
18 留言
My cousin said this to me - By ♡geni♡
9 喜歡
235 閱讀
8 留言
dont speak - By RampantStrawberry
8 喜歡
246 閱讀
27 留言
Here is the definition of virtual rape for y’all that are fighting in my comments - By Rfrog27
3 喜歡
274 閱讀
6 留言
The rudest things a kid said to me in Spanish class this week - By Rfrog27
3 喜歡
224 閱讀
6 留言
"I don't think we should hang out anymore" - By Ashy_Haze
5 喜歡
317 閱讀
23 留言
Being loved - By ♡_Otoño_♡
6 喜歡
202 閱讀
56 留言
From last week - By SorrelAlexander
6 喜歡
214 閱讀
16 留言
From an incident that happened when I was ten - By Rfrog27
6 喜歡
308 閱讀
70 留言