Welcome! This is the very first blog segment I have ever written, so do be kind in your judgement. As the sole purpose for this blog is to waste time while I suffer from insomnia, I don't even expect it to be a fantastic piece of literature either.
Tonight I want to just do a generic 'ice-breaker' rambling, as I intend to present myself as a humorous and not-to-be-taken-too-seriously blogger. What ever I will discuss in future will be of my own opinions and thoughts, so if I offend anyone: I did warn you, and you are kindly invited to stop reading at any point (because we all know our generation thrives off of the thrill of finding offense in the smallest of things).
As it is almost the end of the first month of the new year, I can imagine that there are many others that are feeling the stress of 2019 already edging its way to an end. Yes, yes, it is only January, I know, but when you sit at home and only have time to waste and think about such mundane things, it does take a mental strain on a person. I for one have this love-hate relationship with being lazy and lazing around, it's great when life gets hectic and you just need a break but it's torture when the bills need to be paid and there's nothing to distract you from not having a job.
Now I know what some of you are thinking... "Get off your ass and get a job, you good for nothing kid", but it isn't easy when everyone wants you to have at least two years of work experience - even though no one wants to allow you to gain that experience with them. I'll tell you one thing, I've never wanted to work so badly before in my life. Even while I was studying and working part-time, that downtime was everything, but now I feel like I need to pull my weight around. Because let's be honest, no one wants to be 23 and still living out your parent's house.
That's another thing! My parents always lectured me when I left school about my insecurities of being 'left behind'. Yes, it may seem silly to some people, but I genuinely felt inferior watching all my school peers moving on in life and achieving such great things, while I was doing odd jobs and trying to figure out what I wanted to do in life. It took two years of gap-year work before I sort of worked out what I wanted to do in life. Then just as I was getting into the groove of things, things came tumbling down again, and here I'm stuck looking for odd jobs again until the dream can start up again. I can guarantee there are many people like these out there, struggling and scraping through. I know the pain, I will support you in spirit (as I will never know you in real-life... and that's probably a good thing, my jokes are terrible in person).
I feel like I've said enough for tonight. If there is anyone out there reading this (and please, if you are, recommend me to a friend) I would love to hear some input as to what you would like to read about. I am willing to ramble on about anything, even if it is as mundane as what your favourite colour is (because we all know how annoying small-talk can be sometimes).
Until tomorrow's midnight-