''Ok I just gotta time myself just right to avoid any significant injuries with a well made shock absorber.'' as she began amassing the last bits of the energy remaining but soon the ground with the sand which had a large hole through it due to the arrow now quaked even more so as cracks began forming around the spot throughout the area.
Lena watched in awe as a large body rose from the ground sand and rubble slid off its body its shape was wormlike as its stretched more and more from the ground. Large smoke clouds covered the ground below as the shadow of the creature became more vivid even in the night.
''Ok this is very very bad!" exclaimed Lena as she witnessed below her a giant wormlike creature had risen form the ground as its head was directed towards the sky, it head seemed to open which exposed its teeth which were arranged in a circular fashion much like a leach.
Damn just what I fucking needed. I don't have nearly enough energy to escape this it's just too damn big. There isn't any safe place to land unless I wan't to take a trip in that things gut THINK THINK THINK THINK, Lena's mind raced but with her exhaustion kicking in she just couldn't find a means of survival as her plummet into the beast's mouth became imminent.
As Lena watched as the mouth of the creature came closer and closer as tears began her face as she began remembering fond memories to which she quickly wiped her face with her arm before firmly staring down into the creatures mouth.
''WELL THEN IF THIS IS IT.......THEN COME ON YOU SON OF A BITCH I'LL MAKE THIS THE WORST MEAL YOU EVER HAD!!!' yelled Lena with a smile as she formed the largest spear she could in her right han though with the little power she had left to muster due to the condition she was in it was no larger than half of body. Gritting her teeth Lena plunged further as she was only a few feet away from the creatures mouth, with her eyes closed she awaited her fate.
''OI YOU REALLY NEED TO LISTEN TO YOUR ELDERS WHEN THEY GIVE YA SOME KILLER GRUB WOULD HAVE SAVED YA THE TROUBLE!'' echoed a voice through the sky to which Lena recognising it opened her eyes to see non other than Ras who appeared to be zipping through the air towards her and the creature at an unbelievable speed.
Ras immediately appeared next to the worm creature as he surged with a dark energy around himself.
''Alright big boy it's time for a little night night.''cooed Ras as his energy covered the creature completely. The creature swirled and spun in hopes to escape the hold but to no avail as it soon became completely immobile. And with one clench of his fist the giant worm creature found itself violently submerged deep within the ground at an incredible speed to the point where a massive crater was left in its place as it was continuously dragged further and further into the earth until there could not be any more sounds heard from the new hole.
Lena opened her eyes as the dust clouds settled, she found herself moving through the sky instead of falling, she felt something holding onto her as she moved through the air bewildered she quickly looked up. Her eyes met a familiar shadowy figure it's fiery eyes met her gaze back as visible smile formed on its face.
''Missed....me.....kid?'' it taunted as it looked down at Lena whom it now carried through the air, Lena stunned by the figure couldn’t really muster many words as she immediately passed out of total exhaustion. The shadow carrying Lena immediately arrived at the camp where Ras sat down eating some more meat.
''What did you do?'' questioned Ras with a raised brow towards the shadow still carrying the unconscious Lena in its arms.
''I....just teased her is all...promise.'' cooed the shadow with a smile as it laid Lena onto the bed of rocks. Ras got up and grabbed some cloth from his bag and proceeded to cover Lena up as she slept soundly.
Ras sat back on his side of the fire as he threw some meat towards his shadow which it proceeded to consume happily. Ras smiling turned his eye towards Lena sleeping.
''Sheesh if she just had some lizard, I bet ya that none of that would have happen.....probably.'' said Ras with a chuckle.