
  • 作者
    Blink Savage
    Blink Savage
    Hey guys! I'm Blink Savage (aka Stevie Collier) and word on the street is I'm an International Bestselling YA author. I like to explain my work as a fever dream you don't want to leave ?

    Or, as my girlfriend calls my writing "It's just a gumbo of good shit. It's got everything you need in it to make you feel warm and uncomfortable at the same time."

    I like to write books that are true to myself rather than write what is popular.

    Do you enjoy video games? I stream on Twitch every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm CST. Come hang out with me at twitch.tv/Blink_Savage

    My hobbies include:

    ? Walking my best friend: (My White Siberian Husky name Spartacus :) )

    ✒️ Writing

    ?️ Gaming

    ? Judo

    ? Languages (I speak French and am working on ?? Japanese now)

    ? Movies (Sci-fi, adventure, action, and horror)

    ? Anime (Stein's Gate, My Hero Academia, and HunterxHunter are some of my favorites)

    ✨ Philosophy (Really into Stoicism right now)

    ? Reading (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Business, and self-help)

    ? Cardistry (ask me to do a trick!)

    ? Dungeons and Dragons

    ✈️ Traveling

    ?♂️ Surfing

    ? Snowboarding

    I grew up with too many creative ideas in his head and so I was forced into an ultimatum. Either sit and write down all these stories... or allow my brain to explode fantasy all over the walls.
    See more
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Raven Hood (and the Cloak of Azrael)

Long ago, in a nightmarish world created by the minds of humans, a war waged between monsters and angels. Once defeated, the monsters were forced to accept terms of surrender, terms that would enslave them forever. Their supposed hero, a hybrid infant of human and gargoyle blood, is sent off into hiding in the world of humans.

All is going according to plan until Revan, a once normal 16-year-old begins going through changes he can't explain. His body is painfully morphing into something freakish and grotesque. Adopted by a Catholic Priest with a dark secret, will Father Donovan banish Revan from his Cathedral home? Or accept him as the demon he is?

Or... will he kill him?

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