Lets talk
i low key just.. i need to vent and yes advice or feedback is welcome
ok i am an art education and theater minor
and i think i may need to drop one major and turn it into a minor, that being said i am thinking i should drop art ed and do studio art and theater majors and a teaching certificate plus my minor.this would cute off like 15 credits, or a semester of education classes that are mostly geared toward primary school and i want to teach in secondary ed (High School) and eventually university.
is that a good idea? like...should i?
I am in love. like legit. for real. 100 percent head over heels in love. this girl... she makes my heart race my palms sweat, she makes me into a dumbass. i adore everything about her and she is literally the best person ever and sososososososososoooooooooooooo cute. she is just the best. and she loves me back.
i just had to share that because she makes me so happy and if you read my stuff from the one called WHY you know some stuff and yeah.
I am going to therapy. that is good. it sucks. i hate it but over all i feel alot better and that is good. i am waiting on a professional diagnosis for... like a lot. i am scared really scared and i feel bad for burdening my girlfriend with everything. i want to be a good companion but i just...i am worried all the time and so sad. she makes me happy and that is nice but the sad is still there ya know? but i am getting the tools to be ok. so i will be ok.
i have been so tired lately. i think im sick.
no one has read this far. like i would feel comfortable revealing my deepest darkest secret thats how sure.
i am also like 90% sure no one will comment or give advice.
cause like that just doesn't happen
i am thinking about setting up a contest. imma do it.