The next day, Caeden texted Ashlyn and asked her if she wanted to go out with him. He waited anxiously for her reply, hoping she would say yes. He liked her a lot, and he wanted to get to know her better.
She saw his message, and felt a pang of guilt. She liked him too, but she couldn’t go out with him. She had a secret that she couldn’t share with anyone. Her dad was a famous inventor, and, unlike her little brother, showing off that fact, she didn’t want anyone to know. She was afraid that he would only like her for her fame, or that he would expose her to the media. She decided to reject him, even though it hurt her.
She texted him back, and said she was sorry, but she couldn’t go out with him. She didn’t give any reason, and she hoped he wouldn’t ask. She felt sad, and she wished things were different.
He saw her message, and felt a surge of disappointment. He couldn’t believe she said no. He wanted to know why, but he didn’t want to pressure her. He decided to write her a poem instead, hoping to express his feelings for her.
He texted her back, and sent her his poem:
You are the model that inspires me
The delegate that impresses me
The speaker that persuades me
The MUNner that amazes me
You are the one that I want to be with
The one that I long to see
The one that I hope to know
The one that I love, truly.
Ashlyn felt her heart skip a beat. She also felt a pang of remembrance. This was the way the characters of her mother’s first book confessed their love.
“Now you’re just copying my mom’s writing style,” she said jokingly.
“Most likely, no. Unless your mother is Angelina Wylde. I took the idea from one of her books. The delegate of China said she was her mother though. And it's true.” he replied.
“She's my mom too.”
He was shocked by her revelation. He couldn’t believe that she was the daughter of his favorite author. He felt a mix of awe and curiosity. He wanted to know more about her life, her family, and her secrets. He wondered if she had inherited her mother’s talent for writing. “I have to ask Amira about that tomorrow.”
“NO, DON’T!”
“Caps lock…” he replied.
“Oops, sorry.”
He texted her back, and said he was sorry for being so forward. He said he didn’t mean to copy her mother’s style, he just wanted to show her how he felt. He said he understood if she didn’t want to go out with him, but he hoped they could still be friends. He said he admired her a lot, and he respected her decision.
She saw his message, and felt a wave of relief. She was glad that he wasn’t angry or hurt. She was also touched by his sincerity and kindness. She realized that he was a good person, and that maybe she had been too quick to judge him. She wondered if she should give him a chance, or at least explain why she couldn’t go out with him.
(A.N. Ahh, a MUN romance. Cute. I'm rereading these chapters after ages, actually. I think I would've written this after a MUN of my own, actually. But that ended in half of the most prestigious award in conference being split between myself and someone else. I went on hiatus after this chapter. I'm ready to restart.)