Something was poking me.
I blinked my bleary eyes open, trying to force myself awake as I felt another poke on my cheek. My eyelids slowly opened and I gasped, fully awake.
A small, pink chubby finger reached forward to poke me again as I scrambled backwards.
"Solstice! Calm down, it’s only Max!”
My head jerked in Harvey’s direction, my heart thumping willdly. I looked around the room I was in. It was made entirely of wood that still held a slight log shape. The furniture was small and fit in the room, the paler wood casting a warm glow with the fireplace. The curtains were a thick beige that covered up the windows.
I shuddered and turned to Harvey.
“Where am I? What happened?”
”When I told the doc that I would watch out for ya, she insisted that you make the trip easier on you.” He emphasized the word and my mind clicked.
They drugged me.
Harvey bent down to Max and tried to whisper to him.
“Go play outside. Me and my friend are gonna have a small talk.”
I turned away and rolled my eyes as ‘Max’ ran out the nearest door. His short legs giving him a bouncy jog. I glanced at Harvey, nearly gagging as I saw a look in his eyes and a bittersweet smile on his wrinkled face.
Don’t humans ever get sick of caring for each other?