A Prosperous Spirit is one of the keys to attracting abundance in an effortless manner. Imboni uZwi-Lezwe Radebe taught us in the early hours of the beginnijg of this year, on live stream, about the importance of having a clean Spirit. Through having a clean Spirit, one gains what is referred to as a Prosperous Spirit.
A Prosperous Spirit is a Spirit that easily attracts abundance and good fortune, and good fortunes that actually last a long time. If you have a dirty or a dark spirit: you harbour grudges and jealousy, you are filled with anger and hate, you fail to wish others well, you judge others etc, then, you will battle to manifest happiness, success and money.
If you truly want to master your ability to attract good fortunes start with your Spirit. Clean your Spirit, develop a Spirit of Purity and a Spirit that is vibrant with genuineness. Let go of hate, let go of the past, let go of toxic emotions. And grow your happiness, grow your inner joy and feel good about yourself, Life and others.
Abundance lies in having a Prosperous Spirit. To obtain a Prosperous Spirit, clean yourself spiritually, let go of all that is plaguing your Spirit, so that it may become pure. And so you shall attract abundance in great loads and abundance that lasts a long time.
A dirty spirit will struggle to attract you money, and if it does, that money quickly disappears.
Imboni uZwi-Lezwe Radebe's teaching are amazing!