“I know everyone has lots of questions. I’m sorry to say we can not answer any at this time. We currently have no information we are permitted to share, only what has been revealed to the public thus far.”
The crowd erupted into panicked voices, yelling out, trying to get their questions heard, trying to get some resemblance of information from the Governor, even though they clearly had just stated that there were to be no questions answered.
A woman and her partner watched the conference from the back of the room, leaning against the rear wall.
“What’s this about?”
“The new program that the government’s put into place, the one for mutants.”
“…I don’t watch the news.”
“Well, like I said, the government is trying to set up a program for mutants all over the globe. Have them all come to one place. The plan is so they will have a community all to themselves where no one will discriminate them.”
“Isn’t that discrimination in itself?”
“Heh, yeah.”
“Then what the hell are they trying to prove?”
“I don’t have a clue, to be honest. That’s what everyone is questioning.”
“Supposedly it’ll be safer for them, safer for us too, seeing as they’ll be off the streets.”
“Putting the world’s most dangerous human beings all in one place doesn’t sound safe to me. They might kill each other!”
“I don’t know if the government even cares. They just see them as a threat, walking weapons…”
“They’re not threats… they’re not animals either, if that’s what they think of them.”
“But do you think the government will listen to us now? We could be mutants too! Threats to them!”
“We’re not!”
“But the government doesn’t know that!”
They look back to the crowd around the stage, with the Governor trying to exit, being blinded by camera flashes. “They’re scared of what they don’t know.”