24th June 2022
Objective: Mission Leise. Find and assassinate the ‘Arzt’.
Agent Aurora location: Near SinoMed head office, Guangzhou, China
“We’re approaching our target. Get ready to jump,” Abby announced through Dawn and Arnaud’s earpieces.
The heli was flying around the SinoMed skyscraper. Our two operators were in dark-armoured uniforms. They also wore a dark helmet with head-up display. A highly technological glass attached to it, in front of the wearer’s eye.
“I’m detecting one, no two guards on the rooftop!” Dawn replied, zooming in on the roof with the helmet.
Dawn turned around. Arnaud was on his seat and looked down. Dawn sighed silently.
“Get ready to jump. Plan is simple, we jump, pull the parachute out, use the grapple belt, and we climb up in all discretion,” Dawn explained.
Arnaud looked up. “I’m nervous about this…”
Dawn just stared and didn’t know what to do. She looked back at the building, now from the other side.
“Help him up! You need him for this mission. Come on Dawn!” Abby insisted via the earpiece.
If apologising wasn’t enough…
Dawn approached her colleague and kneeled in front of him. Arnaud looked at Dawn.
“First mission is always stressful for a recruit…”
“Were you, stressed too?” Arnaud asked. Dawn looked on his side.
“Yes! Say you were! It’s called strategic morale-boosting!” Abby explained to Dawn.
More like crude lying! Not bothered with either…
“Sure I was…” Arnaud looked to his feet. Dawn became a bit impatient.
“You gotta hurry! It’s quite suspicious that a heli is flying around, and that their camera systems are suddenly offline!” Abby alerted.
Dawn sighed again. Arnaud looked at her. She looked back. “I’m gonna, learn you a simple trick to calm down… Count to four, inhale. Count to four, exhale.”
Arnaud started mumbling to himself, closing his eyes. Dawn stood up again.
“It’s working! I’m feeling better. Thank you!” Arnaud exclaimed. Her colleague turned around and threw him his parachute.
“Put that on and get ready.”
The two stood on the edge of the heli, ready to jump. Dawn made a sign with her head, and there they both went.
The two flew down a bit, arriving out of sight of the roof guards. Both pulled their parachute out and manoeuvred around.
Grapple time… Dawn thought, and she activated her second tool. The grapple planted itself deeply in the concrete flange at the top. Dawn then got rid of the parachute, dropping it in the void.
Now, Where is the other… She thought while looking around. Arnaud appeared behind her, turning in circles.
“Hey!! I think I forgot that grappling hook!” He whisper-shouted.
Dawn facepalmed. “It’s in your belt! Just press that button and aim upwards before you’re out of range!”
Arnaud inspected his belt and found the button. His grapple went up and planted itself next to Dawn’s.
Arnaud got near Dawn, but his parachute fell all over him.
“Ahh, help me! How do you retract this thing!?” Arnaud said in panic.
“You understand what I mean?” Dawn asked Abby. Abby saw everything through Dawn’s helmet camera. Abby never responded.
“Just drop it in the void! Unclinch the security belts!” Dawn ordered. Arnaud was still struggling. Dawn sighed and moved to him before removing the parachute herself. Arnaud grinned awkwardly.
“You’ll be dead before you notice if you don’t get your shit together! It’s vital for both of us! If the mission fails because of you, then I’ll come kill you in Hell, over and over again!” Arnaud just nodded.
Dawn made a sign with her hand and the two started walking up the building. After a minute, they arrived at the rooftop.
Dawn gave an order to stay still with her hand. Then she carefully peeked over the flange. They’re not here, good.
Dawn climbed up. She was on the roof now, hidden behind an air vent. Arnaud joined her shortly after.
“I saw the door to go down on the right, there,” Arnaud whispered while pointing. Dawn pushed his arm down.
“Okay, but be discreet. Reach it, and we go through,” Dawn ordered. Arnaud nodded and sneaked past another air vent, but suddenly…
“嘿, 你! 不要动!” One guard shouted. Arnaud turned to his side. A Chinese guard approached him, pointing his gun to him.
And fuck! Gotta help him before he kills him… Dawn thought. She sneaked around her air vent and went the other way around. She came across some pipes, but before being able to climb over them, she saw the other guard approaching the scene.
“这是怎么回事?” He shouted to his colleague, walking to them.
Dawn checked her arm monitor for translation. What’s going on? Okay… Cool add-on. Now act!
The other guard didn’t stop staring at Arnaud, who started to become nervous.
“Eh, me, no enemiee! Ni hào, ping, pong? Non?”
Dawn crawled over the pipes, but the metallic noise was loud. The second guard turned his head, but she could hide on time behind another air vent.
“我们会把他带到伊瑟曼。他会知道该怎么做。” The guard near Arnaud mumbled. Bring him to Iseymann, he know what to do… Not perfect, but good enough. And he confirmed our target’s presence.
Let’s not lose more time Dawn. You’re playing with someone’s life. Someone you don’t like at all, but there are consequences if he, dies…
“Dawn, move please!” Abby whispered. Dawn jumped and made noise by hitting the air vent. The other guard turned around and held his gun ready. He approached Dawn’s area.
Thank you, Abby! Really helpful today! Dawn sneaked around the vent as she noticed the guard to her right. She managed to get behind him.
Go on, you had to, soon or late… Dawn took her knife, and planted it in the guard's neck, all in silence. She stared at it for a moment. Death… Is so quick… It seems so harmless. I wonder if he like, felt anything, just before falling…
“你来吗? 你必须开门!” The remaining guard shouted. Dawn turned around abruptly, but didn’t see him. She checked her translate tool. You coming, you must open door… Oh, I will. Hang on.
Dawn saw keys attached to the guard’s belt, and took them. She then turned around and headed to the other guard. Arnaud was still desperately holding his hands up.
“你现在来或—” before he finished talking, the guard fell dead to the ground, right in front of Arnaud.
“Merde…” Arnaud mumbled. He saw Dawn approach and took a step back, almost falling off the building.
“Woah, ain’t dying like that… That’d be lame…” Dawn said, pulling her colleague back on his feet. She looked in his eyes, then back to the body. She stared at it, piercingly, without blinking.
“Ehh, D-Dawn, ehem, Aurora? Are you, alright?” Arnaud hesitantly asked. Dawn left her trance, but didn’t make eye contact.
“Yeah yeah, I’m cool. Let’s head down.” Dawn turned around and walked a couple metres. She looked over her shoulder at Arnaud. “And ehm, just say, Dawn… Operator-names, not too much of a fan…”
Dawn walked over to the rooftop door. Arnaud followed her. “So you’re only cool with, Dawn?”
Arnaud endured a nasty look of Dawn. She turned the key without losing eye-contact. Arnaud smiled. “See!”
“See what?”
“If I had said that on the first day we met, you would’ve probably strangled me!”
“Why spend energy on that now when there’s a considerable amount of chance you will, expire in the coming hour?” Both walked down the stairs, into the building. The stair hall was dark. Dawn activated her flashlight.
“And also thanks for saving me earlier, from that, guard…”
The two arrived in a hall with a corner going left. Dawn checked it first. No danger spotted.
“I still need you as a meat shield if the situation doesn’t go as planned…” Dawn replied, checking the little hall. The outer wall was made out of glass.
“You really made me appreciate dark humour! Or maybe, Dawn-humour in general!” Arnaud joked.
Dawn ticked against a camera in a corner. It was still deactivated by the WSC’s cyberattack. She turned back and saw an elevator door on her left.
“Arnaud, I’m gonna ask you something very important… Can you please concentrate on the mission, and only speak when necessary?” Dawn pinched her eyes afterwards. “And can you check if the elevator’s working?”
“Alright chief!”
“Dawn, sorry…”
Dawn looked through the glass wall. She looked at all the city lights, the nearby skyscrapers, the coast far-away. She noticed something more under her.
A balcony. Who else than the CEO would have a balcony? Dawn thought. She turned around and saw Arnaud try to open the elevator.
“Ugh, it’s not opening, and neither is the panel working! What do we do now?” Dawn pointed behind her. Arnaud approached the window and looked down.
“We’ll grapple our way down and go further from there. Take a step back…” Dawn ordered. She took her silenced pistol and shot several times in one glass part, breaking it. A humid breeze came in.
Then, Dawn planted her grappling hook in the elevator door and was ready to walk down the building once more.
“I’ll go check if it’s safe first. You wait here,” she ordered. Arnaud nodded.
Dawn went down, step by step. The rest of the building didn’t have glass walls. At some point she turned upside down and wanted to peek through the windows of the balcony, five metres above the ground.
Large desk only a megalomaniac would buy… Personal bar, bottles of alcohol from all over the globe… A little couch place, to drink coffee with his ‘friends’, or discuss important, ‘dossiers’ with the secretary… All black and white, that’s a plus though…
Dawn stared all inside. She was so busy analysing the office that she only noticed a guard walk on the balcony when the sliding door opened.
Dawn immobilised herself, wanting to reach for her pistol, but the holster wasn’t closed well, and the weapon fell in the void. Her only firearm. Well shit…
The guard leaned on the railings of the balcony, staring around. Clearly he didn’t notice me…
Dawn turned her head up. Arnaud saw the whole scene.
“Oh gosh, what do I do? Of course I can’t communicate!” Arnaud complained.
I do hear you! You left your radio on! I just can’t reply! Not that I want to, except in such situations…
So, if I turn around, that will make too much noise. If I go down, that will make too much noise. Throwing my knife isn’t a guarantee… Hmm… Dawn looked up and sighed in herself. Gonna have to rely on his, improvisation. Ugh!
“Sh-should I pull her up? O-or shoot the guy? Ughh, it’s far though…” Arnaud said hesitantly.
I’d go with option one, idiot! Argh hearing him speak non-stop without being able to silence him is some real torture…
“What to do, what to do! Aahh, the more I stress, the more I talk to myself!”
If that was true, I could probably produce electricity by all the stress I’m processing…
“And even before meeting her I wasn’t aware people did that!”
Jeez man, I can’t be the only one to do it! Where did you grow up? The garden of Eden for extroverts?
“Or it might be contagious!”
Stop talking to yourself and pull me up, moron!
“Stop now, Arnaud. Stop talking to yourself. You must act!”
Thank y— Wait wha—
Arnaud started carefully pulling Dawn up via the grapple’s cable.
“Took you some time to figure it out…” Dawn told her teammate. She insolently took his pistol from his holster, aimed down, and shot the guard before handing it back.
“Eh, wow!”
“Just doing my job, now we go back down. He’s the only one there…” Dawn ordered, and she climbed down again. Arnaud followed her.
The two landed on the balcony and entered the office. No one was around.
“So, we just wait?” Arnaud asked.
“They should be meeting here soon, but we still have time to search for documents about 12B. I’ll check the desk, you do the rest.”
Dawn observed the large, dark-metallic desk. Laptop, papers, picture of his family… Look in the drawers first.
Dawn opened all drawers and searched through them, but nothing interesting to be found. The last drawer she wanted to open was locked. Dawn took her knife and forced it. On top was a grey document that caught her attention.
Streng Geheim! German I guess, Isermann’s language… Translates to ‘top secret’. Dawn took a quick look inside. 12B… Projekt 12B. Perfect…
“Got some documents!” Dawn told Arnaud who was standing behind the bar. She put the file in her inside pocket. “Now we wait for Is—”
The two heard a door close, then footsteps and vague mumbling. Arnaud looked at Dawn.
“W-we shoot them?” Arnaud asked hesitantly. Dawn was thinking.
“No! I wanna hear what they will talk about…”
“Dawn, that wasn’t the plan!” Abby reacted out of nowhere, making Dawn jump slightly.
“We wanted info about 12B? They might give it! Now hide!”
Arnaud looked around as the voices came closer. He hid behind the bar, next to two boxes of beer.
Dan looked around too and noticed a sliding armoire with several suits in. She hid in it and looked through the wood. Let’s hope I can fade well in those dark suits…
The door of the bureau opened, and two men walked in. Pujang wore a black suit, Isermann had a light-blue shirt and black pants. They walked towards the desk.
“I need more funds for the research on the side effects of 12B, Seth. It is still in an experimental phase! We cannot take the risk to use it on us for now!” Pujang explained. Isermann put a cigarette in his mouth.
“We have trouble finding your high-profile samples. All of them died! Mysterious, right?” The men looked at each other.
“They were all weak! Weak! Weakness roams the streets! And what are you insinuating? Do you think I’m not loyal to the NWO’s cause?”
Isermann walked to the ashtray on one end of the desk, looking down. “You were condemned for tax fraud, several times. Luckily for you, our high-placed contacts could save a part of your reputation. And who put you at the head of SinoMed? The NWO!”
Pujang wiped his glasses off and put them back on, turning to the Arzt. “The shareholders are getting worried after we closed our medical factory in Hong Kong. Many already left. We lose money every day! What are you even planning to do there?”
“None of your business… It’s all about money, with you… You shouldn’t worry about the shareholders. See it as, a sacrifice for our cause. You’ll get new samples, but we want results for next trimester. And for the rest, I’ll talk about it with Cesario.”
Shame I lost my damn gun! They’d be down by now, but Arnaud probably doesn’t dare to take a risk!
Dawn saw the two men shake hands. Isermann turned around and went to the door. He’s leaving! Fuck!
Arnaud noticed it too, but as he wanted to stand up, he bumped his head against the bar, making noise.
“Was war das?”
Oh, Arnaud…
Isermann took his pistol and pointed at the bar. Arnaud slowly stood up, hands in the air. Dawn sighed from her position.
“Don’t shoot, please!” Arnaud yelled. He dropped his weapon.
“A WSC operator? They’ve been spying on us!” Isermann exclaimed, making Arnaud walk away from the bar.
“He’d be a perfect sample for the research!” Pujang added, inspecting Arnaud attentively.
“No, I will take care of him first. I’ll send him later, if he survives…” Isermann grinned. Arnaud gulped.
“B-but there might be more! They never go alone! Or, rarely!” Pujang worried.
“Did you come alone? Antwort!” Isermann hit Arnaud in the face, but he remained silent.
He’s not snitching me, good… I have a chance to fix the situation then…
Isermann turned back to Pujang. “Call off the alarm and find me all other operators. I’m leaving to the south. Auf wiedersehen, Lu.”
Isermann pushed Arnaud and both left the room. Pujang stood there worrying. He rushed to his desk and reached for a hidden button underneath it, activating an alarm.
Gonna complicate a bit more, the moment he turns around…
Pujang took his pistol and looked around his desk intensively. He then turned his head at the armoire and slowly approached it.
“They can be, everywh—”
The door slid open slowly. Dawn wasn’t visible yet.
Now or never…
As soon as it opened more, Dawn got out by punching Pujang in the face, then hit his leg, making him fall. He dropped his gun.
Dawn gave him another blow, then pulled her knife, and finished him.
That was him… Now gotta find that idiot back, before they—
“Dawn! Hurry before they leave! You must free Arnaud, quickly!” Abby ordered through the radio.
“Okay, okay! I planned to!”
“You must find th-them, o-rr Iserrr- ma, ww-i-l-ll disap—”
“Abby, Abby I can’t hear you clearly! Abby!”
Only radio-silence came out of her radio.
“And shit!” Dawn said, looking around. Gotta spot them inside the building still, before they vanish in the city.
Dawn looked back at the balcony and had an idea. She took Pujang’s pistol and ran outside. She clinched her grappling hook to the railings and went down again.
As she just got under the balcony, she heard a door burst open and several voices. Just on time…
Dawn continued going down, until the maximum length of her grappling hook stopped her.
Dang it! What now? Hurry Dawn… Dawn looked around and saw a little open window at her left. She moved towards it and climbed through the frame.
Dawn landed in a bathroom, in a toilet cabin. She heard someone whistle, then a sink go on. Dawn peeked through the cabin’s door and saw a guard wash his hands.
Dawn slowly moved behind him, and when he looked up in the mirror, before he could turn around, Dawn had shot him. She passed the exit door and arrived in a large hall, stretching from both ends of the building, with large windows.
“Abby, do you copy now?” Dawn waited, but no response came. She sighed.
On her left were the elevator doors. Dawn noticed one was going down. Maybe it’s Isermann… Seems to go slowly. The quicker I’m on the ground, the better…
Dawn forced the emergency door next to it, and accessed the maintenance ladders. As she stood on the edge of a deep pit, the elevator itself passed by her.
Jump! Dawn thought, and she did. She noticed the emergency hatch on the metal box and opened it. A confused guard looked at her and was about to point his weapon up, but Dawn shot him faster. She got in the lift and went down.
I must be fast, Isermann is probably about to leave. Goddammit Abby, we didn’t need radio-static right now…
The elevator made a ‘ping’ sound and stopped moving. The doors slid open. Dawn was at the reception hall on the ground floor. It was dark, large with pillars in the middle.
A guard walked by to look in the elevator, but was greeted with a bullet. Suddenly the alarm went off. And shit… Dawn rushed out and noticed the reception desk on her left. On her right were two guards pointing at her.
Run… Dawn dived over the balcony, barely dodging the enemy fire. She looked up and shot back twice. One was hit in the leg.
Can’t lose time here! I gotta leave, or more will come!
The noise of a car caught her attention from outside. A black van passed by the street. Gotta be the Arzt. I gotta contact the heli!
Dawn looked back at the guards. They were approaching a pillar. On it, she noticed a fire extinguisher and shot it. The guards were stunned by all the foam and the loud noise.
Grab your chance… And Dawn rushed to the glass exit door. She shot the glass, but it resisted. Dawn then threw her helmet at it, making the glass collapse, and creating a passage for her to leave. People passing by started to panic and rush away hysterically.
There goes the stealth… Dawn didn’t care and looked down the street. The van just turned left. Dawn ran in that direction.
“Dawn, Dawn do you copy!” Abby’s voice reappeared.
“Abby! Isermann’s fleeing in a black van! Get the heli and the radars over the south-western part!” Dawn ordered.
“Sigh, okay I’ll alert them. Black, van…”
“Yes I know it’s not very nuanced, but I was busy dealing with some meanies!”
Dawn arrived at the intersection and looked left. The large road was filled with cars.
“You get my coordinates? They went on this street! Search around here!” Dawn said to Abby.
Dawn looked up and heard the WSC helicopter fly above her. Dawn followed it from the sidewalk.
“Black van spotted. Turning right in another street, heading south,” the pilot announced. Dawn received the heli’s camera view on her arm monitor.
“It’s the right one, we can’t lose it now,” Dawn replied.
“Sending its coordinates…”
Dawn received them. It’s heading to the port looks like… Hopefully they don’t take a boat… She looked up, around her, then to her left in a side-street. She ran into it. Gotta navigate faster, and stealthier. All those weird glares at me…
Dawn activated her grapple belt and got on top of an old apartment building. From there she moved via the rooftops.
A quarter later, Dawn made it to the city edge. She grappled on one last rooftop. Those things aren’t made for moving me around at full-speed. Hopefully they’ll still work…
But there we have it, the port. Dawn thought, looking at it.
“Dawn! The van stopped moving. You were right, they headed for the port. Where are you now? Oh, gosh you’re already there! How fast are you?”
“Grappling’s my thing I guess… Now listen, Abby. I go there, I find Arnaud and Isermann, I kill one of them and mission complete! Aurora, out,” with a grin.
Dawn got on a transport road towards a container storage. Next to her was a rusty fence and several hangars. Her arm monitor showed the van’s coordinates in one of them.
She climbed over the fence and approached the hangar’s wall. She found a backdoor.
“Dawn, I have a bad feeling about this…” Abby announced.
“You want me to safe him or not?” Abby was silent for a moment.
“Be careful then… I’ve already asked for backup from the HQ, they’ll be there in max two hours.”
Too long for me, I’m going now… Dawn thought and she entered the hangar.
It was dark. Dawn tried to look around. In front of her were fuel silos. She carefully moved to the left and noticed a stairway going up, connected to a catwalk.
Dawn didn’t pay attention to it and continued forward. She arrived at the end of the fuel silos and peeked to see the rest of the room.
Too calm here, would’ve heard Arnaud talk already…
Dawn then noticed a small jet in the middle of the room. And behind it was…
The black van! B-but that m— Dawn stiffened and realised something. She wanted to turn around, but everything became black. Dawn fell to the ground.
“Dawn? Dawn! Dawn, do you co—” Abby said, but the radio got crushed by a boot.
“Schick sie ins Labor nach Graubünden. Sie ist eine, gute Probe.