The large dark shadowy figure towered above Lena, it's form becoming more definite revealing an almost tree-like appearance with red eyes that looked like they were ablaze and it wore a feint smile which almost outstretched through it's face.
It's hand grabbed her sword firmly as it continued to stare down the girl down, ''I wouldn't keep still if I were you.'' cooed Ras as gestured to the entity behind him. Lena immediately leaped backwards to create some distance between her and the figure.248Please respect copyright.PENANAMRcib9n35P
Lena glanced at the shadowy figure which now stood by Ras. Where the hell did that thing come from. I almost couldn't even sense it's presence even before my attack connected, either way this is gonna be a lot tougher now that there's another thing I have to watch out for. I'll just have to adjust and find an opening where possible.
Ras stood with his head tilted slightly as the shadowy figure next to him began to also mimic his actions as well, Ras glanced over at the figure with an eyebrow raised ''You do know that I didn't need you to jump in there right?'' he said to the figure, which in response it lowered its head as it's eyes dimmed and it's smile turned into a frown. Lena was surprised by the creatures sudden change in behaviour as the almost killing intent that radiated from it moments ago had quickly subsided almost to a frightening degree, as she watched the two continue to converse.
'I'll forgive you this time because we haven't really got to do anything much since we got here and the absolute boredom is real, but the next time you decide to show up without giving me the heads up I'll take your snack privileges for a week.'' said Ras as the shadowy figure made a gasping emote in response before shaking it's head quickly. Ras smiled as he turned his attention to the knight before him, ''Sorry about that he tends to get riled up when he finds something that can be remotely entertaining.''
Lena remained quiet as she began thinking of various strategies she would need to succeed in this fight, Ras acknowledging this action smiled and gestured towards the dark figure.248Please respect copyright.PENANAYKFdjdcqFN
''Alright just so you don't die of boredom you can have some fun, so have at it buddy but don't go too overboard.'' stated Ras as he leaped onto a nearby boulder and sat comfortably with his hands crossed. 248Please respect copyright.PENANAXkYhZhssyy
Lena seeing this action quickly became enraged.248Please respect copyright.PENANAaajWxqekav
''Your taking me for granted again aren't you?''248Please respect copyright.PENANA3yI9kdIQpu
she said as she immediately formed a bow of energy and aimed it at Ras before quickly firing an arrow which produced a bright flash as it whizzed through the air towards Ras. The bright light stuns the targets movements by scrambling their senses making it difficult to react and after the light goes out it's all over, she thought.
The bright light quickly faded as Lena pulled her eyes from her arm expecting to see her target fallen after the almost instant attack only to be shocked at what was before her eyes. The arrow which she shot had indeed hit a target but not the one she wanted as she witnessed her arrow having pierced through the dark figure who floated in front of Ras, the arrow soon began to melt into the beings body as it's glare towards Lena grew even more firmly.
Lena as if by reflex quickly took a defensive stance as her mind quickly tried to rationalize what just happened ''That was one of my stronger attacks, and yet that thing took it without getting fazed in the slightest. Looks like I'm gonna have to get past this thing if I'm ever gonna get my chance at him.'' she thought as the garment she wore soon began to glow and shift into that of white toned armour with a shield and spear that formed in her hands.
Ras still perched on the boulder smiled as he watched the knight prepare for her attack. 248Please respect copyright.PENANAyQXY0OVMIb
''She really is endearing isn't she? Almost makes me wanna root for her, alright buddy remember what I said before not too wild now,'' he said towards the dark figure as it nodded in response. 248Please respect copyright.PENANAIouGFuClTi
The figure turned it's attention towards Lena and the previous smile it wore when they first met soon appeared again on its face and it's eyes began to glow even more so as it's body started to twist and shift. It's body which was first appeared slender and smooth began to grow what looked like large plates which almost gave the impression of armour, it's arms and legs became more definite almost humanlike as further plates began to cover them and it's head which appeared like a wisp soon had plates forming around it as well and ended in the shape of a helmet as its fiery eyes could be seen from the newly made visor. A long black spear formed in it's right hand along with a jagged shield on the other.
Lena gazed in shock at the once almost formless being had now changed into the shape of a black knight as what appeared to be smoke seemed to emit from the armours openings, it's fiery eyes that almost seemed to blaze through the helmet.
''Pre...pare....your.....self...knight.'' it said as it raised it's weapon towards its new opponent.