Dear Survivors,
Some people may try to use the terms victims, but the term is so misleading. You are survivors. Many people can only imagine the effect sexual assault, abuse or harassment has on a person, but you know the effects all too well. People say you should just move on, or they try to pass the blame onto you, as if you had it coming, or worse, they don't believe you.
Sadly, our society says that if a girl was wearing a tank top, or was drunk, then it wasn't rape, or she deserved it. Society says that men can't be victims of sexual assault, or that they secretly wanted it. But, you know that isn't true, it is just the ugly picture society chooses to pain to avoid facing the real issue.
At times, it may be easy to feel alone, or as if no one understands, but you aren't the only one who has had to face the horrors, and sadly, you won't be the last. But, you are never to blame. This wasn't your fault, and no one has the right to blame it on you.
Always remember that you are you, not what happened to you. You have nothing to be ashamed of. It does get better, easier to cope with, but you have to surround yourself with positive thoughts, recognized that what happened wasn't your fault, and view yourself not as a victim but as a survivor.
You're all strong and wonderful people. Your sexuality, gender, age, or other factors aren't the cause of what you had to endure, the cause was the person or people who chose to commit the act. And, if it's happened, or is happening to you now and you're scared to speak up, it's ok to tell someone, because you don't deserve to suffer that way, and people will believe you. But, you have to speak up, even if it's hard.
Some people may act like sexual harassment is no big deal, but you know the effect it can have on a person, because you've experienced it first hand, some of you have seen it go much further. No child, or adult, male or female should have to experience sexual harassment, or sexual assault or abuse.
You don't have to hide it, it's ok to let your voice be heard, because people need to hear the truth. The truth can set you free, you just have to let it. I'm not saying it will be easy, because most likely it wont, but I am saying it will be worth it in the end.
I may not know your inddividual story, but i know that you are a survivor, the same as many others. Don't let yourself be pulled into the mindset of a victim, don't let them break you, because then they win, and you don't want to give them that satisfaction, so stay strong, keep your head up high and remember that it's ok to say something, okay to speak up, and know that you aren't alone, and you are loved.
Stay strong, beautiful, and wonderful,
A friend who cares.