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  • Writer
    Vivi Herty
    Vivi Herty
    just an ordinary girl who like playing game whether in console game or mobile games, watched movie, reading book (mostly reading online book like web novel) and write novel. my dream is to publish my book and become novelist in real life
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The World Of Fantasy And The Child Of Light

Every child believes about fantasy. But when they turn to adult, they will slowly forget and also not believe anymore. In hard, bustling world where’s everyone busy with their own problem and their own job, there’s a hidden world where all fantasy is gathered and that world is called the fantasy world. This story is begin when the princess calling the people from the real world to the fantasy world

the six children that was lead normal life is never expected that they were suddenly coming to another world where that world is reflected people real world feeling and thought by princess that was from that world. every journey and story they face and saw is truly reflected what people feeling and thought from reality whether the happy one or sad one.

will the six children that was venture that hidden world will be able to help that princess? will the six children able to stay same after experience all of that story? will they able to uncover the reason why that world become messed up and return that world to it's original state?

follow the story of the six children adventure onto the fantasy world that was hidden between reality.......


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