When I met her, I felt my heart racing, my eyes gleaming, and my smile reaching from ear to ear. It seemed like we were made for each other, but our love turned into something we never wanted.
We spent many beautiful moments, filled with laughter and joy, but somehow, we slowly started drifting apart. I didn't know what was happening, and she wouldn't tell me. Everything changed in an instant when I learned the truth.
I soon realized she had betrayed me, and my heart shattered. The pain was unbearable; it felt like everything was collapsing. I tried to understand her, to find a solution, but I realized we no longer existed as a couple.
I tried to forget her, but it wasn't that easy. All I wanted was to go back in time, but we couldn't. Only sadness and pain remained, following me everywhere.
I used to think love was all I needed, that it would give me wings to fly. But I realized failed love hurts more than anything, that sometimes love isn't enough for success.
Time passed, and I slowly recovered. I understood that unsuccessful love is sometimes a part of life. I became stronger, set new goals and dreams. Although the pain is still present, I know it will pass one day.
But sometimes, when the night falls and everything is quiet around me, I remember our love and everything we had together. The pain engulfs me as if it happened yesterday, and I cry in silence, wondering why this happened to me.
Life is strange; it brings us joy and sorrow, gives us everything, and then takes it all away. I'm still grappling with my feelings, trying to understand them, but unsuccessful love remains a lasting wound.
I hope to find someone who will love me sincerely, someone who will accept me for who I am. But until that happens, I will continue to live my life and try to find happiness in small things.