Ive come to a conclusion and decided that people are weird. Its funny, you can go an entire day surrounded by a sea of people, and still only talk to three people. That pretty much sums up my school life. I go into that place every day and hide myself away in a room and talk to my friends only.
Im socially awkard, eye contact can scare me even. But most people dont know that, they probably just think im really rude.
Buuuuuttt im getting past that point in my life where i care so much about what people think about me. I dont care if they think im weird. People will always come and go, but you are always stuck with yourself. If you love yourself, then no matter what happens, youll always have yourself. Nothing can hurt you more than your own self hate.
Aanyyway on a brighter note, some people are really really amazing and everyone who is in your life is supposed to be there.
If theres somebody in your life that has helped you be the amazing person you are today, please pleasee tell them that ♡
Thats enough for now. Ill haunt u in my next post hehe.