A Conquering Ever-after
I wake up in a daze. I have no idea where I am or what happened to put me in this situation. I look around and the thought of what I see tells me “Hospital”. Why do I know that? Why am I Here? I slowly accept the fact I’m there, because there must be a reason. A wave of sadness hits me like a freight train. Just a big plate of sadness with a side of loneliness. Why do I, Mr. Joshua, feel loneliness and sadness when I’m in a hospital for some reason? Just the situation would cause any normal man to feel anger but I’m only feeling sadness. At least the hospital is kind of nice, at least what I can see of it. The window makes it look like I’m on the sixth floor and just checking out what I can see it has to be maybe ten floors. I sit down because there really is no reason to pace the crisp, white, nice room. An image starts to flash in my mind, of a woman. She is quite beautiful, with long brown hair, brown eyes, a smile that can stop your heart, a face that makes you smile, and of course being a man, I would say her body is amazing. You could say she would be the woman of my dreams, but I have no idea what her name is. That is weird. As I am focusing my mind on the picture it has created of this angel, I notice something out of my door. I walk out to see what it was of was I just being crazy. I then see my wonderful mystery woman. She is in the process of walking into a room, although slowly like she doesn’t want to. It must be a loved one or at least someone close. This somewhat pains my chest. Feeling sad to see her in that type of situation I turn away pouting and I walk away. Then something very important, urgent, anything you want to call it happens. It even draws me over to check it out. I wake up feeling so refreshed after a night of beauty sleep. Oh yeah, I have no work today so I should go for a walk just to be busy and it is good for me. I should make sure to wear cute clothes in case I meet Mr. right out there. I think I will just wear these pants and this shirt for my walk because afterwards I will probably just sit at home like a couch potato. You just must love the days off when you finally receive some. A quarter mile into my walk it occurs to me that I don’t see any of the people I normally do. I may have done this a couple times but not enough to be worried. The thought of how lovely it would be to meet my soulmate like this, sweeps through my mind. I wonder what my future will bring. I wonder what he is doing right now. Just as I was about to start thinking of some more impossible questions, I hear someone yelling loudly “watch out!” As I turn to see what was going on, I get shoved hard. I mean, really hard. As I lie squirming on the ground I here a loud crash. Like it was close. I scramble to my feet and real around to see the issue. I see a man lying on the ground right next to some skid marks. I hear people yelling and crying but no one going to help so I rush over. I softly pick up the man’s head and hold it while continually whispering to him that everything will be alright, I wasn’t sure if it would be, or if anyone called 911 for that matter. I see him open his eyes although a pained expression. I bite back the tears and this buffoon does one thing. He smiles and says, “glad I could see my love one last time”. He then passes out, at least I hoped that was all it was. I sit there holding and talking to him until the EMTs finally arrive. I release him over to them on one condition, that they let me ride along. They let me ride alone on the condition I stay out of the way, Apparently, he isn’t doing so well. We get to the ER, or ICU, whatever it’s called and the rush in like it’s a race. The doctors yell at me to stay aside so they don’t have any issues and after some time one approaches me, she gives me all his belongings and says something along the lines of they were sorry and blah blah. Its almost like they thought we were married. I know my face is probably a wreck from grief, but I don’t even know his name. I notice a notebook of journal like thing and I can’t stop myself from looking. It might make me understand or know my savior a little more. I get maybe a few pages, randomly, and I can’t handle it. It’s so tragic I want to scream. I throw the book down and rush out with the images of all the time love was written flashing in my mind. I rush over to check what is going on. I don’t even start to consider this is a hospital and I’m sprinting through the halls. I notice her first. She’s crying. Or she was crying. Either way she does not look happy in the slightest and seems totally enveloped in, is that a book? I see her shake her head and rush out. I go to comfort her and it’s almost like she just passed right through me and went to the elevator. Am I high? I could swear she went through me, but I was too wrapped up in the fact that the word “love” was repeating in my head as I ran to her. I shrug it off and try to move past a guilty feeling, so I go into the room that was causing issues. That was, in best words to describe, a huge mistake. I see a man lying on the bed. Doctors are rushing around him doing all sorts of who knows what. This man has short hair, brownish green eyes, and quite the beard. Old and new scarring riddles his body but that doesn’t draw me away from the real concern. He looks exactly like me. Why was she here? No that’s the least of my concerns right now considering what is going on. I can’t look anymore, and I shake my head before turning around to leave. Almost yelling but trying not to. Oh, I know, where did she go? Where is my wonderful mystery woman? Maybe I can sooth her and she can help me understand the situation. I can’t believe he is dying if not already dead. And it is all my fault. Good way to have a casual Friday. I stumble a little, but I keep walking, not willing to let a possible fall stop me from my goal. Wind whips my face and I think its kind of nice that it’s not raining. I get closer to my destination. It is a little cold but to be understood on the roof of a ten-story hospital. The grass and beautiful flowers come into view. They did a good job making this place look nice. Its sort of sad I’m about to ruin it but I’ve made up my mind. I pick my spot out of the way that no one will be my cushion. I yell in anger as I whisper to myself. “He loved you and only you. He went out of his way to love you and even gave his life for you. You are the cause of this, and you deserve this” I say to myself. I can’t even make out the flowers now because my eyes are too covered in tears. I whip them away and in the angriest voice I can muster, I say “time to put an end to you rain of terror!” I take my stumbling step forward not willing to quit. My foot dangles over the edge now. I go to put all my weight forward when something stops me. Its soft but firm and has a tight grip. Who or what has a hold of my hand? I get yanked back hard and spun around. I am now face to face with the man whom has made me feel this way. I can’t even attempt to hold back the tears. The pain I am feeling is not even imaginable. The tears are clouding but I can’t help but smile though it all. The words “good timing and good job” echo though my mind while I yank her in for a hug. I hug her so tight I feel as though I am going to break her, but it feels so nice. Even the feeling of her tears is great. I pull away and look her in the eyes with confidence. I gently place a hand of each of her cheeks and pull her in and kiss her forehead as sweetly as possible. I whisper softly “it will all be ok so please smile” as I pull her away from my lips. I say simple words to what she’s trying to utter but I can’t help but smiles at the sight of her and it pains me to see her like this. I can’t help it and its almost like something is forcing me. I look her in the eyes and grab her shoulders softly. While trying not to shake of crumble in pain I utter the words I need to with he more relaxing voice I can. “I love you so much and its unbearable not to see you smile” The look of shock this produced was kind of amazing. I could die happy now. He is so sweet to me. What did I possibly do to deserve this, and I don’t want to lose it? He keeps yanking me and pulling me. A hug here and a kiss here but I notice he is slowly pulling me away from the edge, Both figuratively and realistically. I can tell he is being as considerate and gentle as possible, but I can even start to want it to end. I say the biggest thing on my mind. “I thought you died” I say this with all the confusion I feel. The goof says so the simplest thing I can’t even start to imagine would be good in this situation. He tells me and I quote “so did I”. He then shocks me with the best thing ever and a reply comes to me instantly. He has said something about love but the phrase oh my god was echoing too much in my head to hear it all. I have my reply to trying not to cry I tell him “I will learn”. This time I pull him in for a hug and even give him a kiss. I can’t tell this isn’t easy for him because I can feel the quiver in his lips, but he is still trying to be sweet to me. He then looks shocked and says something that causes us both to laugh in this situation. He says “oh you hear that? I swear I hear wedding bells”. And after we laugh, I smile, and this causes him to smile big. I grab his hand and try to walk him back so he can get well, and we can enjoy our ever after.
They say love conquers everything. This is based loosely on a true story and I hope it helps to make you believe that no matter what. If you truly love, or are truly loved, it will conquer all.