I was walking around the mansion and shouting crystal's name to see if she'll hear that it. I went to the attic to see if she was there but she wasn't. I went outside and nothing.
I sat down on a bench to take a little break and instantly I felt someone behind me. It was getting closer and closer...
~Crystal's P.O.V~
I was going closer and closer...
~Prexa's P.O.V~
It came very close and it grabbed my shoulders instantly and I screamed the loudest I probably ever did.
~Crystal's P.O.V~
I grabbed my torch and turned it on to take a closer look into the basement but nothing there. I heard someone scream from the outside so I quickly ran outside to see what happened. There were Ben, Amon and Sam there. Sam said "if it wasn't you or Ben then it has to be Prexa" "Oi why'd you include me in there!?!" Ben shouted but right after I received a recorded message from Prexa saying "Crystal, I think there's.." and there was another recorded message.
It said "esuoh ym fo tuo, lla uoy!!!"