There will be moments in your journey people will share laughter for the failures that you endure in your reality. There will be moments you make yourself look like a fool out there in the world trying to live up to your full potential. There will be times you break records -- you literally shatter them into pieces, but no one even notices...
Moments when following your dreams -- your passion -- feels like one big joke! And it is in those moments that you must realize, Life -- The Higher Powers -- is testing you. Do not make the mistake of walking away and settling for less. The people will continue laughing, the world will continue being brutal and your dreams will continue crying for someone to fight for them.
Stand up! Get up! Rise up!
Your time is coming, and it draws closer with every step you take forward. Promise yourself: one day you will look back and say the words, "It's a good thing I said no to the voice that said I should quit."
Don't be a quitter, be a winner.
The world has no respect for quitters -- especially those who threw their dreams away. The world respects winners, fight for your dreams until they are a part of this reality.