The witch wrestled with me on the floor, frantically trying to get out from my grasp. But I'd noticed that no traps had been set loose, no spells being cast.
Was this witch stupid or just weak?
"It's shame really, I thought you were quite beautiful." I teased her, pulling out the cold iron cuffs from my waist band.
It wasn't necessarily a lie, this witch was the most beautiful I'd ever seen. All witches had a distinctive attribute that made them more noticeable to me, they all had pointed ears. I cuffed her wrists above her head and pushed her hair back away from the side of her face, she flinched against my touch which only revealed her ear to me more, no pointed tip. What kind of witch was this?
"You all look the same to me, ugly and cruel." She bit back through gritted teeth, groaning as she tried to overpower me on the floor.
"Why aren't you using magic? At least hit me with a stun blast or something. Make it fun" I teased her some more, smirking down at her as she wriggled below me.
The woman bashed against my chest plate with her cuffed fists, and I forced them back down to the floor by the her elbows, she wasn't putting up much of a fight for a magic user, it felt more like I was taking advantage of a young woman and that made a my stomach twist uncomfortably.
She let out a scream and and her body hummed against my own, the cottage rattling as well and I began to feel dizzy, the frequency of her voice making me feel nauseous, what kind of magic was this?
I fell sideways against the floor, allowing her to get up off the ground and dust herself off, holding my head in pain until the screaming ceased, feeling a little dismantled inside.
Seconds later the wooden door to the cottage swung open and my men came piling in, weapons pulled ready to attack. "We heard the scream." My officer announced
One of my men made the stupid decision to swing at her, she avoided the blade effortlessly and punched him right in the throat, another blow to the groin before she whispered something in his ear and he dropped to the ground in a seizing mess, completely void of any subconsciousness.
"Pull back your weapons, we need her alive." I ordered them, and they listened by disarming themselves and resorting to force, approaching her in a group to restrain her to her knees. My officer came over to my side in a hurry. "Captain, are you okay?" He asked me, helping me off of the floor.
"Find something to gag her with, she screams like a banshee." I explained, coming to stand before my men that held her in her place. One man holding either arm and an another behind her with their sword placed against her neck. The man that seized up now laying lifeless on the ground, a thick foam oozing from his mouth and nose, he was gone.
"Well done men, this one is silent but deadly." I congratulated them, giving her a once over with my gaze. She stared straight up at me, an angry expression like she wanted to burn me where I stood, gone was the sweet demeanour that she was portraying. This was the best part of the job, witnessing the real them before we finished the job and brought the item back to the client. "So what's your name, sweetheart?" I asked her, coming down to her level with a tight smile on my lips.
She didn't respond, must have gone shy now that we're in the company of others, but this only entertained me more, I could tell she was scared for her life, which made me feel good inside. She should feel scared.
"That's fine, we don't need a name, that's not part of the job. But here's what we're going to do now; we're going to have some fun for a while, you're going to answer some of my questions and then we're going to take you back to our client where you can spend the rest of your life doing what you love, but with chains on your feet." I teased her, flicking her chin with my finger.
"You can do what you like with me hunters, but I will not tell you anything." She finally spoke, her words cold and threatening as if they were supposed to hold some weight to it, but I didn't feel threatened in the slightest
Instead I gave her a large smile and nodded my head, understanding that she had too much pride to make this easy on herself.
I stood up straight and walked back over to the chair I'd been sitting on before she attacked me, my men forcing her to face me as she stood her up on her own feet, I sat down and propped my arm up on the chair to rest my chin on, admiring the woman one last time.
"They all say that at first. But they all start talking before my men are done with them." I followed up to her threat, gesturing my finger for my men to start their business as I watched.
Eagerly the men began grappling the woman. Her cloak hit the floor in seconds which revealed more of her to me, her slender but curvaceous frame appealed to me in ways I didn't want to think about.Her corset began fiddled with and her dress was tugged and ripped in places as my men scorned her body with their hands, groping her and groaning as they did what they pleased.
But it unnerved me the way that the woman stood completely still and allowed them to dehumanise her like this, staring directly at me with a hard glare like she was unafraid of anything that was in store for her.
This intrigued me more than I'd like to admit. Witches always fought back, they always started talking and trying to bid their way out of the torture, but not this one. It almost felt wrong deep down to watch this witch, who looked like a regular woman, be treated this way. Her pale skin became more exposed as my men's hand delved themselves inside the fabric of her dress, fondling her hungrily with their dirty hands. Her small frame being overshadowed by the three men around her, who were all larger than her even without the armour on.
Call it a sick stomach, or just a good first impression, but I could not watch this witch get molested by my men, I didn't believe this would make her tell us anything useful either, she held my gaze like she was wished the worst kinds of death upon me.
"Stop!" I ordered them, and they did instantly while in a confused state. "Put her on the back of a horse and let's find the nearest inn, this one isn't any fun." I excused.
It was partly the truth, I was attracted to her before knowing her true nature, I could ravage her for this one night and deliver her to the king tomorrow, but I had also grown rather intrigued by this witch, she was unlike any other we had caught in the past. I never take my turn on a target as I could never find myself attracted to these magic dwellers, but this one didn't look like the others, she didn't act like one either. She almost regarded to me as a noblewoman, a woman of stature, a lady."
Deep down I wanted to tell myself that I was saving her from this attack by my men, but I knew it was just because this woman had lived up to the rumours, she was beautiful in her own right whether she was human or not. I don't doubt in my mind that the man she turned into a frog possibly acted with ill intentions.
My men nodded in agreement, unwillingly but they listened and began dragging her out of the cottage, taking her back down the dirt path where we had stowed our horses earlier.
"Captain, did you hit your head when you keeled over in pain? No establishment will take us in with a witch." My officer interjected.
"She doesn't look nor act like a witch, they would never know that we harboured one in their building for a single night." I argued back, taking a moment to rummage around her cottage, looking for anything in particular that could in fog my mind and convince me once and for all that this woman was not human.
"And where will she sleep? The men may fuck witches but they do not lay with them, captain. We will not pay for her room." He declared, in that same moment I pulled open a cabinet that sat a large bag of money shoved inside. The witch was indeed wealthy as the rumours had told.
"She will pay for all our rooms, she will be bed with me. That might make her talk again." I stated in disagreement, dragging the large sack out from the cabinet, the sound of brass clanging together in harmony at the movement.
"You must be joking, you have never indulged before Frederick, it is beneath you." My officer exclaimed to me, I ignored the premise of him using my first name to address me, understanding that he was just giving me a cloaked compliment.
"You didn't say that last night when I indulged in a prostitute."
"This is a witch, captain. You have never done such a thing." He argued.
"Before I knew she was a witch I thought she was a beautiful woman. A beautiful woman that I want to sleep with, plus she had no problem talking to me before she attacked me with a knife."
My officer sighed and pat me on the shoulder. "She attacked you with a knife and now you're going to force her into bed, it is a true love story." He deadpanned.
I stared him down, not taking his jabs at me personally but they began to rile an anger inside me that I wasn't fond of. My plan was to get the witch alone in a place she couldn't easily run from or make a scene, get the information out of her that I needed, even if that included leading her on to believe that I desired her for her beauty.
"I can take care of myself, and as long as she reaches the king alive and able to cast magic, I can do with her as I please." I spoke loud and clear in an unforgiving manner.
"But why, captain." He urged.
I thought about it for a moment, I had never fucked a witch before, and this was the most beautiful one I'd ever met, I was probably never going to get another chance at doing something so taboo, if my plan happened to head in that direction, and if it did I would want the privacy away from my men.
No one had to know either, only men and they were sworn to loyalty as they served under me.
I lifted the sack off the ground and shoved it against my officer's chest. "Take this back to the horses and make sure the men still have their dick in their pants, I don't do sloppy seconds." I gritted out, dismissing the conversation entirely. My officer stiffly nodded his head and walked away from me towards the door, eyeing down the dead body that the witch had taken down during our arrest.
I continued searching the cottage but despite a few cuttings of poisonous plants, a collection of specimens in jars and some rather clean jewellery, there was nothing out of the ordinary with this environment.
When I left the cottage and followed the dirt path all the way back up to the horses, I noticed the witch was slung over the back of my horse on her belly, her breasts threatening to slip from her lace bodice but was shielded by her long fiery hair, what a sight. My youngest man walked past the horse with a goofy grin on his face, slapping the witches ass heavily as he past and his eyes trained on me watching them. The witch whimpered under the impact of the slap and her body flinched, not enjoying the vulnerable position she had been left in.
"We're ready when you are, captain." The young man greeted me. "There's an inn about ten minutes from here."
I smiled at him and looked back at the witch, she'd lifted her head to look at us all standing together in a group, I could see that her mouth had been gagged and her breasts pushed out under the gravity of her being sling over the horse like a sack, my smile widened. I felt like a lucky man today, I'd found a beautiful witch, a weak one that I was told to keep a alive, that didn't fight back, that I could whatever I wanted with for the next twenty four hours before handing her over to the king at a good price.
"Let's go celebrate our catch." I persuaded them, receiving a round of cheers from my men as they ran off to their horses.
Time for the real fun to begin.