Hello to whoever may be reading.
My name is- well maybe i wont tell you that- or will i? Yes yes i will. My name is obviously not coldbrew (i was just drinking one of those when i created my account.)
My name in real life is Zahra, has a few different meanings but believe me, they are probs nothing like my personality.
Currently im 16 years old (yes i can drive, but everytime im behind them wheel i almost kill someone) and my birthday is in late October- in springtime yay.
Have no clue how tall i am, last time i measured i was 5'3 (thats ft, but im Australian so i measure in cm)
I dont have a favourite book, i just love reading when i can.
I dont really have a favourite movie of tv show either, but i lovee the Pretty Little Liars series.
I have quite a few hobbies. I have a knack for painting my nails in unessassarily dramatic designs, and i can also braid my hair in some pretty interesting styles lol. I like to knit and crochet, and ive recently discovered that i love rollerblading.
Yet despite all these things, i still tend to plop myself on the couch on my phone.
I go to a private school an hour away from where i live (i travel on a bus with like 8 other kids from the school) and have 3 bestiess and a nice heap of social anxiety.
Mmmmk i think thats more than enough about me. Be prepared for completely random posts about my life that will probably make no sense