Daniel's POV
It had been three months since Daniel and Johnny had adopted Sam and Robby, and Daniel couldn't remember a time when he’d felt more fulfilled. Their home, once quiet and orderly, was now bustling with the vibrant energy of their new family.
Every corner of the house seemed to echo with laughter, playful banter, and the occasional sibling squabble. It was a far cry from the calm that used to characterise their days, but Daniel wouldn’t trade it for anything. The chaos was comforting, a sign that their family was growing closer, bonding more deeply with each passing day.
They had quickly fallen into a rhythm, one that included regular outings to the beach where Sam would eagerly splash in the waves, her infectious laughter filling the air, and Robby would bury himself in the sand, pretending he was annoyed but secretly enjoying himself.
Fairs had become a favourite pastime, with Sam always racing ahead to the rides, her little hand gripping Johnny’s as she dragged him along, and Robby reluctantly trailing behind, until he saw the cotton candy stands. These moments, filled with joy and togetherness, were exactly what Daniel had hoped for when they decided to adopt.
Elora, their caseworker, upheld her promise by visiting each month to monitor how the kids were adapting. Though she maintained a professional attitude, the warmth in her eyes revealed the genuine care she felt for Sam and Robby.
Every time she left, Sam would pout, declaring that Elora was ruining their fun, and Daniel and Johnny couldn’t help but laugh at her spirited protests. They knew it was Sam’s way of expressing that she was happy—truly happy—and that she felt safe and loved in their home.
Sam was a ray of sunshine, her cheerfulness lighting up even the gloomiest mornings. Each day began with her soft, sleepy voice calling out as they gently roused her from bed. She would rub her eyes, her small fists pressing against her cheeks, and then, without hesitation, she’d spring to her feet with a wide smile, as if the world had given her a brand-new day to conquer. She greeted them with the sweetest hugs, her tiny arms wrapping around Johnny’s neck as he picked her up, and it melted Daniel’s heart every single time. There were moments when he’d have to blink back tears, overwhelmed by how much love he felt for this little girl who had so effortlessly become a part of their lives.
Johnny, always the devoted father, would gently set Sam into her booster seat, fastening her with the effortless skill of someone who had done it countless times before. He would then sit beside her, making sure she was settled before she eagerly dug into her breakfast, her small hands holding the fork with determination as she enjoyed the meal they had prepared for her.
Robby, however, was a different story. Daniel had noticed early on that Robby was still carrying the weight of his past, his grumpiness served as a shield, a way to keep others at a distance and avoid the pain of being hurt once more from what he didn't know. But there were cracks in that armour, moments when he would let his guard down and reveal the vulnerable boy who was slowly learning to trust them.
Daniel’s heart ached for him, knowing that Robby’s behaviour stemmed from feeling like he didn’t belong, even though they did everything they could to assure him otherwise. They were determined to show him that he was a part of this family, that he belonged with them, and that they weren’t going anywhere.
It wasn’t long before Robby slumped downstairs, his hair tousled from sleep, and his eyes half-closed as he rubbed them, still not fully awake. He yawned, a long, exaggerated sound that made Daniel smile as he washed the last of the breakfast dishes.
“Good morning,” Daniel greeted warmly, glancing over his shoulder at Robby.
“Morning,” Robby mumbled in return, his voice thick with sleep.
“How’d you sleep?” Daniel asked, drying his hands and turning to face Robby.
“Fine,” Robby replied with a shrug, his usual morning grumpiness on full display.
“Great, because we’re going out today,” Johnny chimed in, his voice full of excitement as he stood up from his seat and made his way over to Daniel. He leaned in and placed a playful kiss on Daniel’s shoulder, making an exaggerated smooching sound that was impossible to ignore.
“Please stop, I just woke up,” Robby groaned, covering his eyes with his hands as if to block out the sight.
“Johnny, get off,” Daniel said, though his tone was more amused than stern as he gently pushed Johnny away.
“You didn’t have a problem with it last night,” Johnny teased, a smirk playing on his lips.
“Oh my God, please shut the fuck up,” Robby whined, his voice muffled by his hands.
“Robby, language!” Daniel scolded, though there was no real heat in his voice.
“Yeah, yeah, sorry, Dad,” Robby muttered, and just like that, any annoyance Daniel might have felt disappeared. The simple word “Dad” filled him with a warmth that spread through his chest, making him feel lighter than air. He knew Johnny felt the same way whenever the kids called him “Pops” or “Papa.” It was a reminder that they were doing something right, that their children trusted them enough to use those names.
“Here’s your breakfast,” Johnny said, setting a plate of waffles and a cup of tea in front of Robby.
“Thanks, Pops,” Robby said, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“No problem, Rob. Just make sure when you’re done, you help Sam brush her teeth,” Johnny replied, ruffling Robby’s hair affectionately.
Robby nodded and began eating, the room settling into a comfortable quiet. The only sounds were the clink of cutlery on plates and the faint noise of Clifford The Big Red Dog playing on the TV in the background. It was a peaceful moment, one that Daniel cherished deeply, knowing that these were the kinds of mornings that made all the challenges of parenthood worth it.
Robby finished eating a few minutes later, pushing his plate aside with a satisfied sigh, and exchanged a glance with Sam. The two of them shared a quick, mischievous smile before they got up from the table and headed upstairs together, their footsteps echoing lightly on the stairs.
Johnny lingered behind, turning to Daniel with a soft smile. He leaned in to give Daniel a quick peck on the lips before he, too, made his way upstairs. Daniel knew he was probably going to give Sam a bath and take a shower himself, a comforting routine that had become a cherished part of their mornings.
As Johnny disappeared from view, Daniel found himself smiling, a warm feeling of contentment washing over him. This was home. It wasn’t just the place, but the people—their shared routines, small moments of affection, and the unspoken understanding that had grown between them over the months.
It was early afternoon when Daniel, Johnny, and the kids finally made it to Golf n’ Stuff. This place held a special place in their hearts, a nostalgic spot where they often returned to relive the memory of their first ever “date.” That night hadn’t gone exactly as planned, but looking back, he and Johnny laugh about it and cherish the fun they had.
As they entered, Sam's eyes lit up, and before anyone could suggest otherwise, she tugged eagerly on Daniel’s hand, practically dragging him toward the arcade. Their first stop, as always, was the bustling game area filled with flashing lights and the sounds of digital excitement. Robby and Johnny immediately gravitated toward the basketball arcade games, their competitive spirits flaring up as they lined up their shots, while Daniel and Sam settled in front of a PAC-MAN machine.
Sam's frustration mounted as she lost for the fourth time, a slight frown appearing on her face. “Ugh,” she grunted, “Me don't like this game.”
Daniel chuckled softly, correcting her in that patient, fatherly way. “It's ‘I,’ Sam. ‘I don't like this game.’” He gently guided her aside. “Let Dada give it a try.”
Sam nodded, her little feet shuffling over to make space for him. Daniel couldn’t remember the last time he’d played PAC-MAN, but he gave it a shot anyway. Unsurprisingly, he wasn’t much better at it than his daughter, but that didn’t matter. His clumsy attempts quickly turned Sam’s frown into giggles, and soon, she was laughing uncontrollably.
Daniel sighed with a smile. “As long as you're happy,” he murmured, ruffling her hair.
“Can we go golfing now?” Sam asked, her attention already shifting to the next adventure.
Daniel nodded, hoisting her up into his arms. “Yeah, let’s wait for your Papa and brother first,” he replied, carrying her over to where Johnny and Robby were still locked in their heated basketball competition. Both of them were drenched in sweat, their faces set in determined expressions.
“Who's winning?” Daniel asked as he approached, bouncing Sam lightly in his arms.
“Rob, but I still have some balls left. I'll be able to catch up,” Johnny said with a playful grin, nudging Robby in a good-natured challenge.
“As if,” Robby shot back, his competitive streak shining through.
A few minutes later, the timer beeped, signaling the end of the game. As expected, Robby came out on top. Daniel and Sam were quick to give him high fives, congratulating him on his victory, while Johnny feigned disappointment, though a small pout had indeed formed on his lips.
“Let’s go golfing!” Sam exclaimed, wriggling out of Daniel’s arms and grabbing Robby’s hand. Together, the two kids dashed off toward the miniature golf course, their excitement was evident.
As soon as they were out of earshot, Johnny leaned in closer to Daniel and whispered, “I let him win.”
Daniel rolled his eyes, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Yeah, yeah, sure you did.”
Golfing went smoothly, with lots of laughter and playful competition, though Daniel couldn’t help but notice Johnny subtly showing their kids a few tricks that bordered on cheating. Daniel shook his head in disbelief, thinking to himself, ‘Jesus Christ, what a role model he is.’ But he couldn’t deny the joy on their kids' faces as they played, so he let it slide with a smirk.
After finishing up on the course, they headed over to the infamous photo booth, a tradition they never skipped. Squeezing into the small space was a challenge, with lots of shifting and giggling as they tried to fit. Finally, they managed to arrange themselves: Sam perched comfortably on Johnny’s lap, while Robby nestled snugly between Johnny and Daniel.
In the first photo, they all flashed bright smiles at the camera. Robby’s missing front tooth, which had fallen out a few weeks ago, was on full display, giving his grin an extra bit of character. For the second shot, Robby and Sam raised their hands in peace signs, while Johnny, ever the prankster, lifted his fingers behind Robby’s head to give him bunny ears, making Daniel laugh just as the camera clicked.
The third picture was a bit more playful—Daniel and Johnny stuck out their tongues, with Johnny flashing the rock-and-roll hand sign. Sam joined in with jazz hands, while Robby, ever the secret rebel, discreetly flipped his middle finger, grinning to himself as he did. It was the kind of mischievous act that made the photo uniquely theirs.
The final shot captured a sweet moment—Sam and Robby were front and center, with Johnny and Daniel leaning in from either side to plant kisses on their kids’ cheeks. Robby’s face turned a bright shade of red, clearly embarrassed, while Sam couldn’t stop giggling, her joy shone brightly in her sparkling eyes.
As they stepped out of the booth, Daniel held up the strip of photos, examining each one with a fond smile. “Who’s taking this bunch?” he asked, holding the pictures out for the kids to see.
“Me, it’s my turn,” Robby declared, reaching out and quickly snatching the photos from Daniel’s hand. A moment later, he realized his mistake and looked up apologetically. “Sorry, Dad, I didn’t mean to be so rough.”
Daniel just smiled, shaking his head. “It’s okay, buddy,” he said, ruffling Robby’s hair affectionately. “Now, how about we head to the diner?”
With the pictures safely tucked away, they all hopped back into the car, the energy from their fun-filled day still buzzing between them as they made their way to the diner.
They arrived at the diner a few moments later, the warm glow of the neon sign outside contrasting with the cosy, retro interior. The hostess led them to a booth near the back, where Daniel and Johnny slid into one banquette, settling in comfortably side by side, while Sam and Robby scrambled into the seats opposite them, jostling each other playfully before finally settling down.
The waiter appeared at their table almost immediately, a friendly smile on his face. “Hi! What would you guys like?” he asked, pulling out a small notepad.
Sam eagerly leaned forward, pointing at the menu with her small finger. “I want this,” she declared, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the chips and chicken nuggets.
Daniel nodded, glancing over the menu one last time before speaking. “We’ll have the chips and chicken nuggets, and the...” He scanned the menu briefly, weighing his options before deciding. “Ham sandwich.”
“I’ll have the beef tacos,” Johnny chimed in, handing his menu back to the waiter.
“And I’ll have the beef tacos too,” Robby added enthusiastically, clearly following Johnny’s lead.
“Coming right up,” the waiter said, scribbling down their orders before disappearing into the kitchen.
As soon as the waiter was out of earshot, Johnny turned to Daniel with a raised eyebrow. “A ham sandwich, really?” he asked, his tone laced with playful disbelief.
“Yeah, what about it?” Daniel replied, looking slightly defensive.
“That’s all you’re going to eat?” Johnny asked, his eyes narrowing slightly in mock concern.
Daniel shrugged nonchalantly. “I’ll just eat some of your tacos if I’m still hungry,” he said casually, as if it were the most obvious solution in the world.
Johnny’s playful skepticism deepened. “No, you’re not,” he said, crossing his arms defiantly.
“Yes, I am,” Daniel shot back, his tone matching Johnny’s.
“No, you’re not.”
“Yes, I am.”
Across the table, Robby rolled his eyes, leaning back in his seat with an exasperated sigh. “Oh my god, I thought we were the children in this family,” he muttered under his breath, shaking his head at the childish banter.
“Robby…” Daniel said, turning to his son with a stern look.
Robby quickly caught himself and nodded. “Yeah, sorry—language,” he corrected, offering a quick, apologetic glance.
Johnny chuckled, ruffling Robby’s hair from across the table. “It’s fine. You know how your Dad is,” he said with a grin, his tone light and teasing.
Daniel’s eyes narrowed as he turned back to Johnny. “What’s that supposed to mean?” he snapped, though the edge in his voice was softened by the smile tugging at his lips.
“I mean, you’re a bit strict when it comes to cursing, but you curse all the time,” Johnny teased, his smirk widening.
Daniel huffed, rolling his eyes. “Yeah, because I’m an adult, you idiot,” he retorted, though the insult was delivered with a hint of affection.
Johnny gasped dramatically, clutching his chest in mock offense. “Sunshine, language!” he exclaimed, mimicking Daniel’s usual reprimand with exaggerated seriousness.
Daniel sighed, shaking his head with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. “I don’t even know why I’m married to you,” he muttered, though his smile gave him away.
Johnny leaned in closer, his voice softening as he responded, “Because you love me.”
Daniel couldn’t help but smile back, his expression warm. “Unfortunately, I do,” he admitted, his voice tinged with affection.
They both leaned in, sharing a quick kiss, the moment tender and full of the easy comfort that came with years of being together. Of course, their display of affection didn’t go unnoticed—Sam let out an exaggerated gag, scrunching up her nose in mock disgust, while Robby rolled his eyes.
A few minutes later, the waiter returned with their food, placing the plates in front of them. As expected, Daniel’s ham sandwich, while tasty, didn’t quite satisfy his hunger. Johnny noticed and, with a knowing smile, slid one of his tacos onto Daniel’s plate without a word. Daniel glanced at him, a grateful smile playing on his lips, and Johnny simply shrugged, the gesture unspoken but understood between them.
Elora arrived at their home in the early evening, the sun dipping low in the sky as warm golden light filtered through the windows. By this time, Sam and Robby had already showered, their damp hair slightly tousled, and they were comfortably dressed in their favourite pyjamas—Sam in a set with little unicorns and Robby in his favourite Iron Man outfit.
“Good evening, Mr. and Mr. Lawrence.” Elora greeted them warmly as she stepped inside, her smile as bright as always. “How are Robby and Samantha?”
Daniel returned her smile, feeling a familiar warmth in his chest whenever he was reminded of how far they had come as a family. “Great as always,” he replied, his voice full of quiet pride.
Elora glanced towards the staircase, noting the sounds of soft laughter trickling down from above. “I know it’s quite late, but are they still awake?” She asked, her tone gentle, as if she were trying not to disturb the evening calm.
Johnny, standing beside Daniel, nodded confidently. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure they are,” he said, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Without hesitation, he called out to the kids, his voice carrying easily through the house.
Within moments, the sound of small feet thudding against the stairs filled the room as Robby and Sam came running down, their faces lighting up as they spotted Elora.
“Hey, Robby, Sam,” Elora greeted them warmly, her eyes twinkling as she knelt slightly to be more on their level.
The kids mumbled their hellos, their voices quiet yet polite, still a little shy around her despite all the visits. Daniel bit back a chuckle, amused by their sleepy but well-behaved responses.
Elora smiled at their politeness and leaned in a bit closer, her voice softening as she asked, “How are you guys doing?”
“Amazing,” Sam chimed in enthusiastically, her little voice full of confidence, while Robby, still waking up from his post-shower daze, muttered a simple “Good” at the same time.
“That’s nice to hear,” Elora responded, clearly pleased by their answers. She straightened up, a touch of seriousness creeping into her tone as she continued, “Now, I have a very important question to ask you two.”
The kids, sensing the change in her attitude, looked up at her with wide, curious eyes, waiting for her to continue.
“Do you guys want to stay with Daniel and Johnny?” Elora asked, her gaze shifting between the two children, watching their reactions carefully.
Even though Daniel had expected this moment, a flicker of nervousness still stirred within him. What if they said no? What if they decided that these past few months, filled with laughter, learning, and love, weren’t enough to make them want to stay? The thought of losing them, of all the memories they had built together fading away like a dream, gripped him for a moment.
But Sam, ever the fearless one, spoke up without hesitation. “Of course I do! This place is amazing,” she declared with a wide grin as she skipped over to where Daniel and Johnny were standing, clambering onto Johnny’s lap with the ease of someone who felt completely at home.
Elora’s gaze then shifted to Robby, who had remained quiet. “How about you, Robby?” she asked gently.
Robby stood still for a few moments, his small face reflecting a mixture of thoughtfulness and uncertainty. The room seemed to hold its breath as everyone waited for his response. Finally, after what felt like an eternity to Daniel, Robby nodded slowly, a shy smile spreading across his face. “Yeah, I do too,” he said, his voice soft but sincere.
Elora’s face lit up with a bright smile, clearly relieved by their answers. She clapped her hands together lightly, the sound breaking the lingering tension in the room. “Well, that’s settled then,” she said, her voice brimming with satisfaction. She reached into her bag, pulling out a set of papers that had been carefully prepared in advance. “You guys just need to sign these,” she explained, handing the documents over to Daniel and Johnny.
Both men eagerly took the papers, the weight of the moment pressing down on them as they quickly but carefully signed each line. Daniel felt his heart pounding in his chest, a mixture of joy and relief washing over him as he finished the last signature. He hadn’t realised he’d been holding his breath until he exhaled deeply, feeling a weight lift from his shoulders. Finally, it was official—their kids were truly theirs.
Elora watched them with a warm smile, clearly touched by the moment. “I guess this is the end,” she said softly, the finality of her words hanging in the air. “I’ll see you guys around,” she added, her voice filled with genuine warmth.
Johnny nodded, gratitude shining in his eyes as he walked Elora to the door. He thanked her quietly, expressing the deep appreciation they both felt for her role in bringing their family together. After a few final words, he saw her out, closing the door gently behind her as the realisation of what had just happened fully settled in.
It was 1 a.m. when Robby quietly walked into the living room, where Daniel and Johnny were immersed in a Star Wars marathon. They were halfway through Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, the dim glow of the TV casting a soft light over the room.
“Rob? Why are you awake?” Johnny asked, surprised to see him up at such a late hour. His concern was evident in the slight furrow of his brow.
Robby, with a touch of playful defiance, replied, “Why are you awake when you have work tomorrow?” He then made himself comfortable, sinking down between them on the couch, nestling into the familiar warmth of his dads.
Daniel, always perceptive, sensed a shift in Robby's behaviour. “You okay?” he inquired, his tone soft yet probing.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Robby answered, though there was a slight hesitation in his tone that didn’t escape Daniel.
“What’s up?” Daniel pressed gently, sensing that something was on Robby’s mind.
Robby paused, his fingers fidgeting with the edge of his pyjama sleeve, a habit Daniel recognised as a sign of nervousness. Finally, he looked up at them, his eyes sincere. “I just wanted to thank you guys for everything.”
Daniel’s heart softened at the words. “You don’t have to thank us,” he said softly, reaching out to place a comforting hand on Robby’s shoulder.
Robby continued to fidget, clearly trying to organise his thoughts. “You see,” he began, his voice quieter now, “our biological parents weren’t really the best. They weren’t abusive or anything like that, but they didn’t really care about us. Sam was too young to remember, but I do.”
Daniel and Johnny exchanged a glance, both of them feeling the weight of Robby’s words. “You don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to,” Daniel offered, his voice full of understanding.
Robby shook his head, determined to continue. “No, I want to,” he said, taking a deep breath as if steeling himself for what came next.
“Our parents were rich,” he explained, “but they were always going on business trips across the country. We never had a chance to go out and, y’know, have a good time like other families. If we wanted their time, they would just brush us off, hand us some money, and tell us to go do something on our own.”
Robby’s voice grew quieter as he added, “They died in a car crash. They were coming home, and a stupid drunk driver crashed into them.”
Without hesitation, Daniel wrapped his arm around Robby’s waist, pulling him closer. “I’m so sorry, Robby,” he whispered, his voice thick with empathy.
Robby shook his head again, this time more to reassure them than himself. “No, it’s okay. I’m just glad you decided to adopt us,” he said, his voice filled with genuine gratitude.
Johnny, always one to lighten the mood, ruffled Robby’s hair affectionately and planted a kiss on the top of his head. “Adopting you guys was the best decision of my life,” he said with a warm smile.
“Not marrying Dad?” Robby teased, a small grin playing on his lips.
“It’s a close second,” Johnny chuckled, his eyes sparkling with humour, which made Robby smile.
“Alright, let’s get you to bed,” Daniel said, his tone gentle but firm as he urged Robby off the couch and towards his bedroom, where Sam was already sound asleep.
“Goodnight, Rob. We love you,” Daniel said softly, leaning down to give Robby a quick hug.
“I love you guys too,” Robby replied, his voice thick with sleepiness but full of affection.
As Daniel and Johnny returned to the living room, they held hands, exchanging a look of contentment as they resumed their movie. The weight of the day lifted, leaving behind only the warmth of knowing that Sam and Robby were finally, officially, theirs. The children had always been theirs in their hearts, but now the law recognises them as the Lawrences too.
Author's Note!
Hey there, my Luvs! I hope you liked this chapter. It’s the final one before my break, and it’s 4000 words long, so plenty to enjoy! School starts next week, and I’m feeling pretty overwhelmed about it. Not exactly looking forward to it! I’ll still be sharing chapters from my other story, “Arachnid Ascendant,” so keep an eye out for those. Wishing you a fantastic week ahead, and if you have school starting soon, good luck!