
  • 作者
    Joel Puga
    Joel Puga
    Joel Puga was born in the Portuguese city of Viana do Castelo. From a very early age, he showed a propensity for writing, creating stories that he shared with family and friends. Later, he saw his tales published in several Portuguese fanzines and anthologies. He recently decided to pursue self-publishing, seduced by the freedom that it gives him.

    Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/joelpugaen
    Ko-fi - https://ko-fi.com/joelpugaen
    Bitcoin - 1K9fowQ2ujNtxnMgG2jSjYdGAekip9TA6A

    Joel Puga nasceu na cidade portuguesa de Viana do Castelo. Desde muito cedo, mostrou apetência para a escrita, criando histórias que partilhava com a família e os amigos. Mais tarde, viu contos seus serem publicados em diversas fanzines e antologias portuguesas. Recentemente, decidiu enveredar pela autopublicação, seduzido pela liberdade que esta lhe proporciona.

    Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/joelpugapt
    Ko-fi - https://ko-fi.com/joelpugapt
    Bitcoin - 1K9fowQ2ujNtxnMgG2jSjYdGAekip9TA6A

    Joel Puga nació en la ciudad portuguesa de Viana do Castelo. Desde muy temprano mostró gusto por la escrita, creando historias que compartía con su familia y amigos. Más tarde, vio sus cuentos publicados en diversos fanzines y antologías portuguesas. Recientemente, decidió auto-publicar sus historias, seducido por la libertad que esto le proporciona.

    Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/joelpugaes
    Ko-fi - https://ko-fi.com/joelpugaes
    Bitcoin - 1K9fowQ2ujNtxnMgG2jSjYdGAekip9TA6A
    See more
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Witches of the Night

Chapter 1 - The Book
0 喜歡
592 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 2 - The Faerie Bar
0 喜歡
646 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 3 - The Procession of Souls
0 喜歡
690 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 4 - The King of the Islets
0 喜歡
688 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 5 - The Cult
0 喜歡
688 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 6 - The Cat of Campanhã
0 喜歡
534 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 7 - The Cerqueiras
0 喜歡
574 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 8 - The Organization
0 喜歡
518 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 9 - City Trolls
0 喜歡
654 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 10 - The Witches of Montalegre
0 喜歡
540 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 11 - Urban Witches
0 喜歡
575 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 12 - The Tavern of the Enchanted
0 喜歡
537 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 13 - The Sea Witches
0 喜歡
499 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 14 - The Demonologist
0 喜歡
487 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 15 - The Warlock
0 喜歡
504 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 16 - Lights in the Sky
0 喜歡
499 閱讀
1 留言
Chapter 17 - Will-o-Wisps
0 喜歡
511 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 18 - The Goat of Tibães
0 喜歡
495 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 19 - The First Attack
0 喜歡
458 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 20 - The Battle of the Islets
0 喜歡
470 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 21 - The War of the Dead
0 喜歡
453 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 22 - The Great Covenant
0 喜歡
455 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 23 - The Organization and the Witches of the Night
0 喜歡
465 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 24 - The First Witch
0 喜歡
474 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 25 - The Second Witch
0 喜歡
443 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 26 - The Third Witch
0 喜歡
450 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 27 - The Fourth Witch
0 喜歡
336 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 28 – The Fifth Witch
0 喜歡
181 閱讀
0 留言

Few know this, but, beneath our cities, in the midst of forests and mountains and even under the waters of the ocean, there is another world, a world full of magic, fantastic places, and mythological and imaginary creatures. By chance, I became aware of it, and my curiosity led me to explore it.

Now, I regret not having controlled myself, not having ignored this knowledge and continued with my regular life. For, though I have seen incredible things beyond the imagination of most people, I also met the Witches of the Night and the terrible truths about the human condition and the place of humanity in the universe they brought with them.

How do I get back to a normal life after everything I saw? I don't know if it's possible, but this account is an attempt to mitigate the terrible effects of this knowledge, a first step toward normalcy. Perhaps sharing everything I discovered, the simple idea that this knowledge is not only mine, will help me.

Chapter 1 - The Book
0 喜歡
592 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 2 - The Faerie Bar
0 喜歡
646 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 3 - The Procession of Souls
0 喜歡
690 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 4 - The King of the Islets
0 喜歡
688 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 5 - The Cult
0 喜歡
688 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 6 - The Cat of Campanhã
0 喜歡
534 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 7 - The Cerqueiras
0 喜歡
574 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 8 - The Organization
0 喜歡
518 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 9 - City Trolls
0 喜歡
654 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 10 - The Witches of Montalegre
0 喜歡
540 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 11 - Urban Witches
0 喜歡
575 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 12 - The Tavern of the Enchanted
0 喜歡
537 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 13 - The Sea Witches
0 喜歡
499 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 14 - The Demonologist
0 喜歡
487 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 15 - The Warlock
0 喜歡
504 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 16 - Lights in the Sky
0 喜歡
499 閱讀
1 留言
Chapter 17 - Will-o-Wisps
0 喜歡
511 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 18 - The Goat of Tibães
0 喜歡
495 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 19 - The First Attack
0 喜歡
458 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 20 - The Battle of the Islets
0 喜歡
470 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 21 - The War of the Dead
0 喜歡
453 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 22 - The Great Covenant
0 喜歡
455 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 23 - The Organization and the Witches of the Night
0 喜歡
465 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 24 - The First Witch
0 喜歡
474 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 25 - The Second Witch
0 喜歡
443 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 26 - The Third Witch
0 喜歡
450 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 27 - The Fourth Witch
0 喜歡
336 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter 28 – The Fifth Witch
0 喜歡
181 閱讀
0 留言