Lena held her stance as she readied herself against the new foe before her, ''Alright I just have to stay focused here, this thing managed to take one of my attacks without so much as flinching and now that it's made armour for itself along with weapons this won't be an easy thing to get through.'' she thought as she prepared for the inevitable battle before her.
The dark knight still floated before Lena as it continued to stare intently at its opponent, it did not move at all almost as if it were frozen in space. Lena confused by the the behaviour expressed by the creature seemed to taken aback by the uneasy silence between her and the creature.
Always focus on your enemy in order to react appropriately towards their next action, the words of her teacher echoed through her mind as for a moment Lena reminisced of old times but this would be cut short as she narrowly dodged an attack that was aimed at her chest.
The dark knight had instantly appeared in front of Lena mid air with its attack having been dodged it immediately followed up with a swing of the spear towards Lena's side to which she blocked quickly with her shield.
''Nice try but your moves are pretty easy to read.'' she taunted.
Lena countered with a swing of her own spear which cleaved the dark knight's left arm from its body along with creating a large gash on its chest and followed up with a kick which was empowered with her energy towards its head which launched it into a large rock resulting in a large dent formed within it.
Lena landed on her feet as she glared at the dark knight that was now lodged in the piece of earth it's eyes were dark as it laid in the earth almost frozen as if it were unconscious.
''Those attacks felt way too much like those of a novice, I honestly expected more from the something that came from you of all people,'' she said turning her attention towards Ras who still sat calmly on the boulder spectating the battle before him.
''Wow that was amazing precision on those reflexes and your strength is nothing to sneeze at either might I add.'' Ras said while clapping for the girl. Lena not amused by his behaviour prepared to make her next attack as energy radiated around her armour and her weapon.
''I spent a bit too much energy on that fight with that creature but I should have enough to take him down and complete my task before I tire out'' she thought as she readied herself to confront him, but before she could even move she sensed something close to her side, to which she reacted to with a thrust of her spear towards the presence only to find nothing before her sight.
''That's strange I thought there was something ther- ''
But she was quickly interrupted by a heavy kick towards the back of her head which sent her flying into a large pile of boulders, the collision resulted in a large explosion as large chunks of earth sprayed over the battlefield.
The young knight found herself almost completely buried under rock, her arms and legs felts numb from the impact as a loud ringing noise filled her head making it difficult for her to focus on her surroundings.
''Come on get up.....get up!'' she told herself as she mustered some strength in her arms and with a heavy push, she managed to break out of the heap of earth as she found herself with her head down on her knees panting heavily.
''Good....not dead'' said a raspy voice as Lena opened her eyes in astonishment realising what may have been talking as she raised her head to confirm her suspicions. Before her stood the dark knight, the creature to which she had previously believed to have defeated now stood with the large gash wound on the left side of its body and its severed left arm held firmly by its right. It's blazing red gaze was firmly on Lena as the large wound on its chest soon began to quickly close as it dug its severed arm back into place as black tendrils began almost sewing the arm back into its body. Lena watched in horror as the dark being had fully regenerated from its wounds and immediately had materialised a black sword in its hand as it stood ready to continue the fight.
Lena slowly raised herself onto her feet, her breaths were heavy and her arms felt weak, she had underestimated how strong her opponent was and now found herself on the back foot of the battle, normally she would have resorted to escaping from her predicament but for some reason her body would not move as if she had been frozen in place. I have to run. Running is the only thing I can do. This thing is beyond me, there's no way I can beat it. I was a fool to think I was ready for this mission. I should have trained more, asked more questions, prepared for the unexpected but I was too quick to action and now I can't even hope to return if I don't escape now.
Lena stared back at the dark knight as it stood with it's weapon ready.
''I'm not running....not when I'm so close to achieving the goal so many had helped me on the way towards.'' she said
As she mustered as much energy as she could cloaking it around her damaged armour reinforcing it. Energy swelled around her hands as she raised her fists and took a fighting stance before the overwhelming creature.
''Weapons don't seem to have much effect on you....so I'm going to have to do it the old fashion way!'' exclaimed Lena as she leaped into the air towards her opponent to which the dark knight responded with a leap of its own towards her.
Ras watched closely with the anticipation of a child.
''And just when I thought this fight was over......haha this just got a whole lot more interesting.'' he cooed as he witnessed the ensuing clash between the two warriors.