Journal Entry #1
August 17, 2016
I'm writing this entry because I had to.
Ms. Olivia wanted us to write how our day went, but I didn't want to do it at all because I found it hard to write about my day.
My life doesn't need to be known at all, and I like to keep it to myself. And besides, what if someone finds it and makes fun of me?!
Oh well, here goes nothing.
My day started off with Pastor Woody singing through the megaphone and me-being the clumsy person- stumbled out of my bed. I almost fell on the ground!
"This is only the third day, girls!" Olivia said, as always joyful and loud. " You guys shouldn't be tired already!"
I changed into my usual outfit, jean shorts, and an iconic shirt. I went out to the porch and sat down on the staircase. My elbows were on my knees and my hands under my chin. I could never get enough of this beautiful scenery.
I saw Meghan, another roommate who has light brown hair. She came up to me and sat next to me.
"Isn't it beautiful?" She asked.
I nodded, "Yup."
After a few minutes of staring at the view, we got up and went inside. We sat at the end of the table that was near the front door. I got to know more about Meghan. Soon more people started coming in and sat down in different places but like yesterday. They sat next to the same people.
Pastor Hull raised his hand, and we followed. This day followed the same schedule but with different food, games, sermons, and tournaments. I didn't get tired of anything yet since everything was still new to me.
(I don't mind doing new things and it wouldn't hurt doing it. All I wanted to do is to have fun and listen to the words of God. I may not understand it all, but I still get the main point.)
I also met Ms. Katie, and she added the choir today. She put it up right after the tournaments. When I looked through the song, I saw that we had to sing in French (how lovely). Altina told Luna and me that we had to in French, no matter what. Well, I guess I had to deal with it.
We were supposed to have two songs, but since it wasn't two weeks, we couldn't do two.
Did I have any visions today? Yeah, I did. I had two visions, and as always, I was confused. The first one was where we got power from this unknown source and the second one was where we were fighting a dark source.
A group called 'The Silent Seekers' created this dark source, but a few of us knew the source. It was strange, but I understood a part of the vision.
Well, this felt more like a diary than a journal entry, but I don't care at all. I don't want to be in all the vision mess, but I think it's giving me hints for the future, which will be coming very soon. It doesn't matter anymore.
Oh, I have to go cause Ms. Olivia is going to turn off the lights right no