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    I love writing dark romance. My characters are always headstrong females!
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Ghost Eyes


 In the Southern state of Louisiana, I lived in a rustic town called Green Able. Every morning on Monday, the milkman comes to deliver the fresh glasses in a carton, always making sure the cats that roam the area don't spill the bottles. And every year, the lavender fields would grow to be so potent, that neighbors from ten miles away that smell it relax and unwind from a long day's work. Through the valley, the meadows would fill with grass that would come to your knees after the rainy days in April leaving it green throughout the summer. The houses that were made kept a picket fence squared around every tree.

     Usually the sun would beat down on the cotton field workers throughout the afternoon, but today was a light breeze. It was harvest time in the summer for the cotton. As I bent down to pick the small white fiber, I could feel sweat trickle at the ample of my breasts. I cranked my back into an upright position and wiped the sweat from my brows from picking all morning. In the background, I hear my Mama call me at a distance.

     Placing the cotton into the basket, I ruffled my clothes from the stem of the plant and scurried over to my Mother. "Hey baby!", my Mother said as I approached her. "Is that the last of it?", she said. I nodded my head in agreement. "Whew, I hope so.. If i keep doing this my whole life, then you're gonna look a whole lot taller--heh heh!", she cackled while her smile reached her blue eyes. It's rare for a black woman to have blue eyes.

     Usually the color would be brown or so dark that it would look like black pits. But she told me I was blessed by God that my eyes looked the same as hers. Some of the children at my school always scrunch their noses in confusion or anger. But my Mama always gave them a stern look. And every time she does, they shuffle their way to class casting their eyes down to avoid her glare. Even though she has a slim body, she was very intimidating to some. "Let's sit down for a minute.", she said.

     As we walked through the fields of cotton, I could feel the thorns from the stem piercing through my soft flesh. It hurt so much that I hissed through my teeth. We decided to sit on the steps attached to the front porch that leads to the ground. The house was owned by our owners, the Van Doreen family. Mr. Van Doreen had four daughters and one son.

     As the daughters came of age, they sent them off to marry one-by-one to make sure that their reputation is held on good terms. They lived in a vast brick house with french doors and windows, so fresh air and scenery was always presented in the home. The kitchen had a long corridor that was aligned with brass ovens and pans. The front porch had planks of white painted wood creating a walkway in the front and side sections. And on the side of the porch, had an attached swing with two chains bolted on the roof.

     As my Mother sat down, she propped her legs up so her forearms can have something to lay on. She glanced over at the workers and without looking said to me, " Hey baby?". "Yes mama?", I said. "You know it's your birthday, right?", she asked. Oh great! How could I forget? 

     She clicked on her tongue. " I know. Working like a dog that you forgot your own birthday. I got a little surprise for you." She pulled out of her white apron a chunk of chocolate and handed it over to me. "Where did you get that!?", I said.

     "I stole it in the kitchen from the leftovers of the desert last night.", she replied. "You know what happens if you catch this? They'll punish you for stealing!" "Be thankful I got it. And count your blessings honey.

     Now eat up right now before someone sees!", she shouted loud enough for me to hear it. I took the wrappings off as i relished in the sweet. After I was done, I wiped the chocolate that sat on the side of my lips with the inside of my hem so it wouldn't get dirty on the outside. In the background, I hear an echo of footsteps that lead all the way to the front door of the house. My Mother whispered in a hush frantic voice, "Wipe the chocolate off your face!"

      Before i could, the Master's wife, Mrs. Van Doreen appeared with a scrunched look on her face. She was a very strict woman with white teeth that were a little too long. She was a little taller than the average woman and always kept herself neat and tidy even when her friends accompanied her to tea. She always had a temper that you could hear a mile away, and only allowed me an education after her husband got tired of her overworking the female slaves from her envy. 

     She looked at me and narrowed her eyes down to my lips at the smeared chocolate across my cheeks. I could see her face turning red as it looked like steam was going to shoot out of her ears like a tea pot whistling. Beads of sweat dripped down her face as a vain popped out from her forehead. "What were you eating? And why are you sitting there slave!?" Before i could answer, my Mother stood up and told her that she handed me the cake since it was my birthday.

      She got wide-eyed, then walked closer to my Mama and whispered in her ear, "did you steal some of my famous chocolate cake from the kitchen. My mama looked down as she knew what was about to happen. A short pause before she yelled, "ANSWER ME!". We both flinched at that statement before my Mama scrunched her eyebrows in sorrow and nodding her head furiously. The mistress grabbed her arm then looked at me and smirked.

      She told me to continue working in the field an extra two hours after the day has ended then dragged my Mama by her arm into the house. The door slammed shut while the footsteps grew further and further until there was silence. A few tears escaped my eyes as i stomped on the ground cursing to myself. I prayed to God that my Mother was alright and to hear our cries. 

      I continued working throughout the whole day. The same pattern. Picking the cotton and putting it into the basket. As the other workers ended their shift, they bowed their head and told me goodnight. I could feel their eyes watching me as they gave me an apologetic work.

      After the end of the day, my body felt drained and painful. My hands were red from the friction of pulling the cotton stems and my legs were cut up from the thorns piercing my skin. As i stood up i could feel the crackle in my back. I was so happy i get to sleep, but i was so worried about my Mama. I haven't seen her all day. 

     I was blessed that we didn't have to stay in that house. The Mistress thought that having colored people did not deserve to live in such a beautiful place. I was happy, because no person came near the cabins were the other workers stayed. And i was happy for that. I looked at the cabins as i could see wood-rot and moss covering the sides of the frame. I could hear the crickets and bull-frogs singing at the swamp.

      I closed my eyes listening to the sound as if it was playing for me. This was the only time i ever got silence. I opened my eyes and rushed to our cabin where i was expecting my Mama. As i opened the door, she wasn't there. I got into a panic and ran outside to ask the workers if they had seen her.

      All of them shook their heads. As i was walking back tears escaped my eyes. I banged on the door in frustration. I rested my head on the door when i heard crunching sounds. I opened my eyes and turned around expecting my Mamma, but i only saw my two best friends, Tommy and Oliver.

      Tommy had a tall lean built with a straw hat and vest. He always has a bubbly personality that would cheer me up. My friend Oliver was the total opposite. She was a short girl who i thought had a lot of fire. But always stood her ground. 

     Tommy never took her seriously when she got angry and always laughed at her which i thought was very funny. One day in the fall he told me he took her to the barn to help him prepare the hay for the stables. As she walked in a bucket of water fell on her. She was drenched from head to toe. I laughed so hard, that i rolled on the ground trying to catch my breath. 

     Tommy worked in the barnyard where he took care of the animals while Oliver was a maid working laundry, and other necessities in the house. As they approached me, i could see their look turned in to concern after seeing my tear-stained face. "What happened?", asked Tommy. I sniffled and told them the incident that happened earlier today. I could feel Oliver's anger as she burst into fits.

      Oliver calmed down and said, "I always hated that woman! She looks like a tomato about to burst. What did he ever see in her!? That ugly old bitch! I wish i had a whip so i can give her thirty lashes on her back and leave her there to die!" As i hear Oliver muttering to herself with her arms crossed, i hear another pair of footsteps behind me. I looked at their faces and it turned white. As i turned around, i sobbed and looked to my horror at what i saw. 

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