True Love
“You may now kiss the bride” our officiant says while everyone hoots and hollers at our wedding. While leaning in for a sweet romantic kiss I hold back for a split second. I whisper to her “Ha-ha Sucker” and plant my lips upon hers trying to hold her laugh in. I could feel it and she finally calmed down to return the kiss. That’s it, she was screwed, we were finally married. Afterword’s, friends continually ask me how it went. “Well, if you couldn’t make it to view the show then that’s your own fault. You didn’t miss much; it went as well as a torture would. I still how bruises and marks” I tell them while trying to hide the big grin on my face. This is met with laughter and pats on the back while everyone congratulates me. “So, you congratulate my pain then you hit my back. That’s her job.” I say while trying to look hurt. This was only met with more and harder laughter. A couple days later she takes me on a date to a painting class. When introducing us, I kept referring to her as my Nut-case Wife and then I would cower as though she were going to hit me. This was met by lots of head shaking from her and tons of laughter from everybody else. This was increased when I started referring to her as my Nut-case Ex-wife. Even now my head still hurts from her smacks and all the laughter. Ok, she didn’t smack me. Physically. Even through all the jokes and comments I can’t help but love her and I do everything I possibly can to show her that. Years pass as a happily married couple, or I thought until I received the call. “Sir, it is beyond urgent that you get here as soon as possible. We have your wife and the situation in critical” Dr. Jackson tells me on the phone. Broken and unsure of what to do, I call her family with the news. “Ma’am, Sir; I regret to inform you that I have not been able to take care of your daughter as promised. I have been told that she is need of dire help and I am currently getting ready to rush to her side. I just wanted to let you know and to tell you that I am so thankful for her that I will do anything.” I say and then immediately hang up. I broke so many rules rushing to the hospital while calling a friend and family. A mandatory pace with traffic and a stop for fuel, and I am finally able to arrive. After some waiting and visiting my unconscious sweetheart, the doctors finally explain the issue. I didn’t absorb or understand much of what they said, just that there was and issue with one of her lungs and her kidney had also failed. I collapse in the waiting room unsure of what to do and I make a quick call to a friend for comfort and instruction. The doctor arrives again to give me terrible news. He informs me that there are no available organs for donation. He then pats me and tells me he will keep trying. After leaving me alone, my friend, James, arrives and he comforts me while we conduct business (you now know why). He leaves to finish business and I call the doctor into the waiting room. He rushes in like something was wrong and is met with a pistol in his face. “Dr. Jackson, I suggest you take my organs for her. Would that work?” I ask and watch him nod in fear. “But Joshua, you wouldn’t survive.” He says with a trembling voice. I yell out that there is no surviving without her and to just do it before he loses everything.
Hi, my names James. Joshua cannot finish this story, so I am helping.
Her parents, finally arriving, rush in to see a daughter waking up fresh. Looking confused and worried, she begs them for an explanation. That and why her husband wasn’t there. They explain that she was dying and sedated, and they had no idea where Joshua was. A doctor walks in and introduces himself as a Dr. Jackson. He says how glad he is that she is alright, all with a frown on his face. He does some quicks checks and leaves them to talk. “Does Joshua even know I was dying?” she begs. “Yes. He was the one who told us” they plead trying to get her settled. This is when I walk in (assuming). “Long time no see Mrs. I wish it was for a better reason. Nice to meet you, the parents I assume. I am James.” I say while trying to smile and knowing I was going to break their hearts. I set down my laptop and moved into her view while telling her she was going to want to watch this. I then clicked play to show a Joshua sitting in an empty hospital room talking to a camera.
“My sweetest, most precious love of my life. I am assuming that if you are watching this then yeah, you’ve pulled through your experience. You know I understand this sort of trauma and I am sorry I can not be there for your right now. I wanted to personally explain to you why. You see, I was told you need some vital organs replaced. And as you should know, I cannot live without you. So, when they told me that the situation was hopeless, I made a choice. I choose to leave you and I hope your parents and friends can help you through this. Just keep in mind through all the tough times that I am always with you. Honey, I love you and please enjoy the life that I was finally able to save. “I closed the laptop now that the video was over and without even the ability to look her in the eyes, I proceeded to tell her “one more and then I’m done.” She nods and I click play to show a video of josh laying in a hospital bed and reading this same story to the camera. After finishing, he smiles and blows a kiss. “This may be the end for me, but it is the beginning for you. Continue on and be the amazing sweetheart that you are.” The video cuts off and that finishes this story of a willing love and devotion. Its so strong that it can pull through anything.