The supernaturals are not hiding anymore, instead they are considered citizens with rights, subjected to laws and embraced by society. Vampire blood is used in hospitals to cure wounds that would have otherwise proved deadly. Witches do their part as well, with magic at the tip of their fingers, while the Sharur (the hunters) - supernatural as well - form a policing force that protects humans and other supernaturals as well from the more rebel elements.
The media paints a pleasant picture, especially in the US, but the truth is that vampires are more numerous than is publicized and definitely more dangerous. The witches are not unaffiliated, their loyalties mainly resting with those wishing to bring forth a new world order. The Sharur are divided as well, torn apart in equal measure by extremists and by those wishing to embrace their supernatural origins instead of fighting them.
Throw a search for the first vampire and a way to end his curse, betrayals, romance and spells gone awry and you start getting the picture.