Even though science has occupied the first place in human beliefs today, it is just like the predecessors, who hand over important decisions to invisible hands - just replacing the former "many gods and Buddhas" with today's "Internet of Everything" and "Big Data".
Studies have shown that an adult makes about 35,000 decisions a day.
35000? I didn't realize there were so many? After deducting 8 hours of sleep, it is equivalent to 2187.5 decisions per hour when awake, or 36.5 decisions per minute.
However, exaggeration can be even more exaggerated!
Just connect these decisions like the number of galaxies with the parallel world theory!
That is, every time you make a decision, a timeline will be created, that is, when "this you at this moment" is going to decide to go east or west, as long as "this you at this moment" chooses to go east, "Another Westward You at Another Moment" will be automatically generated.
It can be deduced from this that different life forms have made different choices in order to develop "infinite possibilities" and give birth to an "endless universe"!