
  • 創作挑戰發起人
    Tenshi no Yami
    Tenshi no Yami
    Well, there's not much other than I really enjoy telling stories and am working on my degree in English with a concentration in Writing. I enjoy several genres but I think Supernatural, Science Fiction, and Manga may be my faves. I also like writing yaoi/slash so don't be surprised if you see that in my showcase either.

    I'm originally on Fiction press but I suppose I could transfer some of those stories to here to get a new outlook... If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I will reply as soon as I am able (/^_^)/

    I look forward to reading everyone's stories!

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  • 剩餘時間

To your surprise, a SWAT team breaks down your door, rushes inside, and surrounds you. 

Only, their backs are to you, guns trained on the doors and windows.

The closest one whispers, "Here they come"

What happens?

The POV can be in first or third person with a word count no more than 6000 words. Contestants are allowed to submit up to two submissions if the second is a continuation of the first submission.

Good luck to you all!

Click here to view your contest picture if you cannot see it above SWAT

To your surprise, a SWAT team breaks down your door, rushes inside, and surrounds you. 

Only, their backs are to you, guns trained on the doors and windows.

The closest one whispers, "Here they come"

What happens?

The POV can be in first or third person with a word count no more than 6000 words. Contestants are allowed to submit up to two submissions if the second is a continuation of the first submission.

Good luck to you all!

Click here to view your contest picture if you cannot see it above SWAT