Chapter 2 - We Meet Again
Sitting on my couch with the TV on, I stared at my phone, waiting- waiting for my courage to build up. The number of the dance studio glared at me, taunting me. I was still doubting whether I really wanted to do this or not. And with the number on the sheet in my hand staring intently at me, I began to think that maybe this wasn't a good idea. But even with that in mind, I felt my hand itching towards my phone, my heart beating faster and faster the closer I got to it. I took in a deep breath as I finally picked it up.
I dialed the number, still thinking that this might've been a bad idea after all. Asking a stranger to dance with me didn’t sound very appealing; but then again, that’s was what I'd do when I would occasionally go clubbing with the girls.
Pushing that thought aside, I pressed the call button, bringing the phone to my ear. Three dreadfully long rings later, a deep masculine voice greeted me.
“Hot Salsa, how may I help you?”
I released the breath that I was unknowingly holding in before replying.
“Uh... Yeah. I want to sign up for the Friday evening class.”
I heard the muffled sound of shuffling papers accompanied by his silence.
While I waited for his reply, I grabbed my laptop from the coffee table, placing it on my lap and opening it to turn it on.
“Okay, may I have your name for the reservation?” He finally broke the silence.
“Cadence Miller.”
I heard the distant sound of scribbles before he asked “will you be coming with a partner?” I looked down slightly embarrassed even though I knew that he couldn't see me, feeling warmth in my cheeks.
There was a slight pause before he continued.
“Okay, no problem. I can arrange a partner for you.”
I thanked him before hanging up. I slowly put my phone back on my fragile glass table before returning my attention to my laptop screen. I clicked on the internet icon, searching for Hot Salsa on Google.
A colorful home page popped up and I looked at the side for a heading that would lead me to the things I would need to bring. I quickly skimmed through the long list before stopping at the part that said that I would need to dress appropriately. I turned off my laptop and closed it, walking upstairs to my room.
I opened the closet doors to reveal the mess that was my closet and scrambled through my clothes for a while before deciding on a plain black dress that flowed to my knees from the hips with strappy low heeled shoes for the class.
Three beeps echoing throughout the house, caused me to drag myself down the stairs to my phone. I picked it up, pressing the lock button to bring the screen back to life. I typed in my pass code and opened the text from Elisa.
Up for clubbing with your girls?
I hadn't planned on doing anything tonight and it had been a while since I had gone out with them besides our usual lunch date. So I sent a quick reply before returning to my room to change into a black skirt and a purple top. I applied light make up before brushing my wavy hair and putting on a few bangles. I slipped into my heels and grabbed a small black clutch on my way out of the room.
I walked out the front door, picking up my car keys and leather jacket along the way, the slight breeze in the air leaving behind goose bumps as it brushed past my legs. I got to my car, got inside and smoothly pulled out of the driveway, joining the street and making my way to the club.
The music blared out of several large speakers as I entered the club. I walked to our usual table, having to push past a few people and earning the occasional grunt from someone who was enjoying their night too much. When I got to the table, my friends loudly greeted me by raising their glasses. I slightly chuckled to myself, sliding into the seat beside Lexxie.
“Are the guys here too?” I yelled over the music, referring to their significant others. Elisa nodded from across the table before taking a sip of her drink, the slurping sound from her straw reminding me of my thirst.
I placed my hand on the cool glass table top and excused myself from the table. I walked through the dance floor since it was the fastest way, pushing my way past people and slightly swaying to the beat of the song. I sat on a bar stool, facing the bartender who had a large smile plastered on his face.
“What can I get ya?” He asked, leaning towards me.
“Just a coke.” He looked at me with a questionable look before reverting back to his grin.
“You sure that’s what you want?” he asked. I chuckled slightly at his attempt before nodding. No matter how hard anyone tried-and my friends had many times over the years- nobody could get me to drink alcohol. I had tried it once and the bitter taste was enough for me to abandon it for the sweetness of soda. He returned my nod and turned around to fix my drink. He set the tall glass on the table and slid it to me.
Grabbing the drink, I got up from the stool and started walking back to my table, dancing along to the song. Somebody bumped into me, causing my drink to spill a little. I was thankful that it didn’t spill on me. I looked over to the person to meet the same pair of eyes I had seen earlier at the restaurant and I looked at the man’s face and noticed that his hair was a warm chestnut brown color and his beautiful eyes were still as beautiful as they had been at the restaurant.
He tilted his head almost as if he was observing me the same way that I was him. I internally slapped myself, thinking that I must've looked like an idiot just standing there and staring at him or more like admiring him.
“Oh I’m sorry.” I quickly said. He shook his head.
“No, I bumped into you. I should be the one apologizing. But have we met somewhere before?” He asked with his eyebrows drawn together in thought. “I think I saw you today at-”
“The Lounge,” I finished his sentence for him by saying the name of the restaurant.
I giggled slightly as he chuckled. He looked at my dampened hand from the spill and his eyes widened.
“Let me help you,” he said, placing his hand on the small of my back and leading me back to the bar. I placed the glass back on the table as he asked for paper towels.
The warmth of his hand radiated into mine as he held it, wiping away drops from the spill. I looked at him with a small smile on my lips, noticing the contrast between his white shirt and his sun kissed skin. He looked up at me and smiled.
“I’m Dennis by the way,” he introduced himself. I had the feeling that his name was one that I wouldn't forget.
“Cadence.” I told him my name.
There was a slight pause before he continued with a smile. “It’s nice to meet you Cadence. I’m sorry for spilling your drink, mind if I buy you a new one?”
My smile widened and he took it as a yes, asking the bartender to make me another drink. After receiving my drink, I thanked him and left to return to my friends since I had been gone for a while.
When I arrived, I noticed Jason and Stan, Lexxie and Elisa’s guys, sitting with them at the table busy chatting. I sat beside Jason, sandwiching him between Lexxie and me. Elisa ran a hand through her soft blonde curls, looking at me with her green eyes.
“What took you so long?” she asked curiously. I take a quick sip of my drink and replied “nothing.” When she didn't continue to ask me questions I released a sigh of relief.
Stan softly kissed Elisa on her cheek before standing.
“We’re going to get more drinks. Be right back.”
And with that, I stood up to let Jason out and returned to sitting after he had left with Stan.
“You need to get yourself a man, Cady.” Lexxie said, turning her head to face me, her jet black hair twirling a little. I shrugged, taking a longer sip of my drink in an attempt to show how uninterested I was in the new conversation.
“So are you coming to Salsa with us anytime soon?” Elisa asked, breaking me out of the intense staring competition I was having with the table, which I think I won.
“Why do you ask?” I asked, trying to play with them a little.
“Because! We've been asking you to come for so long and you're always turning us down,” she said with a frown.
I turned to Lexxie to find her looking at me with the same expression. I heaved a sigh as I finally decided to tell them.
"It's just one class Cady. We promise to leave you alone after that." Lexxie pouted. I ran a hand through my hair as I braced myself for their reactions.
"I'm coming to the Friday clas-" before I could even finish, they had erupted into squeals of victory. I plugged my ears to drown out their sudden loud noise as I felt a small smile on my lips.
It looked like there was no way for me to back out now.