"Good morning Leo. It's time for your weekly checkup."
These words were nothing new to me; I had been hearing them ever since I was admitted.
And yet, my doctor always made it a point to inform me.
I nodded my head solemnly at him, giving him the permission to do what he needed to do.
Permission which he did not need.
As I continued to hear his movements, my mind drifted to thoughts of Alice.
It had been a week since we started talking. And everyday, I couldn't wait to see her face.
When the clock hit 3, she'd always magically appear before me with the same bright smile she always wore.
"Hey Leo, how's it going?" she'd ask as she pulled the chair closer to me.
"Everything alright Leo?" I heard the doctor's voice, breaking me from my daydream.
I nodded my head, getting rid of the smile which had formed on my face.
But the warmth in my heart remained; something that I didn't mind.
As quickly as he had come in, he left.
I looked at the clock.
1 minute and 23 seconds until I'd get to see her face.
For the first time, it finally hit me that I had started the habit of counting down to when I'd see her.
I'd do it just before I went to sleep. And as soon as I woke up, until she came.
"Hey Leo, how's it going?" her melodious voice filled the room.
I turned my head to her and saw that smile I had been looking forward to, feeling a smile of my own unfold.
"Good. How are you doing?" I asked.
Her smile widened as she pulled the chair to my bed, the way she always did, and sat down.
She wrapped her hands around my closest hand and looked into my eyes.
I felt the warmth surrounding my heart increase as my hand heated at her touch.
"So I was thinking that we could go for a walk," she said.
The smile which was on my face immidiately vanished.
I hadn't gotten out of my bed ever since I came here but I knew that I was not in the most flattering state.
I didn't want the way I looked to change the way she treated me.
But even so, I reluctantly agreed, fearing what would be coming my way.