Chapter One
Higgins Haven
Friday, June 13, 1982
One year later...
Chris Higgins was thinking about her date with Rick Patterson. It was a whirlwind romance since their days at Crystal Lake High School back in 1979. That was three years' ago, when both of them were fourteen. The shadows of the town was dark; the shadows had created a sense of doom that forced a media storm over the murders by Pamela Sue Voorhees, and Jason Voorhees.
Alice Louise Hardy, the pretty red haired artist from California, and the Assistant Camp Counsellor, was friends with Steve Christy. Christy was an idealistic man who hadn't believed in karma, death curses, omens, and popular folklore about ghosts, demons, and monsters.
They had dealt with Pamela Sue Voorhees' wrath.
But Steve died when he walked up the road towards Camp Crystal Lake. Alice had attacked Mrs. Voorhees on the beach; Jason Voorhees hadn't really drowned back in '57; Jason was rescued by his mother. Or so were the rumors. Ginny Field had also survived the previous Friday the 13th, and Paul Holt had disappeared. Or, more to the point, was also killed by Jason. Chris had heard all of the horror stories, and the terror was about to begin all over again.
The faded memories of the attack caused Chris to feel that her parents didn't care; memories of her date with Rick. It was 1:00 AM, a Friday night. She sensed the kiss was being romantic; she hated it to end. Then her Mom hit her across the face; she didn't apologize; she was angry at her teenage daughter. And then she hadn't cared about Chris was attacked by a monster near the oak tree. Monsters wasn't on her radar, and she had separated from her mentally, and psychologically. Her father hadn't cared about her, and the problems still persisted since the hot June night.
Chris sighed, and cried.
Chris was driving the van.
She saw Andy Beltrami, eighteen, was with Shelly Finklestein, a Jewish prankster, who was also eighteen. Andy gazed at Bert's Gas Station, where Debbie Klein was overprotective of her unborn son. She and Andy were an item since last Friday the 13th, and the baby was due by Halloween, on October 31. 'We have to go to Vera Sanchez's house', Chris said.
'Is it close by?', Chuck asked her.
'Yes, near Miner Road', Andy answered.
'There, see. To the left', Chilli said.
Chris slowed the car, and took off her seatbelt.
And opened the driver's-side door, and went up the stone steps, where she heard the sound of yelling in rapid Spanish.
'Is there something wrong?', Vera asked her.
'I don't know. Her Mom is kind of strange. Maybe paranoid over the murders', Chris answered.
The door opened, and a Spanish-American teenage girl appeared.
'What was that about?', Chris said.
'Nothing. Mom thinks that Crystal Lake is cursed', Vera said.
'It is', Andy shivered.
Then Shelly stabbed Andy in the back with a fake knife.
'Cut that shit out, Shelly. I got you a date, right'.
Shelly had long, curly brown hair, hazel eyes, and average looking. His plaid shirt was cheap; his flared blue shorts kept him cool.
'I'm an actor', Shelly smiled.
'No, you're an idiot'.
'So, who is my date?', Vera asked.
'Me', Shelly smiled.
'Hey, the van's on fire', Andy said.
And they ran towards the doors, as Chuck and Chilli were smoking dope. They smirked, as the sound of Police sirens blared loudly. The zoomed past them, as the dopers were getting rid of the drugs.
They shook their heads, as Chris pondered whether she was ready to go back to the place where she was attacked.
The sign read: 'Higgins Haven'. It was a farming retreat that Chris's family had near the haunted Crystal Lake; it was where she and Rick first met. Chris walked to the door, and opened it. Suddenly hands were on her blue sweater. 'Rick!!!', she yelled; Rick shook his head.
'Well, I don't think this is a good start. What happened?', he asked.
'I...Hello, Rick', Chris answered.
'Well, that's fine'.
He kissed her again.
'Back off!'.
Rick was confused.
'Well, there's so many cold shoulders I can take'.
'I'm sorry Rick. But, it is this place. I need to clear my head, is all'.
'Fine. Let's just take it slowly'.
She nodded, and knew that the summer was going to be long.
'It looks like you put on some extra weight since last summer', Rick said.
'Don't be silly, Rick', Chris sighed.
Suddenly she saw saw Jason Voorhees in the old barn.
She shivered, and wondered who was with them.
She decided to tell Sheriff Earl Tierney.
But he was retired.
Shelly used a fake wig, and put it on his head.
Chris opened the door, and screamed.
Everyone came bursting inside the room.
'Don't see him!', Rick said.
Andy pushed Shelly on the ground.
'Get up, you loser'.
'I...I didn't mean it. It was a joke', Shelly stated.
'You didn't mean to', Chilli said.
And Shelly sighed, and knew he was on the outer with his friends.
Jason Voorhees watched the trespassers.
He had waited a long time since last season.
For a moment, he focused on the old barn.
The trip to town was exhausting.
Now, in the height of the hot, June morning, it was 10:45 AM.
No one saw him go inside, except Chris.
'Why is Shelly an idiot?', Vera asked Chris.
'It's his way of coping like Ted last year, and Ned', Chris answered.
'The other pranksters', Vera said.
'Yes, Ned died back in '79; Ted was with the girl at the bar. Paul Holt disappeared, and Alice Hardy killed Mrs. Pamela Voorhees. She died in her house in 1980. Steve Christy died because he didn't believe in death curses. His family have vowed never to return to Camp Crystal Lake', Chris said.
'I need to go to town', Vera said.
'Can I come to?', Shelly asked.
'Yes', Vera answered.
She saw his magic bag of tricks.
'Thank you', Shelly smiled.
And they headed away from the campgrounds.
Debbie saw the cabins.
The door opened.
Inside was a hammock.
'Where's the bed?', she asked Chris.
'The hammock. You might like it'.
'Hey, where's the bed?', Andy asked.
'There', Debbie answered.
And he smiled.
The van was at Bradley's General Store.
Three bikers were stalking the place.
'Can I get you guys some beers?', he asked.
Ali, the African-American gang leader, smiled.
He was bald, and wore a leather jacket.
The other two gang members were: Fox, an African-American woman, and Loco, the only white member. They saw Vera. Fox grabbed her purse, and smirked. 'Is that your rubber? Didn't your momma teach you manners?', she asked. Vera saw the cashier; she wanted help.
'None of your business', Vera answered.
She noticed she hadn't any money.
'Here's $20.00', Shelly said.
Then Vera gave the cashier some change.
She, and Shelly headed towards Rick's van.
He drove into Ali's motorcycle.
The gang leader was angry.
'I'm going to kill you', he yelled.
And he smashed the glass of Rick's van with his favorite knuckledusters.
Rick looked angry when the van was returned.
'What happened to my van?', he asked Shelly.
'Gang members attacked us', Vera answered.
Rick was exasperated.
'I don't know about your friends, Chris. But I've had enough of their games'. He sighed, and drove into town to get the windows repaired, before he return to the haunted campgrounds.
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