Tresha Lim, originally named Kim Tae Hee, was secretly a musician and a singer when she was little in Korea. But after her mother got divorced, Tresha and her mother moved to Malaysia when she was 5. They lived in Tresha's new step-father's place.
Tresha's mother may look really beautiful, but her looks are deceiving. She has a very bad personality, she always drink, and she's mean to Tresha. There was once, Tresha was trying to help her mother to cut down all the drinking. She smacked her with a liquor bottle.
Tresha is a beautiful girl, besides being beautiful, she's exactly the very opposite girl.
Ever since that day, she started saving money to move to an apartment alone. Taking care of herself.
Now, she's just a normal 16 year old girl in secondary school in Malaysia, dressed as an ugly nerd.
One day, a guy that was the same age with Tresha from Korea named Ji-Won. Ji-Won is a model and a singer just almost like Tresha, transferred into her class due to his job.
They slowly grow closer and closer while Ji-Won tries to change her lifestyle.