
Notes from October 2023


Someone said if they are crazy enough to slander him and flash lights at him 

Someone said by the time they investigate him

Someone said not evil enough to complain about flashing lights shut your mouth 

Someone said its nothing personal but if he freaks out 

Someone said you have to be careful not to overdo it, I believe referring to tactics that mimic psychosis, if there were people trying to break my concentration it sounds like they were definitely overdoing it

After i said they think it's lights of other colors, a woman said going to be put in a mental hospital then

Someone said he Always wears his sunglasses anyway, I believe they told people I had a lack of empathy 

Someone said thats exactly what they do they try to record flashing lights, I believe referring to sex traffickers 

On September 21st 2023 a large group of state police i think walked by my tour group by the river styxs in Howes caverns whispered mafia I thought another said would have lost his mind
Someone there also said later probably a test run
On the road later someone said now that we know there are not people flashing lights at him

Someone said in september 2023 there is still time to execute him

On September 2023 one woman said after I complained to myself in my car about my passenger seat light that kept coming on, I told you he was a lunatic 

Someone in September 2023 said all we know about him is people are flashing lights at him 

Someone said in september 2023 the cops are watching him

Someone in September 2023 said he might be a faggot but he's not a sex trafficker 

Someone said in september 2023 eventually the people flashing lights get executed, i belive refering to how this hit is set up, you would probaly have to ignore it

Someone said those people are definitely lying, referring to me acting pathetic. I believe other people would say that's what happens when you do evil

Someone said he's lucky the people flashing lights are so retarded 

Someone said in september 2023 those are very evil people he has to be kidnapped

Someone in Walmart said in september 2023 if it wasn't for the fact the women liked him he would be being raped right now

Someone said at Walmarts parking lot ... flash lights at them they are pretty much walking dead people 

Someone said if he somehow.... say traitor to his country 

I also overheard my father talking about what the people slandering me were saying in September 2023, we have to flash lights at him he's a evil psychopath 

On September 26th 2023 when I went to Boston there were a lot of vechicals flashing hazard lights at me, more frequent than on the roads in Western Massachusetts.  I also overheard a Boston cop say if he was a evil psychopath they would have executed him.
In Boston there were also people saying stuff to themselves about me, if I had not known better I would think I was famous.
On the ride home in  Williamsburg Someone said he's definitely not a psychopath don't you ever execute him
Someone also said on the ride home he's definitely not a sex trafficker he wasted his time 

One cop in hadley Said in his car they are going to have to be executed on sep 27th 2023

On Sept 27th the following was said 
Someone said he might get them executed if he records flashing lights in Boston, said than it's nothing to do with them
Someone that worked at Walmart said those are very powerful people knock it off
Someone said if he's having a psychosis episode around flashing lights he's not a nice guy 
Someone said he's not evil the people flashing lights are 

Someone said on the ride home hes definitely not gay, ... there going to be nothing left of them then
Someone said the people flashing lights are in a insanely evil criminal organization 

In Boston on the 26th of September a woman said if it wasn't for ... he would be kidnapped in 2 seconds 
Someone said there must be powerful people protecting him

On Sept 9th 2023 a woman said if hes there target he's going to be licking her ass....
A woman said complain about flashing lights you will be braindead lunatic 
Someone said there are some very evil people taking over then, referring to me being their target I think 

On September 30th 2023 
The following was said at Walmart and it's parking lot
Someone said if they weren't so sure it was a coincidence they would have executed him
Someone said he's going to be kidnapped in a few months anyway
Someone said he's not going to waste a hit..
Someone said are you sure he's our target 

I thought a cop driving by said if he's smart enough to survive...

Someone said in late september 2023 no wonder people are flashing lights at him he raped a baby 

Someone said if he freaks out rubber room
Someone said they almost arrested him but he wasn't having a psychosis episode

Someone said they have a super genius anyway

Someone said squidward is definitely not being executed, referring to the nickname people gave me for Yelling squidward and was put in a mental hospital. It's possible there were people trying to manipulate powerful people to do a hit on me 
A woman at Walmart said strong willed enough we will kidnapp him. Why these women wouldn't want a weak willed sex slave I don't know
Someone at Walmart said he's having a psychosis episode anyway, I believe trying to convince people to do a hit on me

On the ride home someone said they squidward... they don't even know he's the same guy
Someone said well then the most retarded criminal organization in history...

Someone said those people watched him grow up

Someone said crazy enough to bad mouth those people 

Someone said he shouldn't have any empathy left 

Someone said he's definitely not a retard.... flashing lights for years 

On October 2023 someone on the road said they are definitely in a criminal organization It went on too long 

This was said shortly after I took my sunglasses off
Someone said if he's not a psychopath they are getting tortured to death
Someone said we finally know he's not evil keep mouth shut wait for them to be executed 

Someone said shortly after I mentioned flashing lights to myself it's safe to tell people he raped a baby, someone said thats the signal 

Someone said there were some very evil people flashing lights purposely trying to get him...
Someone said they were part of some other...

Someone said our target is hiding 

Someone said he's definitely not a retard and mentioned my YouTube channels 

Someone said he would have been arrested those people are definitely in a criminal organization 

Someone on the road said if he wants them executed he needs to shut his mouth 

Someone said they were struggling to convince them he was a retard 

Someone said he's going to be kidnapped in a few months anyway 

A woman in october 2023 said why hasn't he been kidnapped yet
Another woman said he was supposed to be kidnapped 
That day the following was also said
Are you sure he's our target 
Someone said its probably a coincidence if he complains about flashing lights One more time...
Someone said if they were that retarded 

I also remember someone in Boston said it better not be a test run

After I mentioned going to Boston and walking around recording with a go pro someone said that's exactly what they do in a test run

Someone said in Walmarts parking lot driving by its probably a test run he would have lost his mind

Someone said i thought if it's not a test run those are the most walking dead people... 

Someone said they did there best, I believe refering to the people slandering me and helping them convince a group of people or something 

Someone said someone put a hit on squidward, people were flashing lights at him for years anyway 

A woman said lucky there are people flashing lights at him 

Someone said they wouldn't let him record if... talking about cops

Someone said they are blackmailing a lot of people than

Someone said he might be telling the truth about the supergenius, even though 

In September 2023 someone said you have to rip out his Bosley medical implants, referring to my eyebrows 

Someone said they were told they could make him whatever they wanted 
Someone said that's too retarded, I believe in reference to that 

Someone said if... than the whole organization would 

Someone said they might not be in a criminal organization he might be a foreign agent 

There was also a Peter pan bus in springfield flashing lights at me upon my return from Boston 

Someone said if you flash lights at them they are pretty much walking dead people 

After I mentioned flashing lights of different colors to myself in my car someone said well he's not a communist he's just a lunatic 

Someone on october 5th driving by said that's what happens when you do evil
On October 5th 2023 a cop driving by said .... mafia brothels definitely not evil or something similar. Its possible this disrupted these people's form of mind control were they were supposed to think I was a desperate sex trafficker 
That day a woman on the side of the road also said he's going to be arrested in a week

A woman said if there are people flashing lights at him he's going to be kidnapped 

Someone said he's not freaking out but he might be evil 
Someone said about that he might be evil anyway

Someone said sex with his father no wonder it wasn't working, referring to psychopaths slandering me

Someone said someone in his town.. it's likely these people use people in their organization or people they blackmail to convince people of something 

Someone said he might be telling the truth They were very retarded people, referring to them saying I was quoting emperor Palpatine 

Someone said talking about mafia brothels for years definitely not evil, they are blackmailing way to many people...

Someone said if those people have invisable armies, referring to tactics that mimic psychosis 

Someone said in August 2023 it took decades... maybe referring to building this criminal empire

Someone said is he camera shy, these people would make up lies to make people think someone was a sex traffiker, like he goes home at the Crack of dawn, he always looked behind his shoulder etc.

A Walmart employee said they are cop killers anyway 

Someone said they usually freak out referring to flashing lights at people 

Someone said he's 100 percent sure it's a test run

Someone  said he's not broken enough

Someone at Walmart said he's lucky they know he's not acting pathetic or isn't going to 

After I recorded flashing lights of other colors a woman said definitely not evil. Another woman said your a evil faggot anyway 

Someone said the only time they flash lights is right before.. for years definitely .. a criminal organization..

After I said a line from epic rap battles of history couldn't sell Rick James a bag of crack, someone said thats exactly what they do referring to drug addicts they run out and tweak out. Someone said they are going to think he's a drug dealer. 
I thought someone said whatever you say around... flashing lights 

Someone said they were ... minutes away from arresting him

Someone said they originally thought he was a drug dealer, these people take everything you say and do out of context and have other people make up lies about it. for example someone could say he heard him talking to someone named rick james 

Someone said he's going to have to be a psychopath 

Someone working at Walmart said he's not desensitized enough 

Someone said he might be evil but he's not freaking out 

Someone said he might survive 

In Boston on October 9th 2023 as I was walking around the following was said, a cop in Boston said going to be licking women's ass..... soon anyway 
Someone said well they are not mafia cops 
A cop in his car said probably a communist or (S)
I thought another cop said later the cops in springfield would have..
Someone said going to be kidnapped in a month anyway 
Someone said waiting for him to make his move
Someone said he was not supposed to know they could read his mind
One woman said he's definitely not getting kidnapped he's telling radical leftists... which was a lie
Someone said he might be a retard but he's not a faggot 
One woman in Boston flashing lights said have mental issues or something like that 
Someone said he's not worried about that retard figuring it out
A woman said might be a fbi agent 
Someone said once in awhile a fbi agent will..
Someone said they are not cops anyway 
Someone said most people are afraid to record 
Someone said cops said he's definitely not a sex trafficker, if there is some... nothing left of them 
Someone said he's a very evil person anyway 
Someone said their are multiple police departments watching him..
Someone said can still kidnapp him if we convince the cops he's a psychopath 
Someone said If people were flashing lights at him that long... revolution 
One woman said definitely getting kidnapped 
One woman said going to take over the world someday 
One woman said take off those sunglasses so we can see what you look like
Someone said he heard he went to Boston to record lights of different colors or something 
Someone flashing lights said ... sex with...his dad, referring to evil psychopaths slandering me
Someone said if people in Boston are flashing lights It's nothing to do with them
Someone on the bus said he's making it hard to do a hit on him, probably referring to me doing a go pro like 6 hour recorded tour of my entire day in Boston. On the ride on the bus home on the way back as I got off a woman said sorry we thought you were evil
A woman at Cumberland farms said too crazy to be a sex slave 

On the ride home someone said if he was  bothering them they would get ice cold

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