Everyone I invite to my parties typically knows that my room is off-limits, but I figured I'd try it anyway. I slowly opened my door to see Raven sitting at the piano in the big open space beside the actual bed area of my room, and playing a beautiful song with Dejen beside her smiling and tapping my guitar with a calm rhythm. He didn't know how to play, but for as long as I've known him, he's wanted to learn but didn't have the time, so he'd kinda just pretend to know.
My eyes panned to my bed where I saw Montégo sitting next to Andre. Montégo was blushing and it made my heart drop. Why was he blushing while talking with him? Could he be more into Andre than me?149Please respect copyright.PENANA72kiVxP4Mt
He looked amazing, though. He was wearing a bright purple mesh crop top with no sleeves and a pink harness that crossed his chest with a black metal ring in the middle of the four straps and it seemed to be glowing a bit? He also wore loose black jeans that looked to have purple and pink paint splattered on them, and he kind of looked like he didn't know what to expect. His blush deepened when he noticed my eyes all over his body.
I stepped inside and cleared my throat to sort of announce my arrival. Andre immediately stood and I closed the door,149Please respect copyright.PENANAgVw9KDejlR
"It's so rude for the host to be late to his own party, isn't it?" I laughed softly and Andre and I approached each other and half-hugged, kissing each other's cheeks like how we always greet each other and Raven was soon by my side. When I pulled away from Andre she yanked me into a big hug and I immediately hugged her back. We were best friends and have been for a long time. Since we were both transgender, we bonded fast. She was a witch, so not actually a monster, but definitely someone who was more understanding of us compared to most humans.
"You guys did such a good job, thank you so much."
Andre smiled and nodded while Raven stepped away, speaking in her impressively smooth voice, "We kept your boy here entertained so they didn't run off!" She gestured to Montégo and I turned my attention to him, taking the spot Andre was previously sitting in. Andre, Dejen, and Raven slowly left my room as I struck up a conversation with the beautiful man who was once again in my bedroom.149Please respect copyright.PENANALP4VAkRwbA
"Is that a glow-in-the-dark harness?" I smiled, pointing the pink harness out, and he just nodded.149Please respect copyright.PENANADqTTIFtwHm
"That's hot." I put my finger through the ring in the middle of the harness and pulled him close, staring at his lips for a few moments before letting his harness go. His face was adorably flushed a dark red and I just wanted to eat him up- or out...
"You look good in purple, Doc. It's my favorite color." He stumbled over his words with a mask of confidence.149Please respect copyright.PENANAv0OOgDcFFZ
I honestly love it when people are so attracted to me that I can tell without them saying anything about it, and with how Montégo looked at my body- I'd have him wrapped around my finger in no time. The only thing is, I don't want him wrapped around my finger. I want him to fall for me, and not because he likes my body. I want him to like who I am on the inside, too.
"I'm glad you like it. I wanted to impress you." I winked and rested my hand on his thigh, feeling his skin heat up below my palm.149Please respect copyright.PENANAKcRPlVw79i
He paused for a moment, looking as if he was thinking about something. I just smiled and waited.
"You know, you're really cold. Almost like a vampire."149Please respect copyright.PENANAdmSlLOuMvo
My eyes widened and I pulled my hand away from his thigh.
"What? Um, I'm anemic, sorry." I let out an awkward laugh, "Are you just noticing that I'm cold?"
"Well, no, my body is naturally really warm so I don't notice cold all that much, but I noticed when you pulled my harness. Your knuckles felt really cold." He explained and I nodded
"Well, lucky for you, vampires don't exist."149Please respect copyright.PENANATfKf5lXL4Y
I know it isn't great to start off a relationship with lies but come on. For all I know he could be an incredibly sexy hunter. I can't risk my life and my friends' lives over someone I just met.149Please respect copyright.PENANAa9cr6MC4vX
Montégo laughed hesitantly, not sounding exactly like someone who agreed with the idea of vampires not existing.
I found myself leaning into him until my nose was nearly touching his neck, and I took a deep inhale, smelling every scent that lingered on him.149Please respect copyright.PENANADgMv8LNygF
"Do you have a dog..?" I blurted the question without really thinking. Under the soap, deodorant, and cologne, he smelled like a dog, and that scent only stuck to dog owners and...
"No, I don't have any pets right now."
Werewolves.149Please respect copyright.PENANAijt1iV1AB4
Maybe he knew some, and they were close friends of his.149Please respect copyright.PENANAZc5LCUo5V0
Or, worse- maybe a werewolf marked him. That'd be awful news.149Please respect copyright.PENANARvAJmZ4vND
All I know is there's no way in hell he's a werewolf. I can't be into a werewolf as a vampire, that'd be plain stupid.
"Hm. Do you wanna go downstairs and actually party now?" I asked, to which he nodded hesitantly.149Please respect copyright.PENANAVuNO1Z8wh8
I stood up and offered Montégo my hand, which he gratefully accepted and held onto before standing. I found myself laying kisses on his shoulder and upper arm as we walked downstairs, his arms shaking and his formerly free hand now gripping the railing.149Please respect copyright.PENANAu1d1RbVGkd
"You know," He spoke as we neared the bottom of the staircase, "your friend said she's a practicing witch. I think that's cool, right? Do you ever practice?"
"Um, occasionally. I'm not one to worship deities so I'd have to work with the universe and my spirit guides, but I just don't have the time to communicate with ghosts or learn the cycle of the moon. I'm a pretty busy person."
"Yeah," He laughed, "I'm sure hooking up with strangers is really time-consuming."
"I like your laugh, it's real cute." I looked him in his eyes as I traced kisses over scars and tattoos on his upper arm. It was darker down here, but with the way his skin heated up against my lips- he was definitely happy with the compliment.
I looked away when Dejen walked up to us, handing us both red solo cups and muttering, "Trust me, you'll love it."149Please respect copyright.PENANAhxmwOTxv2h
I downed the contents immediately and let out a sigh of relief when I noticed my drink had a bit of blood mixed in. I've been craving it for days now but the hospital has been understaffed so I didn't have much time to feed. Hard to get your hands and fangs on blood when you're saving lives.149Please respect copyright.PENANA9M8hSZkUms
I looked at Montégo and saw him smelling his drink with a grimace, "You gonna drink that?" I asked, honestly needing to get drunk soon.149Please respect copyright.PENANAtopaDOKrxJ
He shook his head and handed the cup to me and I took a sip and continued walking around the party. I noticed more people making out and touching each other on my couch and, although I'm not into watching that stuff, I was aroused fast. I wanted that to be me and Montégo- making out and tracing our hands, lips, and tongues all over each other's exposed bodies in front of everyone at a party- that would be so fun. I can only imagine how flustered he'd get. 149Please respect copyright.PENANAUlKoKuuSHS
I glanced at Montégo and noticed his situation becoming increasingly similar to mine. He looked shocked at first, then more curious, and I can't really tell what he's feeling now, but I can see the growing tent in his pants.149Please respect copyright.PENANA8gULrAp9rg
I smiled and wrapped my arm around his hips, leading him to the kitchen where we sat at the table, looking at all the food set up.149Please respect copyright.PENANApwhadjjvua
I was really proud of Dejen. It must've taken a lot of work and time to do all this, but he still did it and did a wonderful job. I grabbed a deviled egg from a tray and tossed it into my mouth, chewing as I watch Montégo eyeing the cupcakes. I swallowed and leaned closer to him to get his attention,149Please respect copyright.PENANAgUGY3yBf09
"Want me to feed you a cupcake?" I smirked as his face flushed
"I can feed myself!" He huffed and looked away. I grabbed him a chocolate-vanilla swirl cupcake with dark purple icing and folded the cup down a little, bringing it to his mouth and gripping his thigh,
"Come on, baby, no one else is in here. Eat up." I said, getting his attention. When he looked back at me I gently pressed the icing against his lips, leaving a purple smear on his mouth,149Please respect copyright.PENANAhy3Ta4t6x7
"Show me what that mouth of yours can do!" I grinned as his face managed to become an even darker shade of red. He snatched the cupcake from my hand and licked the icing off while I gently massaged his inner thigh, inching my hand closer to the warmth of his groin. Soon I was actually massaging his bulge.149Please respect copyright.PENANAF7hE4B1fvz
"Are you okay with this?" I asked, needing consent. He nodded quickly.149Please respect copyright.PENANAUTOnRCcFet
"Words, babe. I need you to say it."
"Y-yes," He stammered, grinding against my still hand, "I like it, Laz."
"Good boy," I smiled and continued my massaging. I loved feeling him grow harder and bigger under my hand and eventually found my hand inching to the zipper of his pants and unzipping it quickly, reaching my hand into his pants and now massaging him through only his underwear. His underwear felt thinner than most, almost like it was made of see-through material. That was incredibly hot to imagine.149Please respect copyright.PENANAqSDytajlFT
He continued eating and I continued massaging, leaning in towards his neck and covering it in kisses.
To be continued...
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