The next morning I woke up with a bed head, I sat up and stretched my arms. Ella was sound asleep next to me, her soft sleeping face made me smile. Pharaoh walked in and stretched his back legs before changing into a human once more. His black hair was parted to the side, but it was still messy as always. His black clothing blended in with the dark atmosphere called my bedroom. The sun light coming through the window made him look like a shadow silhouette of what he was. I jumped off of my bed and finally turned the lights on, he sighed and I giggled.
“ why did you do that” he whined
“ because I wanted to see your beautiful face” I admitted and opened up my drawer making sure not to wake up Ella
“ oh shush Cas, don’t make me fall for you even more” he muttered
“ sorry, Im just a flirt. You’ll have to deal with it” I turned around to face him to be pushed again the drawer
“ yeah, I can’t” he replied and placed both his hands on the drawer not letting me move
“ Pharaoh please don’t do this” I pledded and fondled with my fingers
“ just one Cas” he asked licking his lips
I growled at him, instead of saying yes or no or maybe, I pushed him away from me. His intensions were changing now that he’s falling for me more, I shook my head and fell to the floor. Pharaoh wanted to comfort me, but he was the cause of my demise. I sniffled to hear him walk out of the room, I looked up from my lap and tried to smile for Ella was walking up. I stood up and wiped the tears from my eyes before she could see me like this, she glanced over at me and smiled.
“ morning sunshine” I muttered and walked to her side of the bed
“ morning Cas” she sleepily spoke still trying to wake up
“ how was your sleep” I asked kissing her forehead, licking my lips afterward
“ it was good, its comfy sleeping next to you” she admitted and caressed my cheeks. “ wheres Pharaoh” she asked
“ He went down before us, Im sure where off to” I explained and saw her nod
“ well then, if were going back to the doors of Tartarus then we need to get our energy for the battles ahead of us” she spoke and stood up
She hugged me for a little bit and kissed my cheek before putting on some jeans, I put my sweat pants on and put my hands in my pockets watching as my sweats slowly sag on my waist. Ella giggled as I looked down and then back up at her biting my bottom lip. Her cheeks grew dark, I chuckled and walked towards her. Holding her hand I dragged her downstairs to the kitchen. She ran behind me and laughed all the way, Pharaoh was drinking coffee like he had manners. Ella ruffled Pharaoh's hair and got a cup out, she poured herself some coffee and started to drink from the cup. I waved at Pharaoh who just nodded at me, I got a cup as well and poured coffee into my cup. I looked at it before pouring some milk into it, I smirked at it as I sipped on it.
" so are we leaving right after we eat, or what" Pharaoh asked shaking his hair a bit
" probably, but maybe with to other people" I muttered and glanced at Ella who was swinging her legs back and forth as she sat on the counter top.
" which two" he questioned
" Duncan and Jeremy" I glanced at him who agreed with me on that
" sounds like a plan" Pharaoh nodded
Once we finished drinking our coffee I made breakfast, pancakes? Yeah, thats the only thing I could make, but I did add scrambled eggs onto the plate. I heard Duncan and Jeremy come down, so I told them the plan and they liked the idea of them being allowed in. Taylor was well a prince so if he died Horus would put a curse on me, and I don't know about Dustin and Trevor but their staying here. I told them we were going to have to fight some demons before entering through the doors. They danced a little as I rolled my eyes at them, which made them chuckle. I finished making breakfast, I served all of their plates and they began to eat. I served my plate last and jumped onto the counter top before digging into my pancakes and scrambled eggs. I watched one by one they put their plates in there sink, I quickly finished and put my plate in the sink. I brushed the dirt off of me before laughing nervously, everyone chuckled before changing into their animal forms. They slowly tip toed outside as I put the dishes away. I quickly got my shoes on and ran outside, closing the door behind me.
" lets go guys" I whispered and jumped onto Pharaoh's back
They all nodded and flew into the sky. Pharaoh changed into a dragon and soared into the sky, Ella was on my shoulder cuddling close to my neck for warmth. I glanced over and smiled at her, we went through the tunnel door and away from Egypt. I looked back wondering what my parents would do seeing me gone this morning, I sighed and patted Pharaohs scales. Which made him snort. I started to close my eyes, but I knew that would be a bad idea.
After a long ride over an ocean we came to the forest where the doors were last seen. I had the picture in my head, but I didn't remember where.
" are you sure this was where the doors appeared" Duncan asked
" yes" Pharaoh, Ella and I spoke in unison
" damn, okay then" Jeremy chuckled before looking down at the woods for answers
" sorry that was weird " I spoke and shrugged at them
I followed wherever Jeremy flew, he was looking all over the place. I looked into the distance and saw a dark red door, but it wasn't open this time. I whistled and everyone looked to where I was pointing. Pharaoh nodded and flew towards the door, Duncan and Jeremy followed from behind. We all landed and looked at the door, skeptical about demons and the whole idea of Tartarus in general. I placed my hands on my hips and glanced around me, there were no demons around at all.
" lets not jinx this and get this over with" Jeremy spoke and opened the doors slowly.
We all looked in and there were no demons in sight, we all looked at each other and raised our eyebrows. It was like they were waiting for us.
" this is awkward.." Duncan rubbed that back of his neck
" I think they were expecting us, someone most be up to something." Pharaoh spoke
" Duncan, Jeremy. Hide with me please" I held out my hand and they nodded their heads as they turned into their doll forms
Ella stayed on my shoulder, and Pharaoh turned into his hell hound form. I know being the only one actually walking in wasn't the best idea but hey I wanted to see who it was before killing them. I doors automatically closed behind me, urging me to move forward. I gulped a little and started to move my feet, Tartarus was red and smelled of fresh blood after a murder. I glanced around and found yellow to black to purple eyes looking at me. I breathed slowly and cracked my neck and my knuckles so they would at least back off. I glanced at Ella who was worried for me, I rolled my eyes and found a tall man in font of me.
" well look who that cat dragged in, my niece Casper" the man smiled and had burgundy colored hair but his eyes were black as his probably soul
" uncle Seth" I glared and clenched my fists
" no need to get all angry, and no need to hide your little friends in your pockets" he muttered gesturing to my back pockets
" so what, I don't want them to break" I lied
" of course, and lookie here. One of Persephones hell hounds. Are you having fun with this kitten" he smirked
" How dare you call her a kitten her scum" he growled and barked at the old man
" Pharaoh stop, I just want to talk. Without the paparazzi following us" I gestured to the demons and he nodded
Seth showed me to his domain, more like his huge ass mansion. It felt like he was showing it off to me. I rolled my eyes and let Pharaoh change into a human, Seth didn't respond to well to that.
" you shouldn't let a shape shifter like himself become human, thats why he's falling for you Cas" he spoke
" don't answer him, he's just trying to get under your skin" Pharaoh growled
" well if its true then you'll tell me later, if its not I'll ever regret showing y face to you. And let me ask you this, why are you in Tartarus. Your an Egyptian god, not a Greek god. Or would you like to be one" I asked making him silent
" you have no right asking a god that" he muttered
" oh I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting that to be true" I rolled my eyes and made him stop
He glared at me before parting his lips, " I don't think you came here to make a god mad my dearest, i'll have to give it to you for figuring out part of my plan. And if you want your mother back I'll have to see your attitude change drastically" he spoke back before starting to walk once more.
I chuckled as Ella gave me a glare as well, I pouted and just followed Seth into the mansion. Which by the way had more rooms in it, probably 3 times bigger then the white house. Lets see if the psychopath can get my trust, and vise versa.
A/N: I think cutting this chapter short will make you guys hate me even more. Sorry I can't think right now so please enjoy reading and follow me as well for more stories. That are more gay and beautiful, but right now if you noticed I haven't published any other chapters for any other book I'm writing because I want to get to the 50,000 word count by the end of November, and probably pass it and finish the book. If you all don't mind I have a french test to study for so until next time, Au devoir.