Under the expert guidance of Captain Ben Sisko, the starship Arrowprize races towards its ultimate goal seventy-five light-years distant. But star travel can be a most hazardous occupation---having to contend with terrorists organization, escaped mutineers___and a murderous conspiracy that hungers for new planets to devour. And there are strange entities lurking in the Cochran Gates' time-lost continuum---alien lifeforms whose purposes are unknowable___-and quite possibly destructive.
Technically, there is no place on Arrowprise for young Jacqueline Sisko. But her frantic plea for help has left the brave captain no choice but to C-Gate his daughter secretly aboard----transporting her into a new vista of perilous adventure----with far more dimensions than any cosmonaut ever dreamed possible!
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine crossover with the novels of F.M. Busby. All rights reserved!