''You aren't putting enough effort into your strikes!" exclaimed a person in armour towards a young girl who held a wooden sword as she began to tremble from exhaustion as she tried to stand her ground against the foreboding figure.
''I'm trying....the best I can...'' said the girl as she tried to keep herself from collapsing due to exhaustion.
The armoured figure in annoyance immediately appeared behind the girl and swept both her legs as she fell on to her face. The armoured figure watched as the little girl tried to get off her feet but quickly fell back down.
''What a sad sight, at this rate you will never be able survive much less achieve anything of merit.'' said the armoured figure as it walked away from the girl on the floor.
The young girl raised her head as her eyes were glued to the figure as it walked away, that vision was soon clouded by tears of frustration and sadness as she laid on the ground alone as darkness seemed to slowly.
Lena opened her eyes widely as she rose from her stoned bed looking around herself. What met her gaze was an empty camp, Lena looked at herself as she turned to see the stone bed which she was laying on. Faintly remembering what had happened the night prior,
''Something or someone saved me and I guess they left me here, from the looks of the surroundings seems like a campsite they had set up''.
There was an eerie silence around Lena as she began walking through the site, large rocks and boulders were scattered around the area almost like vantage points for surveillance by the people that resided in it.
''Alright I'd best go and find a open area to recoup at and find where that bastard Ras is holing up around here.'' said Lena as she started to sprint out of the site.
But as she was speeding through the area a shiny object caught her eye as she stopped promptly at its location. She slowly walked towards the glistening item,
''Now what do we have here?'' she questioned as her eyes fell upon what looked like a stuffed animal which seemed to be made of a shiny material. Lena picked it up to get a better look at it, it was in the shape of a bear as the material of the it felt almost metallic in a way as it glistened within the presence of the sun.
''Must have been for one of the people that were on this site, though this is a strangely made stuffed toy.'' she said as she began to fiddle with the shiny stuffed animal.
The silence within the site was cut short by a loud rumble which seemed to coming from the ground, the sound was so pronounce that the earth beneath the site began to tremble and shake.
Lena readied herself as she materialised armour around her body with her energy while keeping her focus around her surroundings. Due to this intense concentration, she managed to pick up the cracking of the earth around the land she was standing on and immediately leaped from area into the air as the earth below her erupted as stone and gravel filled the air from it.
Lena landed gracefully onto a large slab of stone as she observed the point of eruption still clutching the shiny stuffed toy in hand. She quickly formed a pouch from energy and placed it in before wrapping it around her chest.
From the spot where the earth had erupted dust spewed from the hole in the ground as the vistage of a figure could be seen within. The figure seemed to be looking for something as it turned it's head from side to side.
Lena watched carefully at the shadow of the figure but could not let go of a sense of familiarity in what was before her. The shadow then stopped and slowly turned towards the direction where Lena was, two fiery red eyes could be seen through the smoke as it started to dissipate revealing the figure that stood as the cause of the tremor.
The dark figure tilted its head as it stared at Lena with a crooked smile forming on its face,
''I thought you weren't gonna wake up anytime soon but I guess you do see something new every once in a while hehehe''. said the dark figure as it body began to contort and warp as its head began to elongate and its arms grew much larger. It's fingers extended as claws soon formed on them and scales became more visible on its body. Two lumps protruded from its back which shifted into what seemed like wings that were covered in a black aura.
The dark figures now had the head of a dragon but his fiery red eyes remained as its smile now showed rows of razor sharp teeth,
''I'm usually not in a foul mood but.......I guess it's an exception with you!'' exclaimed the figure now a in a form of a dragon as it let out a terrifying roar that sent shockwaves throughout the field around it and Lena.