WARNING: Cursing
I was cleaning up the Sky-Break when I heard a crash in the back. I grabbed a milk canister and held in batter position, fully prepared to knock out whoever it was out cold. "Who's there?," I yelled out hesitantly, "Show yourself...I'm armed!" I screamed more confidently. I crept forward, terrified of what was behind the "Employees Only" door.
The rustling became more prominent, proving that whatever was inside was trying to get out. Suddenly, the door burst open. Without looking, I wailed the milk canister on the intruder. The intruder cried out and fell to the floor. I opened his eyes to find Liam on the floor, rubbing his head.
"Liam, what are you doing here?!", I interrogated, Liam responded weakly, "I know my shift ended hours ago, but I wanted to come see you". Liam stood up on his feet, still rubbing the back of his head where he was hit with the milk canister. Liam laughed, "Wow, you really did a number on me; I didn't know someone like you could hit that hard", I scowled, "Oh, shut up", I crossed his arms, slightly pouting. Liam chuckled, "Hey, I want to take you somewhere", he said, peeking my interest. "I've got questions, where and why?", I asked. "There is an arcade downtown...I don't know if you like video games or not, but I thought that it might be fun", Liam said sheepishly. "Okay, that's the where, now what's the why?" I asked, leaving no room for thought, "Well, because you seem pretty cool and I wanted to hang out with you", he mumbled, as if he was nervous to speak.
"Alright, sure" I answered, "I'm free after I finish closing up shop", I said, smiling at Liam. "But, next time, try not to scare the shit out of me" I laughed. "Noted", Liam laughed. I continued to wipe down the counters while Liam helped organize the various coffee pods before putting the "Closed" sign on the front door.
To be continued
publisher - kiiki
writer(s) - Piper Stanley
editor - none
reviser/reviewer - kiiki & Rnash