I cant believe it!! We got the ring so quickly! Now we can free Prexa and solve the crime—! Uh, no wait.. I need to give it to Hella, then we'll solve the mystery!
~Hella's p.o.v~
Fools...they honestly believe its so easy to find that ring?!?! Hahahahaahahaahahahahahaha, Im gonna have fun playing with this new girl... I watched them return to the house and run up to our room. I went back into Prexa's body, "PREXAAAA! We got the ring!" The young girl smiled brightly, shoving it in our face.
"Thank you." Prexa nodded, reaching out and gently picking up the ring and placing it on her finger. I glanced at it. My chaotic laugh filled the room ,roaring even louder when I saw them shiver, "YoU ReAlLy ThOuGhT ThAT WaS ThE RiNg?!?" I cackled, "YoU gUyS aRe So StUpId!!"
~Sam's p.o.v~
Its the wrong ring....
—okay, calm down, deep breaths..
We just have to find the new ring now, right...?
'It wont be easy~'
I looked up at Prexa/Hella, watching her face slowly crack and form a creepy smile, turning my direction. I looked over at the others, who were just chatting and discussing away. I went up to Prexa/Hella, handing out my hand, whispering lowly, "Give me that ring demon."
I stared at her, "Give. It."
'Make me.'
Oh you little—
I grabbed her hand and tried to yank the ring off, emphasis on: 'Tried'. "Give it you demon." I threatened one last time before pulling her up to take the it. Then I instantly regretted it. The reason I regretted it was because when I pulled her up, she fell on me, her hands on either side of my head. And the others, who weren't even paying attention to us heard the loud thump and averted their attention to our awkward position.
"I ship it." Amon muttered and I swear I was gonna kill him but a force stopped me from getting up. I looked up to her...
'Youre gonna be fun to play with..~'
Suddenly I felt a rush of energy through my veins and arteries.
~Prexa's p.o.v~
I felt myself come back to reality, I knew I was back on earth after seeing Satan down below me. I pushed him off and stumbled backwards. "What the Hell???" I cried, "—a" Ben continued and I glared at him. I saw Crystal run over to me and Amon to Sam, "Are you okay?" she asked me, I nodded slowly, feeling woozy. She nodded and put her hand on my heart, "Okay..you can rest I think." she said calmly but went straight into panic when we heard Amon scream.
Sam wasn't getting up.