Well this being my first book (but not my first idea) this will be first to be started. This is going to be full of my previously written work (if i can copy it somehow!) otherwise I'll leave this one for now...
Finally got this done (well getting the 3000 words already done in here.)
Lost artefacts of nite and qua’ka
These are almost unknown to the world but there was an ancient race of magkas who were able to use the full power of their armors and magic they have. Over the many years these people have gone to war with each other to control each other and used the nite and qua’ka to fight each other. In the end there was only a few left and hid these light and dark powerful arts in specialized artifacts in lost locations. The magka fya are decedents of these ancient humans and only they know. There is also lost magic from these ancient race. the artifacts hold them now.
The ancient wonders:
millions of years later the worlds magic users known as the ancient beings have created and established the kingdoms of the world with the three major kingdoms known as the fortresses of wonder. With these three wonders trying to keep peace between each other and the smaller kingdoms and the rest of the world around them. Each of the grand magic users of the wonders are known as the magka fya which means “the pure wizards.” These magka fya are capable of ultimate magic and armor. They formed their own secret guild to combine their efforts to keep the world in peace and hide from the growing suspicion of the people. People grew more rumors and fears towards the magka fya. So they stay away to keep from starting any problems in the world. But this was quickly turning into something else. The kings of the wonders wanted them to be captured to be questioned of any motives or any secrecy and possibly be killed. They had to flee from the areas into the surrounding forests. The ancient wonders had grown to despise each other and wanted to get rid of each other due to land control, the power they had and some of the magkas that remanded. While the magka fya established the guild Centtra where many magka fya’s could be in. they manage to find the artifacts with their arts and decided to keep it hidden from the world and protect them.
dragonite and pura magka:
a few years later the magka fya have grown more knowledge of their powers and decided to expand the world. They used the energy they wield to empower their armors with nite. But since they are losing their pure magic with each generation they ultimately decided to make the ancient pure magic to exist into the artifacts. They started becoming weaker over the years and become like the rest of the world. The most powerful magka known as Flaree used the nite and qua’ka to be able to give the powers. Nite was used to create the dragonite armor and qua’ka for much purer magic called pura magka. The other disagreed with this and banished him forever.
The war of wonders and the war of the magka:
The wonders had launched war after several attempts to assassinate or sabotage each other have failed they begin the biggest war in history and the only history of this remains is the kingdoms are destroyed and there was only a few million people who were apart of the wonders survived. They begin to establish town and guilds with their own groups.
Meanwhile the magka had to face Flaree and his followers who wanted the artifacts for himself even though they had failed the spread attention to the magka to the other people of the world. And only so many survived. The magka stopped and killed Flaree and had to face the people who fought the magka fya. There was only a hundred left who managed to run away.
The fall of the pure:
This event is because the magka over many generations of their sons and daughters having less pure magic and armor and became more like the rest of the world. But with the artifacts they had to protect. After many years, they used what was left of the pure magic and armors to keep in the artifacts and made it so people who would ever find these could unlock and use these powers but at the cost of being have to be a decedent of the magka. It also can badly wound you. Another thing that made them unique to the world is how they can become more powerful than normal people. This being able to have more energy, stronger armor and magic and lastly, be better at these arts. Many humans started to stop thinking the magka are any more, some of the magka themselves kept their knowledge of this away from their children but only a few would truly know this many thousands of years later.
Rebuilding the capitals:
People have begun rebuilding the wonders to big cities and structures of towns only rebuilding the main castle in the center. Becoming less in size of army but more in population. They began to build their towns, spreading across the land and forgetting the artifacts and magka fya over time. But only a few. Many still know it’s real and want to know more about it. Those who didn’t believe it turn it into more legends and stories the only thing known as a story and legend is the ancient magic.
The ancient arts:
The last few magka have become like humans but still stronger than regular people. But a few of them started the ancient arts. A clan dedicated to bringing back the magka and finding the artifacts and control the capitals as the wonders again. At first a good group but grew more powerful and dangerous to the population. They decided to ignore any who wanted to stop them and kill them to get their goals. They also become more evil as it got bigger. The people, clans and guilds fought these people and the smaller guilds who want power or controls. They grow stronger and have even taken different locations for their own use. Over time the capitals and the ancient arts have fought.
The rise:
This event is after a few years of the ancient arts have been lowered. They were losing badly to the capitals but they managed to find two of the many artifacts and used this power to attack one of the capitals with the lost magic in their hands. They were unable to unlock it though but one person managed to use this power and become way stronger, similar to the older generation magka fya and use an ancient magic from millions of years ago. they manage to gain many more people and become much stronger by making them fear and think they have become much stronger from the artefacts too. They destroyed much of the capital but remains standing and some of it is in control of the king of that capital. By which than the kings decided to abandon the status of kings and form a council in one of the more powerful capitals. The other two were which more civilian based and started to form clans and guilds there making them able to help clear the land of dangers. But in only a few months one of the capitals fell to the ancient arts only small amounts can still fight back for the big city. And a new leader is taking over for the capital. He is more respected and feared as a leader than the one who leads the ancient arts, being a magka he had an upper hand. He killed the leader and took the role for himself and plans much more than bringing back the magka and their powers. The capital still fights them in small patches who have yet to be taken over. One clan is trying to take more back and has a lot of help from the council.
New guild beginning:
A year after one of the capitals has been attacked. Most of it is now the ancient arts but the council wanted to focus on the smaller guilds that wanted to take power and control for themselves. Since the ancient arts have been getting these groups. They have attacked them over and over. But sometimes with no success due to the arts getting in the way. They finally wanted war on the arts. But the arts attack the capital. Even though unsuccessful they still did some damage to the place and they had to rebuild it and regroup. This alone was causing problems for the people and soldiers. Since they needed support and are lower on supplies and resources to even consider war. This lead to clans and guilds building their own places for them and train there. The council would have not allowed this but now would take anything for the stability of the world, while having soldiers ready for the arts and other dangerous people.
Fall of the capital and phoenix uproar:
Since the capital had only resistance fighting back they were slowly being defeated bit by bit. Losing almost all the battles they were in. the towns and cities around the world are being destroyed and attacked by the ancient arts. As the years went by the ancient arts are stronger than ever they are everywhere but in small patches they hold only a few towns and cities. The main capital is still being fought over for. The council are slowly losing hope, even if guilds are fighting back they fear more than they hope. But their primary focus is the capital. The military is in ruins there and they have lost many and only have so many around the remaining two capitals now. They think the arts can attack any day now. The cities were being slowly taken back but were ether in runs now or the people that lived there have moved on or died during the attacks. A guild of strong warriors with the most magka fya are a part of it taking back the lands. They are called the phoenix arms.
Daralus Valock (nickname shadow knight)
Book names: The knight, mercenary, the shadow user
Gender: male
Age: 26
Magic: darkness
Height: 1.88 m
Appearance: hair is decently long and messy, hair is black, eyes are dark blue.
Personality: Daralus is normally uncaring for others and is a very lone wolf. He prefers to be alone and can be mean because of it. But he does do tasks with others, but his attitude doesn’t change and just does the job causing others to not like him a lot. He is very protective and can be really caring to those close to him. He can also be friendly at times too. He is also mysterious and hides who he looks like and doesn’t go by his name. He tends to be paranoid at times at everyone around him.
History: Daralus has grown up in hiding with his parents. He is a magka but he was never told of this. But he was told of all the history of the world he lives in. when he was young he wanted to explore the world. When he and his parents had to flee. They had a daughter as well. Darias was very protective of his sister. By 11 his parents were killed and he and his sister had to hide. He became cold to those around him but very nice to his sister. They stayed hidden but soon started going to other places. When he was 15 he started getting better at his powers, with his sister training with him. They traveled the world together. Until one of the capitals thought his sister was a part of the ancient arts. She was attacked, but Darias saved her and they hid for a while, they begin to think the world hated them. He wanted her to train and become strong to protect herself. Only a year later they were separated when they got stuck in a forest and attacked in an ambush. He tried to find her. When he did, she was slaughtered. He lost it and killed every last person involved, no one remained. It was full of the ancient arts and they found out soon and now they see him as a threat. He forever travelled alone doing work for others to get money to keep himself going. He became more cold and alone because of this.
Enella Starision
Book names: the scout, the blue haired girl, the agility user, the thoughtful scout
Gender: female
Age: 25
Magic: agility
Height: 1.79 m
Appearance: long dark blue hair with a shorter fringe, eyes are green
Personality: Enella always has hope for good to come, she also never gives up trying for what is best to help those she knows. She can be heartless at times when angered. She sometimes thinks a lot when alone or she feels somethings not right. She is mostly serious and rarely takes anything lightly when it’s something major or important.
History: Enella was born to a military family who were apart of one of the three capitals. But by 9 the capital they were in was almost taken over. Her parents were killed, her brother was presumed dead, she was hurt and had to flee from the capital to one of the smaller guilds. She ended up in the Phoenix Arms. It was only a few people in it but took care of Enella and gave her hope and courage to continue onward. She trained and lived there. She has gone away multiple times to look for the artifacts. She believes its all real and wants to find them by 14 she found a massacre in a town and learned it was the arts. She had been ambushed and attacked. She was saved by a mysterious figure. Who turned out to be her brother who survived the war and been in hiding. He continues to do so for a different guild called the swords of light who were fighting the arts in the capital. By 18 she had been exploring the land and other capitals. Keeping low and hiding. By 22 she returned to the Phoenix Arms to help their cause. She later teamed up with a friend in these mission known as Toqan, who was a soldier for the capital.
Toqan Jarvala
Book names: the mentor
Gender: male
Age: 35
Magic: illusion
Height: 1.85 m
Appearance: has slightly long red hair that hangs on the left side. Has yellow-red eyes.
Personality: Toqan always has a caring attitude and a father like personality. He is serious, but is more fun and less serious when trying to cheer up people or have fun at good moments. He always speaks what’s true and never likes to treated with disrespect. He tends to study how an enemy fights when in combat and prefers to avoid fights when possible.
History: Toqan grew up with only a father in his life. He had taught him the important things in life and how to defend himself and use magic very well. He became a quick learner to combat and became interested in studying fighting styles and magic arts. By 10 he was very well aware how to fight, but preferred not to when it’s not needed. He did want to join the capital’s army to aid in battles. By 19 he joined in and raised through the ranks. He has seen deadly battles and been in many winning and losing, long fought battles. By 20 the capital was attacked and almost taken over. For the next year he would try to fight them back but had no luck. He left the army shortly after and joined the phoenix arms and started to make them known to the public and fight the ancient arts. By 27 he has become one of many leader figures of the group and one of the strongest people in the guild. He goes out frequently to stop any attack by the arts in many places. When he was 33 he met Enella and they had talked and became friends. He took her under his wing and wanted to teach her how to study and fight enemies to help her.
Rowsla Greddant
Book names: mad man, the ice user, the black haired boy, the leader
Gender: male
Age: 30
Magic: Ice
Height: 1.77 m
Appearance: Has longish, black hair with a grey fringe that covers one side of the face, has scars on the hidden side of the face. Has green-white eyes.
Personality: Rowsla grew up as a person who loves ice and being in fights. He is always curious about things he doesn’t know and pushes for answers. He tends to be slightly crazy when being in a fight, causing more offensive without thinking, he also smiles to the sight of an explosion or seeing blood. He sometimes is cautious to dangers that can beat him.
History: Rowsla has grown up starting and finishing fights, causing a lot of bloody outcomes, because of how people treated and feared him, he was banished from his village. By 16 he returned after wondering the world, taking quests for money and doing whatever it takes for his reward. He attacked and destroyed the village with only a few survivors, he was beaten and ran. He trained for many years wanting more than just fights, he wanted to kill. He was founded for his skills and talents in battle and getting answers, in Ancient Arts he learned about the Magka, He decided to stay and perform their work to take over the capitals, and he hopes they can take much more than that, by 24 he became the youngest high rank member. He commanded some of the attacks on the capital after his group of heavy soldier friends were killed by just scouts. Rowsla enjoys joining in fights and never likes to let just his men attack for him. The leader of Arts and him are close friends and he learns from the leader for interesting knowledge.
Ryaiio Makio
Book names: the cheerful boy, young scout, the light user
Gender: male
Age: 21
Magic: light
Height: 1.72 m
Appearance: Has short gray hair that is spiked up, with red eyes. He has a long curved scar on his left arm.
Personality: Ryaiio is a cheerful person to speak to, he tends to brighten someones day when he speaks with people, he likes to be a friend and a friendly rival when sparing or practicing magic or combat with others. He can get annoyed easily when insulted or spoken rudely to. He tends to be stubborn about some things and doesn't know very well when it is a good idea to not fight if in danger. He enjoys learning history through books and stories.
History: Ryaiio grew up in a home where he had siblings to practice and fight with for their magic and use of weapons. They used wood and basic magic to also have fun and enjoy their time. When Ryaiio was 8 he and his brother noticed that their father was talking to some Ancient Arts people, he dismissed it as just making sure they don't get hurt and as protection. One day one of his sisters and brother got taken away and the rest to be killed. The mother stopped the Arts and took them away. By 14 Rayiio learn what his father was, a spy for the Arts and swore to never be what they are. His family stuck together in a nearby town and began work in a library, while the siblings worked, Ryaiio tend to mess around a bit and practice his skills, but enjoyed reading history about the world around him and wanted to learning something very old, something only a handful of books talked about. By 17 he heard stories of the Phoenix Arms and wanted to join. Eager to fight the good fight and he used his training and practice from before to good use and help them with their cause.
Kylin Kaffwey
Book names: the dragon form, the silent one
Gender: male
Age: 29
Magic: Dragon transformation
Height: 1.84 m
Appearance: has short dark blue hair that is clean and cut neatly, while has golden-yellow dragon eyes and light traces of scales on his skin.
Personality: he is silent most times but can speak but he tends to be quiet, he lacks some emotion but can be both angered and happy. the rest he acts cold towards and any people with the emotion are nothing to him. He also shows he can read people with some ease and be tactical. his dragon form makes him more talkative but still remains quiet, and adds some motion of sly and evilness.
History: Kylin was born a Magka Fya and was aware of this in his young age, he has trained with his father, but he left after seeing them give him up knowing his potential when he left, he realized quickly that people hated the Magka and avoided many, but one day when he was 13 he found his home in the Ancient Arts where he met others like him, he was proud to be with his kind and others who accept him, Know he has done mission and is quite powerful and formed a group with two others at the age of only 17 the youngest one there, while he remains more quiet due to his past life, he is happy to be where he is now. The mission has earned him a reputation in the ranks and was given the chance for more powerful gear. After a while the three of the group named themselves the Risen Arts. But they started to wonder what goals and other agendas the Arts are doing when they learned more. They are unsure about all of it, they want control and make people see the wrong they have done and change how things work to benefit. But they see things differently to many of the Arts. By 25 he got his friends and talked to them about it and keep an eye out what they do now, so he decided to keep his own eyes open around the place, not liking it as much as he used too. He stays, but hopes they have some intentions of change and not purely murder and complete rule over the lands. He sees an opportunity to make the world different, but for the better of mankind and the Magka Fya, making them one and make unified guilds and be allowed to roam the world instead of the Capital system to stop them from happening.
Falliq DeLaos
Book names: the water user, the bored one
Gender: male
Age: 27
Magic: water
Height: 1.73 m
Appearance: Has bright yellow short and spiky hair with green eyes.
Personality: He is normally calm, always moving and being extremely bored, he is always trying to find something fun to do. When he is really bored he will do some stuff with his magic that can entertain him, he is also slightly destructive and hyper. This causes him to be random around people and in fights sometimes. He can be normal and happy but is rarely serious outside of combat. He also loves to enjoy a good meal, he has a passion of making a new and interesting meal
History: He was the youngest in his family, who had a large amount of wealth from the business they had generations before, though it was slowly dying due to lack of interest and popularity. The wars between caused them to lose a lot, so they became like the rest, which people would mock them for it. Falliq was a trouble maker till he was 14 when he met a person who was an expert in weapons, he was interested and wanted to learn. After a while the person was Falliq mentor and idol. He slolwy became less of a trouble maker and more of a careful thief and fighter. At 16 the mentor was killed by raiders and Falliq killed them all with mo mercy, he soon found work as a hit-man at 18, though not the best and could barely get by. Till the Arts saw potential in his skill and let him in, Falliq was never as happy as he was when he joined and after a long time of successful missions for the arts, he joined Rei and Kylin. And he has never looked back, as he looks up to them a bit and likes being as a team with them.
Reii Elosee
Book names: The leader
Gender: male
Age: 34
Magic: Smoke
Height: 1.91 m
Appearance: Has purple spiky slightly long hair that sticks slightly out at the back and top. With a short fringe above his right eye to the side. His eyes are red-pink in color.
Magic type examples:
Magic – elements
Magic – summoning
Sprit summoner
Creature summoner
Magic – creature
Magic – armour
Magic – alter
Magic - gear
firing weapons
magical vehicles
melee weapons
Yequn field: a grassland field that is mostly clear and have roads with the occasional village and plenty of trees and nature around too. the weather is clear with nice breezes of wind with beautiful night skies with stars.
Wintsri forest: a very dense snowy forest, covered in huge amounts of snow and lots of trees that are dark and have no leaves, but covered in snow and ice. The sky is normally grey and darker at night, but some nights can be more clear to see the sky better.
Drayma (the world)
The Vast Lands: a rocky mountain and hill infested area. It tends to have minor avalanches and caves that can be used without any issues. but only some work well. It tends to rain and be sunny here most times with winds being stronger in the higher up areas of the mountains.
Frontier: One of the busier cities in Drayma, but it has fallen under control of the Arts, they manage to change many of the old facilities into personal armories and proper weapon facilities, while people still live in the town they avoid the main areas to the West-tier and North-tier since they have most control while the rest is normal and busy in growing the world and have many markets, hotels, training rooms and more.
Phoenix guild hall: A huge place and home for the guild. they boast the biggest training rooms and work for their gear, weapons, supplies and other things. It is close to a town known as Ta'qelya. The guild looks slightly old but is stable in design. It has watchtowers close to the area and even further out to keep watch of any incoming attacks.