
Details on how organizations involved with cops operate that get people written off for having psychosis and video evidence of "sex traffickers" innocence with timestamps. And this stuff involves psychology, neuroscience, and sociology
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Details on how organizations involved with cops operate that get people written off for having psychosis and video evidence of "sex traffickers" innocence with timestamps. And this stuff involves psychology, neuroscience, and sociology and predictive psychology and tactics that mimic psychosis. Whistle-blower information 

this is a real life story 

My name is erik benoit I'm writing Here today to get my story of harassment out. I have been harassed on the road for awhile  including by some very evil criminals. Click on the timestamps in my YouTube videos to see examples of my harassment. They were also maliciously slandering me as well. Look at my ten YouTube channels light of justice101 through light of justice110, I have pointed out some examples of my harassment on the road via timestamps. There were also people talking about finding out if I was a alpha or beta male. There were also people making up lies about me to make people think I was a sociopath or psychopath. I'm also famous in the Northampton area as that guy who always wears sunglasses. Keep in mind I live in a rural area. It's possible some of what was said was to manipulate me

My harassment on the road included way too many vehicles on the road, to many people on the road with headlights and parking lights on in broad daylight, too many people with hazard lights flashing and other flashing lights every drive, too many vehicles with one headlight or parking light on every drive as well as other odd light configurations, people on the road using tactics that mimic psychosis. And all this was every drive 

https://youtu.be/VByZGbYrZIc in timestamp 50:36 in the video description you can clearly see someone harrassing me by turning there one parking light on at me

And the neckturn motion people on the road, at c&s, and yankee candle warehouse were doing to mock me is probably something that people with psychosis would complain about 

In the video below at timestamp 19:43 in the video description you can see a cop mocking me with a neckturn motion https://youtu.be/MCjuHL2Pyas

There were also people at Yankee candle c&s and on the road mocking me like that

examples of me being harrassed christmas day 2022 click on the timestamps in the video descriptions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLHkMYgb_K4

Both these cops in  both videos were also flashing lights at me, it's possible they are both in this organization 

https://youtu.be/kYPydlra1aQ here is a example of me being harrassed on Christmas eve click on timestamp 11:26 and see another person turning there one parking light on at me. There is also a army of cars traffick mobbing me every drive and driving by with headlights on in broad daylight.

https://youtu.be/fBrQBBO6FOw click on the timestamps in this video to see examples me being traffic mobbed.

It would appear by my harassment on the road these people wanted me to act like I had psychosis and complain about flashing lights or act like a desperate sex trafficker since they act very similar from what I overheard

I believe a lot of sex traffickers are very desensitized emotionally dead people that look at lights well I believe these people could have had people using tactics that mimic psychosis on them and because they could not rewire there Braine using tactics that mimic psychosis and get them into a mental asylum they would get desensitized and be made sex traffickers. I believe they have to break someone's concentration before they can rewire their brain using tactics that mimic psychosis I believe this can rewire someone's brain to get psychosis or a synthetic version of it or feel like what someone with psychosis feels. I believe this harassment also makes them look at lights and be uneasy around them because they also harass people on the road using odd light configurations. And this is because of the similarities between someone having a psychosis episode and  a desperate sex trafficker and a communist having a psychosis episode.

It's possible because of the similarities between someone having a psychosis episode and how a desperate sex trafficker would act and because a lot of sex traffickers complain about flashing lights and these people were lying about me having a psychosis episode and complaining about flashing lights and saying evil things and telling radical leftists they would say it's a coincidence and could get a lot of cops killed they have to make him a desperate sex trafficker he's a very evil person anyway. They also had a option to make me a communist having a psychosis episode.

So from the sounds of it you either end up missing or in a mental asylum for having a "psychosis episode" breakdown, end up in in prison as a desperate sex trafficker or in solitary confinement as a foreign agent or a radical communist possible one having a psychosis episode. Also overheard talking about the similarities between how a desperate sex trafficker and someone having a psychosis episode breakdown would act.  There  were also people lying about me being suicidal so these people also could fake peoples suicides which apparently people with psychosis experience a lot. Someone said they are waiting for him to make the first move, so I believe they were waiting to see how I acted before the picked which option to go with. Control groups they called them They also said a lot of sex traffickers flash headlights at people to get them to flash back so they can record. I believe people with psychosis that are aggressive do that to.  If there are police flashing lights at me at the same time there people using tactics that mimic psychosis and there were other police saying I was a nutcase that talked about mafia brothels than they are obviously involved in organized crime. Because this harassment desensitizes you over time and can get you to acquire a lack of empathy and fear with mocking such as neckturn motions and whispered insults which people with psychosis  experience probably, and fool police psychologists and fool police psychologists into thinking you are a psychopath probably and because the also harass you with a army of cars and odd light configurations it can also get you to look at lights and be uneasy around them which people with psychosis do they can make you a "demon" as they say and make you you of those people with that neurological condition that supposedly do evil things a lot that don't like lights or lights of other colors and complain about flashing blue lights. They were also telling people I did not know right from wrong. If they cant get you to act panicked and freak out this harassment desensitizes you.  If they can't rewire your braine using tactics that mimic psychosis This harassment will desensitize you over time.  They also had a option to make me a crime lord.  I believe they were originally trying to make me a evil criminal having a psychosis episode breakdown. Another thing I overheard was it's human nature to believe someone if enough people to say it. Some things they did to convince people was have people at my work slandering me to people there and to people outside of work while people outside of work slandered me. They would have people using a form of mind control outside of work slander me saying I was doing and saying evil things and complaining about flashing lights and wearing a certain shirt and people at my work would say I was saying and doing those evil things wearing that shirt claiming people outside work said it so when I came into work wearing that shirt people there would be more likely to believe them. Another example being getting people to flash lights at me and use tactics that mimic psychosis on the road and making up evil lies about me having a psychosis breakdown and complaining about flashing lights and if i did complain about flashing lights and act like i had psychosis people would be more likely to believe those lies, like for example them telling people i was harrasing boys being a pedophile and complaining about flashing lights and acting like i had psychosis. If I acted like they wanted the people they were trying to convince would have believed them. They also had a psychologist watching me there. They would slander me at work also by making up evil lies about me to people on topics I just talked about with them so those people would be more likely to belive it. Like if I talked about playing a video game with someone there later someone would tell that person I was saying evil things and talking about that game so they would be more likely to believe it. Another thing I overheard was a lot of sex traffickers complain about flashing lights. Another thing I overheard was talk of the similarities between how a desperate sex trafficker And someone having a psychosis episode would act. It would appear by my harrasment on the road  they wanted me to act like I had psychosis and complain about flashing lights. Someone said in November 2021 usually people who complain about flashing lights get kidnapped. I also overheard someone say everytime he complains about flashing lights he's risking the right wing... I also overheard someone say until they know he's not a sex trafficker they have to write him off with psychosis.  They also test people's wills by pointing to see if they look, like to the side out the window while driving or something. I believe they do this to see if they can easily blackmail you.  I believe they have to break someone's concentration using tactics that mimic psychosis before they can rewire someone's brain. I believe this is partly designed to rewire someone's braine so they get psychosis or a synthetic version of it. It's possible they would flash lights at a lot of people and because it was not enough for most people to notice but if anyone acted nervous or uneasy they would say they either have psychosis or are hiding something or involved in something and investigate these people to see if they could blackmail them. I also overheard Someone say no wonder we couldn't get him in a mental hospital ... people flashing lights at him. Someone Said if he complained about flashing lights he would have to be a sex trafficker. There were also people that whispered we know how evil you are at me. They also test people's wills by looking up at the ceiling to see if people look or point in a direction while driving by to see If people look. And I heard them talking about a hypnotist that tested my will by having someone in a car to the side of me drive by with a red handkerchief being held out of the window. Another thing I overheard was someone say he's sorry but if he complains about flashing lights he's going to have to be a sex trafficker. Another thing I overheard was someone said 9 out of ten times if someone complains about a flashing light they write them off for psychosis. There was also a politician's brother following me on Facebook. Other things about this organization I heard was they were lying about me complaining about lights of other colors and that they said there was a neurological condition were people with this condition that complained about lights of other colors did very evil things and looked at them or did not like them. And possiblely flashing lights, I was wondering if thats how they got cops to look the other way. And I believe a lot of them were sextraffikers. If they thought I was a moral crusader they would probably make me a moral crusader. Someone said do you know how many people with psychosis.... got a gun, maybe referring to people with psychosis that freak out and get shot.  Another example of tactics that mimic psychosis that can rewire the brain would be people rolling car windows down at graveyards and making a rigor mortis or snake fang sign with the hand, strangely configured vehicles with blinker on at graveyards or certain street signs like bullet road or by shooting ranges, they could also do that with red cars, people doing neckturn and necksnap motions while driving by which some of which they did so i would see threats were none existed eventually like when someone at work said smells like something died in this trailer and I belive it rewires your briane so you see threats were none exist and you dont know whats coincidence and whats not and its possible you could get psychosis from this or a synthetic version of it. There were also too many vechicals turning on to and off side roads. There were too many coincidences.  Or a gunshot every once in awhile and when someone from my family came home on a few occasions, And once when a red car was pulling out of a shooting range by my house when I was going for a walk. Another example a man putting a gun in the truck of his car in a completely different location. Another example of tactics that mimic psychosis was when someone in my family put on the emergency brake in my car In the winter and later that day a few cars were repeatedly hitting their brakes. 

Another example being after I was telling someone about how someone in my family used to go scuba diving in Florida, later that day a car with a Florida license plate with a scuba diver on it was in front of me. Or one day when I was not recording a car had a 12mm license plate or something like that. Over time it was hard to tell when someone was mocking me or just turning there head. Another example of tactics that mimic psychosis they did was cars with headlights on in broad daylight by mailboxes fiddling with them

I believe the tactics that mimic psychosis also weakens your will power especially when it breaks your concentration. 

These people also use predictive psychology. 

Another thing the tactics that mimic psychosis does is make you see threats were none exist and not know what's coincidence and what's not like if someone says have a safe ride home or be careful driving home, like if said in the winter

It would appear by my harassment they wanted me to act like I had psychosis and complain about flashing lights 

They were also talking about breaking my concentration so I belive they have to do that first before rewiring your braine using tactics that mimic psychosis. they also were people going around saying I did not know right from wrong. Another thing I heard was neither the religious right or left can ever find out people can get raped to death in prison. I also heard talk of people getting written off for having psychosis. I believe if they did get you written off for psychosis the harrasment could get a lot worse including Tactile contact, they could easily get you into a mental asylum. there were also people lying about me complaining about lights of other or different colors and someone said a lot of sex traffikers did that and that's something Someone with psychosis would complain about probaly. Someone also said he is supposed to be looking at lights which is probably what someone with psychosis would complain about. It's possible a invisible parallel society involved in organized crime and people being blackmailed might run this. I believe these people would flash some lights at people they think were involved with something like not enough to be to noticeable but noticeable to people involved in something like for example flash lights at a graveyard a few times to see if they got very nervous and they would say maybe he is a murderer. and/ or have vehicles license  plates ending in 666 to see if they could be "evil" based  on their reaction. Or they would flash lights at suspected pedophiles with school busses, by kids or by school signs to see how they react, maybe do something for people that they thought might be involved in drugs like get people to go by wearing weed hats etc. It's possible they could use this to find people to blackmail 

https://youtu.be/MCjuHL2Pyas at timestamp 51:17 you can see someone flashing lights and a vehicle with 666 on the back as part of a phone number

Part of the reason these people were slandering me and stuff is so they don't have to clean up the prisons 

There were also slandering me to different segments of the population like Christians, liberals, leftists, conservatives etc. And one thing I heard was we have to make sure the Christians...

 After awhile When I was not freaking out they started telling some people I was the most emotional dead person they ever met

I heard someone say if he has psychosis he is evil, referring to evil lies people made up about me being evil and having a psychosis episode breakdown 

After awhile When I was not freaking out they started telling some people I was the most emotional dead person they ever met

I heard someone say if he has psychosis he is evil

They also had a option to make me a evil nutcase that complained about flashing blue 

It's possible because of the similarities between someone having a psychosis episode and how a desperate sex trafficker would act and because a lot of sex traffickers complain about flashing lights and these people were lying about me having a psychosis episode and complaining about flashing lights and saying evil things and telling radical leftists they would say it's a coincidence and could get a lot of cops killed they have to make him a desperate sex trafficker he's a very evil person anyway. They also had a option to make me a communist having a psychosis episode.

examples of me being harrassed christmas day 2022 click on the timestamps in the video descriptions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLHkMYgb_K4

I Also heard talk of maybe this being a power structure a extremely evil one

I also overheard someone say he knows to much about power structures 

shortly after someone said ... people from the group said those cops are evil fascists  

someone said something about a communist insergency, they could have been war gamming or something

https://youtu.be/q5yDmrnpN_8 in the time stamp 34:09 in the video description of this youtube video you can see a loading truck flashing its hazard lights at me while it's docked in the loading bay at the shipping area of the Yankee candle warehouse in southdeerfield,  I was also harassed at work by these people and it's funny there were people at Yankee candle saying I was complaining about flashing lights at work

these people were trying to convince enough people first i believe

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loOF2xHJS6E&t=261s at timestamp 0:05 in the video discription of this  this youtube video is another example of someone mocking me with a repeated neck turn motion, this is more noticeable on a larger screen. Which people were also doing at C&S Westfield and Yankee candle warehouse in South Deerfield.  You can also see the glare of my one headlight on his car which comes on whenever I apply the brakes apparently. I believe they did this to my car sometime in 2021 I already got it fixed once before in December 2021 when a mechanic at my Subaru place told me about it and I go there about every 3-4 months for maintenance I would say. After awhile the neckturn turn motion they were doing made it hard to know when it was a coincidence when people just turned their heads 

And when I did not act like a desperate sex traffiker/ someone having a psychosis episode  they told people I was a emotionally dead demon, those people that according to them do evil things a lot and don't know right from wrong, which is funny since those people were desensitizing me on the road for two years. Another thing that was said was when everyone thought he was gay they were telling us he was a pedophile 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QeMo_07Qz4 these house were lit up a lot for some reason and one was flashing a blue light which is probaly what someone with psychosis would complain about

30:23 FBL

32:13 FBL

32:28 L these two houses are occasionally lit up like this for some reason.

its likely some people would get radicalized and go after the police from this harassment and be made communists but be desensitized so people would think they were lying 

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7IrnBP_9aw    in timestamp 39:46 FL& 41:36 FBL this ambulance also flashed a green blinker at me when it was behind me in addition to flashing a blue blinker 

There was also talk of fabricating evidence I was a threat to national security

i also overheard someone say hes supposed to be looking at lights

https://youtu.be/oNVaUWot1oI in timestamps 

1:11:41 FGL & 1:12:40 &  1:13:08 FGL this vehicle was flashing a green light at me In this youtube video

They also said yep he's a sex trafficker when I looked at a red light on a barn at night which is funny since there are people using tactics that mimic psychosis on the road and Part of this harassment is designed to get you to look at lights uneasily. Apparently there evidence of people being a sex trafficker is looking at lights of different colors

Another thing that was said was when everyone thought he was gay they were telling us he was a pedophile 

These tactics that mimic psychosis on the road affected my concentration and I believe when they break your concentration it makes it harder to focus and weakens your willpower. This is the area of the brain it effects. According to Google a damaged pre frontal cortex can cause blunted emotional responses and decreased empathy or emotional blunting and if you look up emotional blunting you will see what I mean. There was also talk of finding my breaking point and breaking my concentration. 

There was also talk of fabricating evidence I was a threat to national security.

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11 easy ways to boost your willpower and concentration.

Aug 18, 2015 — 1. Create a quick-hit agenda. · 2. Work on your most pressing projects first thing in the morning. · 3. Practice concentrating for long stretches.

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In the brain, the seat of will-power is the prefrontal cortex (PFC) which plays a key role in these functions: Focus and concentration. Emotional regulation and body regulation – balancing over-excitement and under-arousal. Motivation and emotional drive – the ability to formulate values, goals and purposes.

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“Willpower activates your prefrontal cortex, which is in the front part of your brain near your forehead,” says Dr. Metanchuk. This part of your brain plays a significant role in making decisions, especially when it comes to your inhibition.Jan 2, 2020

Nov 27, 2014 — Our willpower acts very much like muscles in our body — it fatigues with use and can be tired to the point of exhaustion. In the late 90s, ...

I believe a lot of desperate sex traffickers flash lights at people to try and get them to flash back so they can record which aggressive people with psychosis would do probably 

At c&s in 2020 there were people talking about getting people to testify against me and rigging the jury. Looking back they might have been trying to manipulate me to say that about the jury or its possible that they could

These people also could use cursed images to harrass people using tactics that mimic psychosis with would make things appear bizarre, disturbing or out of place which is what someone with psychosis probably experience. Google it, like for example seeing your boss in a cactus chair at work or a fork with its ends pushed to the side so there is a gap in the middle. 

Another example of tactics that mimic psychosis would be a bathtub faucet turned at a weird angle which did happen to me several times

My harrasment on the road started off slow at first. The first time I noticed something was in early Febuary 2020 when I still worked at c&s, when a few vans pretended to swerve towards me or did slightly, and things escalated from there. One thing I overheard in 2022 was most people lose their minds. I believe psychosis episodes start slowly than escalate

I believe a lot of these people were pretending to be slowly convinced I was whatever these people were trying to "convince" them I was including some people in the groups they were trying to convince probably. It's possible some people in the group were slowly pretending to be "convinced" to others in the group 

Someone said when everyone thought he was gay they were telling us he was a pedophile. 

I believe in order for these people to do a hit on me these people had to convince groups in every segment of the population like Christians, liberals, leftists, conservatives, etc so no one would cause problems. 

additional things I heard was talk of invisibly conquering the earth, someone also said and there finally would have been peace on earth. Another thing I heard was for the greater good of the planet a lot of innocent people...

Another thing I overheard was the russians and chinese know the mafia was almost wiped out

I overheard someone say the only mafia the left might belive it is is the italian mafia 

I overheard someone say in 2022 they are going to have to wipe out the italian mafia 

someone said the left wing media is very powerful 

someone said they could have caused the syrian revolution 

there was talk of activating the national guard 

also talk of ripping apart soviet sattalite states 

someone said eventually the criminal organizations were going to be wiped out 

another thing I overheard was there could be invisable dictators 

its possible this is a desperate invisable parallel  society pretending to be goverment spooks in a cover up

someone said he might be a very powerful fbi agent working with the leftwing of the government 

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