“Your hands are so dainty even after the war!” The comrade stated in shock as the grip on the small hand held weapon tightened. “St-Stay..away..! Or I-I’ll shoot..!” The dark haired stammered, eyes glossing over even under the smooth circular-framed glasses that were worn.
“Tell me your secret won’t you?” The younger flirted, stalking over to the prey–however, prey would soon become predator–when the firearm was flung away at an impossible strength, sending it out of the little alleyway they were stationed in. “Woah..” Whispered the blond in awe, heart racing, amazed green eyes met with icy blue ones. “How.. did? You— what..?” At a loss for words, the elder smirked, languidly dropping those ridiculously impeccable hands to their rightful position by the hips.
“Me?” The deep, rich voice began, “Oh no no, it’s not my hands you should be amazed by..” Irises cold as steel scanned the dazed figure across, looking for signs of fear or concern. “Wow, I haven’t even bitten you and you’re already on cloud nine my dear?” The words uttered brought the other back down to earth as a new stalker shot out quickly, “D-Dear..? Wha-what’s happ—“
And just like that the position had changed from a duel into a wall-pin. Arms above head and wrists locked into that same dainty, smooth and soft hand; the green-pear peeper stared up at the capturer, dreamily heading into another dimension altogether. “Youreeee adorableeeeee...! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah...” The taller sighed, a hand coming to facepalm as his eyes spied a tender and fragrant section of collarbone. “Ooo~ Yummy” The alabaster predator hummed, swiping a stray hair back from the delicacy.
The vampire leaned down and bit into the flesh, feeling the feeding body go rigid first then boneless towards the wall as a soft groan was heard. The glasses-wearer sighed happily and drank until the urge was fulfilled. Once done, the ravenette pulled back to admire the work of art that was made. “Beautiful” and that was all that was said before the drained and woozy-but still alive-body was yanked into a forceful, bloody kiss.