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  • Contest Holder

    Welcome to my page. A little about me? Well, I'm 25, and am always looking to expand my collection of published stories. I find myself unable to keep to one specific story for long, however, because of my scatterbrained mind. Please excuse the seemingly random updates that may follow.

    I've met a few writers who believe that writing has to be this super serious, super time-consuming and soul-sucking thing, to maintain the traditional way of sophistication and proper etiquette in the craft...I'm opposed to such thinking. While I do appreciate sticking to the conventional rules of good literature, I feel like we'll never move forward if we don't try new things.

    Feel free to ask me any questions you may have, and I always love comments and reviews! Thanks for supporting me through all of the action!


    Other Places To Find Me:

    Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5022895/I-Dont-Like-I-Obsess
    FictionPress: https://www.fictionpress.com/u/992911/I-Dont-Like-I-Obsess
    Deviantart: http://idontlikeiobsess.deviantart.com/
    AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/users/I_Dont_Like_I_Obsess
    Story soundtracks: https://8tracks.com/i-dont-like-i-obsess
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  • Challengers
    Challengers kaenicole Challengers DarkenStripeChallengers Ari FinnChallengers Master Of FandomsChallengers shnuffeluvChallengers Ernest_ScribblerChallengers jelly.jaybee
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    Submission Closed
Dear Reader...

More of an opportunity to write a letter to your readers rather than a contest, take the time and tell those who keep you going everything you'd like to tell them!

Like counts will determine winners, since there really doesn't need to be one!

More of an opportunity to write a letter to your readers rather than a contest, take the time and tell those who keep you going everything you'd like to tell them!

Like counts will determine winners, since there really doesn't need to be one!