Midnight Love
She opens her eyes grudgingly. She shakes her head trying to wake it up and clear it. There is a deafening music coming from outside. Who and why would someone be making that racket? She stomps to the window and slams it open. The only thing she can see is a boombox like she grew up with. Then a figure she couldn't make out steps out from the doorway and stands next to the box. She can tell that he has turned to face her, but she can't see him clearly. He then starts to sing along, although poorly, With the current song. She shakes off the thought of "aw, he is serenading me". She slightly recognizes the voice but can't tell with the music. She finally comes to the decision and yells out, “quit making all this noise. People are trying to sleep." Just as she finished yelling, her neighbors burst through their door and run at him. She had never seen this older couple acting so fierce, but she could understand why. They ran up on him slamming the stop button while he backed away with his hands up. “Now, I am just assuming this due to movies, but people only do this during relationship trouble. So, why did she leave you?" The husband neighbor screams at the guy. She couldn't help but think about how her boyfriend probably would have shot the guy so good thing he was at work. "So, I will ask again. Why did she leave you? For Doing something like this I can understand" her neighbor asks again." She didn't", he says lowering his arms. She leaves the window and proceeds down the stairs to the front door. She opens it and sees her neighbors walking away shaking their heads. She starts running out to him and he starts walking towards her also. She stops, confused at what she is seeing. “You live here. You have a key. So why are you doing this?" She yells at what she is noticing now as her boyfriend. He proceeds towards he, grabs her hands and holds them, kisses her forehead before replying with "because, nothing can begin to show the love I have for you. I felt like doing something special to show at least some of it. You are the very essence of my soul." She hugs him tightly and kisses him telling him "Ok you goof. Let’s go inside before we cause more problems". He smiles and says "not quite yet. I’ve got one more order of business tonight". He then proceeds to reach in his pocket while getting down on a knee. " And that twerps, is how your mother says I proposed to her. Now go to bed" he finishes his story to his two sons. " But dad, why weren't you at work?" They proceed to ask before he leaves. "Well, I don't know. Ill must have your mom edit my story for the future. Now goodnight brats." He says while shutting the door and proceeding to his wife while softly singing the song from that night.